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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Sweden has been manufacturing fighter jets since 1947 (first flight of Saab J21R)
  2. It's "entertainment". He played the role exactly as scripted. Everybody did.
  3. Not at all. Pita knew, absolutely, that the Old Order would be the worst sort of loser. This is nothing compared to what is on the way........which has also been anticipated by the Democratic leadership. You think that, after the sort of change they proposed, they did not expect that this would be the hardest of hardball games? If anyone is showing naivety, and not a little contempt.......it's you.
  4. Yep, that sounds pretty much like what happens nigh on every week in the village that I stay in. That's Thailand. Have you not noticed before?
  5. The shop owner declared it to be normal practice and "defended the masseur’s actions". That satisfies me that the incident took place and is not "alleged".
  6. I suspect the "pigs canines" are more likely boar tusks.
  7. Fundamental failure to comprehend on your part. Assigned Sex is what is on your birth certificate. it is assigned according to the appearance of specific parts of your Anatomy Gender is something else, the clue is in the word Identity. You, and many others on AN, really need to get a bit more info on how it all works, because you talk like people who don't really know the subject/study/science. You do not have sufficient knowledge or understanding to make a worthwhile contribution to the discussion. Just as I could not if I tried to take part in a conversation about Quantum Physics, Crypto Currency, Cricket, or Australian Football. You have a narrow, uninformed.......opinion. The fact is that you are way out of your depth........it's all beyond you. You are in a "pre-knowledge" state of mind.........and your prejudice determines that you will stay that way. So I will waste no more words on you.
  8. It doesn't say no uniform. it just gives the option for the pupils to wear the uniform that suits the gender they feel themselves to be. Simply put.....they may wear a boys or girls uniform.
  9. Not difficult to make out the individual LED panels in the fitting. Looks like you are headed towards a light pollution situation. On no account reveal any irritation or disapproval of the project or its effect on your life. You are his best mate and will offer sympathy and understanding if it gets damaged in any way.
  10. I would expect that every wife of a PEA worker has the same hunch every day. This incident is by no means rare in Thailand.
  11. Due to the unprecedented amount of confusion and sadness generated by my post, I feel compelled to state that the burning of my motorcycle occurred as a result of me being "out of it", having previously partaken in a rather large spliff, offered to me when I was visited by my best friend and his user GF, which happened pretty much daily.....smoked a fair bit back then. The fire brigade were not too happy. 2 weeks previously they had been called to my cottage to attend an incident involving an oven full of burning baked potatoes......that had been "forgotten".......it was my brother who was stoned on that occasion! On a not so light note.......the GF and her siblings (except for the one brother who rose to senior level in the Brig of Guards) were very heavily into the dope. A few years later she became an epileptic (thus she felt compelled to stop riding her V50 Guzzi) while one of her two other brothers (the heaviest user) developed schizophrenia and finished his life jumping from an upper storey. All told, sufficient evidence for me to finish with the stuff back then. Hey.......didn't somebody say that it's recently become legal, and very widely available, in Thailand?
  12. You certainly are missing something.........Cobra Gold 2023: ............that's probably because you're "new" ????
  13. One tends to miss those connections/consequences.........when stoned. I learned that a long time ago, thinking it would be "interesting" to check the strength of my plug spark.......while draining the fuel from the bikes tank!! ????
  14. This is all "preliminaries". The peoples voice, that of their representatives, and that of their allies, will be heard and acted upon. No "civil" judgement will decide. That was never destined to be.
  15. That particular area of stone is considered to possess a special spiritual power/value. That is why it is prized for carving into Buddha statues........which get to have a higher spiritual power and, consequently, a greater sale value. A bit like carving out of Gold Ore bearing rock. Perhaps there is a procedure (making money for the local abbot!) for releasing the rock "appropriately", but these guys are considered to be, effectively, poaching. All skcollob for you and I......but it's their little bit of the "spiritual" world and it makes a difference to them. Imagine the ****storm if people were found slicing up Stonehenge (only sacred because someone a long time ago said it was) to carve into sculptures, to be sold, along with the incense sticks and Meditation Music CD's, in those "spiritual well being" shops in the UK! Fundamental factor is that, in an Animist influenced culture/society......which is what Thailand is, the very material itself is considered sacred (because someone said so) and protected, even before it gets carved. See: Praying to lions, ponds, trees, stones, you name it, in Animist/Animist Influenced belief systems. All bonkers of course.......but it's their party.
  16. "a renewed national conflict in the near term for the government that may emerge in August between entrenched establishment and pro-democratic forces in Thailand." Guaranteed.
  17. Yes, that's right, go on......type it......two words, first one begins with "B".
  18. “Pelajar Bangsa” is Malay language. They want an independent Ethnic Malay state. Islam happens to be their religion, which forms an essential component of their very not-Siamese/Thai ethnicity, culture and society. They started agitating for it in 1948 because they had been colonised by Siam/Thailand and: "After WWII, national self-determination became an objective for some countries and international organizations like the United States and the United Nations. Proponents of national self-determination largely believed the inhabitants of a region should be able to decide what government is best for themselves" https://study.com/academy/lesson/post-wwii-independence-movements-around-the-world-history-examples.html They never were, they never wanted to be, they don't want to be......Thai. It is so ******* simple.
  19. "crashed into a palm tree" Looks like wrapped around a palm tree? How fast do you need to go to bend an Altis to what appears to be a +45% angle?
  20. https://www.statista.com/statistics/520954/brexit-votes-by-age/ And my cousin, who dreamed of living in Southern France, where she and her family had spent so many happy camping holidays, was one of them! Stupid ******* *****!
  21. Before anyone suggests that it was because he was a drunk and that withdrawal was causing the voices, consider that he may have been using alcohol to self-medicate for the mental illness that was the source of the voices, and that when he stopped using the alcohol he lost his alcohol induced "insensibility" to them. Hallucinations, often voices, negative, neutral or positive, are the number one typical symptom of schizophrenia. The are as real to the sufferer as a voice on the radio is to anyone else, and have a powerful affect on them. Shame on the person who posted the laugh emoji on the front page.
  22. "A handful [well....ok, more than a handful] of loyal activists protesting in the streets of BKK does not define a revolution." That's how it always starts......with a "handful". Imagine you......being so blind. Very disappointing.
  23. Forget it Dan, It's Thailand. 3, 2, 1.......forgotten. See?........easy
  24. More specifically it is referencing the symbol of the "Restart Thailand" campaign.......run by the Free Youth Group, the group that was at the core of the Pro-Democracy protests of 2020. The Sickle for R the Hammer for T. It allowed them to to create a "nexus" of concepts (ie RT = Republic of Thailand) guaranteed to **** off the "Establishment". Its implications were also questioned at the time: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/hammer-and-sickle-campaign-may-backfire-on-protest-movement/ It is well known that Thai borrowing/referencing of "foreign" words/symbols frequently creates ........"misunderstanding".
  25. Mental health and competence is what is at greatest risk. Any chance of getting an impartial opinion of yours? Not much use asking you to give an assessment of it.......for obvious reasons.
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