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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. If action were taken against the farmers it would contradict a basic tenet of feudal maintenance. To paraphrase Magna Carta: "......villeins should not have fines/pressures imposed upon them so heavy that they would have to give up the necessaries of life...." Feudal Britain, G W S Barrow, 1956. To do so threatens the compact between serf and overlord. It is already become shaky in Thailand. Devotion to maintaining an anachronistic institution is, ultimately, what fans the flames of the polluting fires.
  2. He was swiftly hounded out of business. He was first featured on AN on 17th January 2017. Two days later: "Gareth Payne said on his No Name Burger Facebook fan page that he had been "verbally attacked". He cited other farangs "on some site" as being responsible. He said that people were "talking so bad" about him and he just wanted to make people happy and be left alone, reports Daily News."
  3. "WOLFPA...." That is an F-16 from the 8th Fighter Wing, Kunsan air base, ROK. WP is the base code, so they designate themselves "WolfPack:
  4. He already did that when he went into his violent frenzy. His mental disorder now manifesting as dissociation. Nothing matters to him now........he absolutely does not give a ****. The problem for Thailand is that it attracts so many foreigners who, like him, are close to the edge. It's the go-to place for "troubled" Westerners.
  5. You will probably get much better information if you type each of your questions into a google search. Type them one at a time, after the answer to your first question move on and type the second question. During those searches you will probably find the answers to some of your questions before you have asked them. Also you will find answers to questions that you haven't thought to ask here, such as "How do we avoid getting ripped off by lovely, smiling, Buddhist Thai people?" This will get you started on that journey of discovery: https://yourthaiguide.com/top-10-bangkok-scams-you-should-avoid/ Have a wonderful time and don't forget to bring respirators.
  6. "when it comes to electricity and electronics i am totally lost" I believe you are correct in your self assessment. You have not connected your batteries in parallel.
  7. Their only competition is other pearly white, blue eyed, Russians......charging similar prices. You might like to consider which segment of "users" they and their colleagues selectively appeal to.
  8. He should be quoting it, because the parallels between the minor provocation and the horrifically disproportionate reaction of the driver who attacked him, and that of the Swiss who, for similarly minor reasons, savagely beat up the woman, are obvious. Also because the contrast between the police behaviour in each case is so dramatic. For the Swiss, within 24 hours, "The police have prepared to charge him with serious assault due to the gravity of Natchanan’s injuries" .......and they have happily named and shamed him . Thus we can look forward to "outrage" from Thai netizens and demands for him to be treated most severely. For BMT......nothing, several months later there is no visible movement from the police, and the would-be killer remains anonymous and free as a bird.
  9. 1. There isn't going to be the sort of nuclear exchange that is usually depicted in the "WW3" disaster scenarios used to panic/entertain those who know no better. 2. There is going to be no "Nuclear Winter".
  10. "Crazy like a woman, strong like a man"
  11. For a few years the thought has nagged me that the publicised predictions for climate heating have actually been edited down, in order to prevent world panic and to give "them" time to build their offworld sanctuary and prepare their planetary escape pods. How's that for conspiracy theory?
  12. You do if you are "vulnerable". Games rooms are full of lonely, incel, nerds.......she chose her fishing ground well.
  13. Once again we see the "tricoteuses" of AN turning, like a pack of soi dogs, on a fellow expat. Why....moral outrage and an urgent desire for "justice"? No ******* way. It's all about "reputation" and "image"....all they care about is themselves and the way it might reflect on them. What a sad bunch of self-interested, insecure, paranoid *****. I've got Thai people walking through my compound today just like any other day....shortcuts to their fields. Everyones happy They don't give a ****, and neither do I, you poor sad *****.
  14. I thought that usually it was treated as such in Thailand. So much so that the police tell the parties to **** off and sort it out between themselves. Money changes hands and that's it.
  15. Bowel cancers develop from small polyps, but not all polyps develop into cancers. If they find polyps they will snip/cauterize them during the colonoscopy to be on the safe side. I've had a few removed during the last 10 years or so. History of bowel cancer on my mothers side of the family so I have had it done every 2 years. If you have gas you stay awake. The gas is a mixture of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen....great feeling and better than weed or alcohol. If the need arises it will be my method of transport on the journey towards the unknown region.
  16. I'm sure the British press/media would love the story. From a "third party" obviously. It could roll quite nicely.....all the way back to Thailand. Especially if the third party were to make it clear that you were unable to say anything or take any action against the would-be murderer, because they would ruin you in the courts with the disgustingly preferential, wealth, influence, elite protecting defamation laws. Would make a nice sequel to the Koh Tao case.
  17. "As an aside, any man who hits a woman is a low life in my book." Except if the woman was Irma Geese.......or the like of. Maybe take a little water with your compulsion to be a......"gentleman".
  18. Try a "Cat Cafe". Reeks to high heaven of cat pi55. Won't do that again!
  19. Kalasin also has a unique "annular rocket" festival: Only about 20% of them exploded when I was there!
  20. "How can you change that? It's such a profoundly stupid, and yet molecularly ingrained, attitude......" A lot of eggs will need to be broken before the omelette is made. A lot of eggs.
  21. Slums are just under-utilised real estate to Srettha. Even if there were humans there, they would be humans whose previously "impious" existence justly condemned them to live this life in miserable squalor. It's not just him......that is the way their planet works.
  22. PBS attacking MFP because MFP criticised Thaksins selectively preferential treatment as a "born-again" member of the elite. Thaksin has been rehabilitated and welcomed into the ruling clique/elite "team", so naturally PBS, being its instrument, is attacking MFP. PBS criticising MFP for not celebrating the return and release of the "politically persecuted" turncoat........Thaksin. PBS meanwhile ignoring those still unjustly subject to persecution/imprisonment/censure/exile because of their continuing opposition to the elite........you will not read a single word of support for them from PBS.
  23. "It is becoming increasingly Orwellian out there" More likely it's just that your delusions have started to become paranoid. Looking forward to your post saying that the "questioners" have started communicating to you via the plumbing system in you household. Schizophrenia is not about "split personality"......it about delusions, paranoia, hallucinations and detachment from reality. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/schizophrenia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354443 Good luck.
  24. "What was the problem exactly?" That you did not explain to them very well that you had ****** up your chance to make a last METV entry, and because of that you had to make visa exempt entry?........and then you started telling them what the rules were? I would need to have seen and heard it all on video before I could be sure what actually took place.
  25. Forensic need to check out the handbag her MIL used on the day. Maybe someone should also find how much the the husband had the deceased insured for. "Piccolo".....is that a Sicilian name? Related news: Mushroom murders in Australia.
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