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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. In the photo the agreement appears to be getting signed/stamped by a colonel of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force. Well done "The Thaiger".
  2. People pay to bring extra cabin baggage on board. Very much looking forward to reading AN newsletter the day after someone sees you unloading their gear from the overhead locker. My choices would be to find space elsewhere or get an attendant to find it for me.
  3. They certainly can, given that the advice given so often here is to get the extension a week to 10 days before VE permissions expire. The fault lies entirely with the person who has not bothered to plan properly. However that is not to say that the IO will make life uncomfortable for the individual concerned.
  4. A friend of mine owns a basement flat a few minutes walk from where she died. Forget abut "Upmarket Westminster", the area is Bayswater, this is a "Bayswater Murder", that is how Londoners would refer to it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayswater I worked "just down the road", 200yds East of Marble Arch, for 7 years in 80's/90's. In those days telephone boxes were full of business cards advertising "services" in Bayswater (as described in the link below). Move on to 2015: "Bayswater, or at least parts of it were historically a red light district, and every now and again there are reports of brothels being busted, mainly of the type involving captive immigrant sex slaves held as their 'debts' are unpaid. This isn't likely to be apparent to tourists as it isn't the 'streetwalking' kind of prostitution - there is more of that in Paddington, albeit not what it was even a few years back. Do an internet search and plenty of escort agencies based in the Bayswater area are shown" https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/england/bayswater-section-of-london It's no different now, except more internet contacts and many more LBs on offer.
  5. Enoon

    90 days nightmare

    But you, by your own admission, complied with the rule that compelled you to leave the country every 90 days: "I refused to ever do 90 day reporting, I would just leave the country....."
  6. A contagious disease is one that transmitted from one human to another. Legionnaires is not a contagious disease: "Legionellosis is not contagious, meaning it is not spread from person-to-person. Disease transmission primarily occurs through inhaling Legionella-contaminated, aerosolized water. While rare, exposure is also possible from breathing in (i.e., aspirating) Legionella contaminated soil or while drinking water." https://www.osha.gov/legionnaires-disease/medical-information
  7. The annular rocket festival, shown in the video in the post preceding this one, is in Kutwa, Kuchinari amphoe, Kalasin province. It is held a week after the Yasothon festival so it will be 17th-19th May.
  8. The fact of there being very few collapsed buildings (and very few deaths) indicates that the Taiwanese, unlike the Turks, have built them to withstand earthquakes very well. That building is probably doing exactly what it as supposed to do in an earthquake. I suspect that it sits on a massively strong foundation, which was designed to move instead of breaking, and that the building itself is very well secured to that foundation and also built to withstand a large angle of tilt without collapsing. I googled "Buildings taiwan earthquake" and as well as the headline photo in this article I got these two examples:
  9. It would also be possible to just add a question mark, thus: "I could give a ****?" or "Like I could give a ****?" I believe those are popular ways to express lack of concern.
  10. Great photo choice for the article. That's the Indonesian KRI Nanggala......lost with all hands off Bali in 2021.
  11. I (in an adjacent province) picked that up 2-3 weeks ago.....took about 10 days before recovery commenced. Self diagnosed as Bronchitis. Ok now.
  12. I do not believe for one moment that the scientists were "spooked".
  13. It's nothing to do with parental consent. Age of consent in Thailand (the age of the person engaging in the sexual activity) is 15. They are the person who gives the consent. However the law provides for the individual to withdraw their consent after the activity, parents often pressuring them to do so. That is what gets people in trouble. This is advice for teenagers who may think that because they are over 15 they are not liable to prosecution even though both consenting partners are over 15: "In Thailand sexual encounters with a minor under the age of 18 may be classed as a compoundable offence, even if this was with a person over 15 and with their explicit consent. To clarify (I hope!), what this means is that a young person having sex with another person aged 15, 16, or 17 may be prosecuted for this “compoundable offence” if one participant (normally the girl), or their parent, were to file charges against the other side when they later decided they regretted what they had done. In effect, this makes the unfettered Thai age of consent to sex to be 18 years of age." https://www.lannaist.ac.th/keeping-our-teenage-children-safe/
  14. Recycle, re-manufacture, replace. You poor old sods really do not get it do you?
  15. When you speak in Thai they gain an insight into your character that they would not get if you only spoke English......because they do not speak English so well and are unable to read you very well. Because you speak Thai you reveal yourself to them in the same way that you reveal yourself on AseanNow. I find you to be a typically tiresome, alcoholic bore. It seems that many people, perhaps the majority, who respond to you on AN think you to be a complete ****...............why should Thai people think otherwise? Do you get it?........people treat you as they find you. That's all the "attention" you'll be getting from me today........carry on.
  16. Enoon


    I don't need to "wonder" why you don't understand other peoples motivations. That's all your post is .........another dreary old **** complaining that some other people don't see the world as he does, and peeved because they want to live differently to him. Ten a penny on AN. I know why you are like that......you are a miserable old ****. That's all I need to know.
  17. https://www.airlineratings.com/airline-ratings/?l=C
  18. The law as determined by your status.
  19. "Several social media platforms have posted images of the Russian, taken from the shop’s CCTV system." Any of them show the crime in commission? I would also very much like to have seen what was/wasn't being worn under those tables in the background: Open season now on foreigners......plenty of unscrupulous, greedy Thais willing to attempt to capitalise on that.
  20. "There must be a flip side of the coin; complete nutters or the copper got out of hands and started to brandish his gun around" In between "complete nutters" and "copper got out of hands" one might insert "cop attempted to extort a bribe to let them go and they told him to **** off". That would give the story an interesting "spin".
  21. Illegal entries and "ulterior motives" A bit too late to start screening people after they have entered illegally.......and pointless. Just throw them out and ban them if you like. Potentially every visitor may have an "ulterior motive". How do you screen them........scapolomine/lie detector test, on entry, at the airport for VE visitors? "All crimes committed by foreigners to be investigated and prosecuted, including violations of the Immigration Act, the Alien Employment Act, the Entertainment Places Act, illegal business operations, nominee arrangements where Thai nationals own shares or real estate on behalf of foreigners to avoid legal compliance." Previous policy was to ignore crimes by foreigners? It would be a better idea for Thailand to clean up its act and desist from being a magnet for crooks, scum and lowlife. Have your leaders, authorities and state employees stop blatantly acting like crooks, scum and lowlife (in doing so passing on that example to the rest of the population) and you might get that "better class" of visitors that remain your eternal wet-dream. It is your reality, not your absurd, hubristic, deluded self-image, that brings the worst possible types....don't blame the flies for swarming to the sewer.
  22. deleted
  23. However the potentially rain producing clouds may not dump their load.......not unusual. The object of cloud seeding (introducing a chemical catalyst into cloud) is to try and ensure that they do. That is what will be happening. Unfortunately there is little evidence to show that cloud seeding significantly affects precipitation.
  24. Meanwhile the cops mates stand back and video instead of stepping in to help him? Keep up the good work RTP.
  25. "After being contacted by Narenthorn Centre, Capt. Dr. Atchariya Pangma, NIEM’s secretary-general, approved the use of a helicopter to quickly transfer the tourist to Trang Hospital and coordinated with the Fourth Army Region to send one." "NIEM’s Sky Doctor emergency service is available in all parts of the country to assist both both locals and tourists free of charge with the cost being covered by the Emergency Medical Fund."
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