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Posts posted by Opl

  1. "Trump truly is something new—the first president whose entire political existence hinges on the fact of a black president. And so it will not suffice to say that Trump is a white man like all the others who rose to become president. He must be called by his rightful honorific—America’s first white president..It’s Impossible to Imagine Trump Without the Force of Whiteness”



    "The first white president in American history is also the most dangerous president—and he is made more dangerous still by the fact that those charged with analyzing him cannot name his essential nature, because they too are implicated in it."

  2. 39 minutes ago, radiogeneris said:

    President Trump is the best president america ever had. Deep state and fake news are constantly coming up with fake news and trying to discredit him. I tell you, it is all fake! CNN is total rubish to the point that is is just ridiculous. NBC is even worse! All these media companies are controlled by BIG interest groups, aka Deep State. They feel threatened by Trump, but they are constantly loosing. Example: latest Hollywood scandal... Follow Trump on twitter to know the truth. Stock market is up, unemployment lower. The guy is a super genius and he will drain the swamp eventually. Expect BIG news coming tomorrow. Aee Sean hannity show on Fox news...

    as you say, TRUMP is gorgeous,

    he is what the enemies of the USA dreamed of

    and they  were granted. 


  3. 12 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:


    +  some interesting numbers show how Trump as POTUS puts Trump's interests - as family business -  first-

    a very profitable presidency : " President Donald Trump frequently uses his luxury properties for government business and leisure, prompting ethics concerns over a president appearing to promote his private enterprise at public cost. "





  4. "Donald Trump’s lawyers are open to having the president sit down for an interview with Robert Mueller, according to a senior White House official, as part of a wider posture of cooperation with the special counsel’s Russia probe. A meeting with Trump could also bring perils for Mueller himself, legal experts said.  (A USA Today database counted more than 4,000 federal and state lawsuits involving Trump over three decades in business)"


  5. "Trump threatened to cancel NBC's broadcasting licence because he is still fuming over the network's reports about chaos in his WH and Sec. of State Rex Tillerson calling  him a moron.."


    "The president’s willingness to potentially challenge the broadcast licenses of a media outlet whose coverage he objects to marked an escalation in rhetoric for Trump"


  6. On ‎09‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:48 PM, joecoolfrog said:

    Ýou got to feel sympathy for Puppet Pence . Cant be easy sitting for long on those stadium seats with an orange clowns hand wedged firmly up his jacksy !

    and .. 

    Pence is a creationist convinced that Darwin is wrong.

    He is also convinced that taking a knee is an insult to the American flag. 

    So..  kneeling for prayer every Sunday in his church, must be insult to intelligence  he commits every week. ( Trump has to explain him) 

  7. Three percent of the nation owns half the firearms—to prepare for an ultraviolent showdown that exists only in their imagination..  patriots will be obliged to become terrorist rebels, like Americans did in 1776 and 1861, this time to defend liberty against the U.S. government before it fully reveals itself as a tyrannical fascist-socialist-globalist regime and tries to confiscate every private gun. ."



  8. " The NRA doesn’t want you to be considered a member, because you may have crazy views of guns. The NRA only claims to have 5 million members, but that’s not Pew says they have more. What gives? You would think that the NRA would be thrilled at a poll that claims they have roughly 14 million members. And they are — kind of."





    A reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.

    The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.



  10. 3 minutes ago, amvet said:

    It gets the point across that totems are very important to a lot of people and some behave irrationally when those things like religious and national symbols are treated in any other way but the traditional prescribed way.  If I was trying to negotiate with a group of people for positive change I wouldn't try and offend them by violating their traditional handling of totemic things.   I wouldn't kneel or sit during a national anthem or call a ruler considered god "rocket man."  Both are absolutely nuts. 


    Free press as well as free speech are totems too. 

    IMO, you are talking about taboos. 


  11. 17 hours ago, inThailand said:

    Guns don't kill. People do the killing.


    and .. The NRA does not claim responsibility for the mass shooting / killing.

    and ... Trump is praying 

    and ... If the good guys had carried rocket launchers they would have disarmed the killer in no time

    and ... " if we had them why can't we use them?"

    What could possibly be wrong? 


  12. 1 hour ago, amvet said:

    I'm a totally blind idiotic, uninformed simple minded right winger?  I haven't called anyone any names on this thread or indeed ever on this forum.  You are trying to start a fight by calling me names as opposed to debate.  The young black men of the NFL are trying by kneeling, sitting and giving the black power salute to anger mainstream America instead of promoting racial harmony.  


    The black young men are protesting racial profiling by profiling the American Anthem.  Up to them but I think it is as Trumpian as you calling me names. 


    Wouldn't it serve a higher purpose to discuss ways to change the conditions that caused the NFL protests rather than try and exacerbate them?


    Would you say mainstream America is  less upset by police brutality  ( endorsed by Trump) than by kneeling National Anthem peaceful protest ? 

  13. 10 minutes ago, amvet said:

    Even back to the Berlin Olympics in 1936 I think you will find that sportsmen would rather keep sport clear of politics. 


    All this thread long , I refrained from posting this picture of Tommie Smith,  John Carlos AND Peter Norman  

    but since you did, I'm pleased to remind some facts: 


    These two gloved fists will remain forever in the history of Olympic sport as a sign of courage and freedom in order to show the world the injustices suffered by black Americans. The two African-American athletes presented themselves even barefoot, symbol of poverty. This gesture provoked controversial reactions in the United States and the discontent of the Olympic Committee, which decided to exclude the two sprinters for life. Peter Norman, the Australian athlete, will also be sanctioned by his country: he will not be selected for the 72 Olympics in Munich.


    And let's not forget 


    Lee Evans, Larry James and t Ron Freeman The next day, three other 400-meter African-American winners, Lee Evans, Larry James and Ron Freeman, will appear on the podium with a black beret, another reference to the continuing injustice



    The National Museum of African American History and Culture

    I, Too, Sing America

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "smith carlos statue"



    "From Carlos and Smith to Kaepernick, amidst countless other cultural examples, the dynamic of this museum, relative to the ongoing struggles in American over African-American civil rights, is already poignant to observe."




  15. 10 minutes ago, amvet said:

    The disrespect of norms established while the American Anthem is playing is done to express dislike of the American system of treating black people.  To try and insist otherwise flies in the face of logic.  If it was not disrespectful why would they do it?  That's the point.  Showing disrespect.  The same as civil disobedience as opposed to violent protest.  



    "If we would have started out by ignoring what players were saying and pointing out how humbled they must be to live in America it could have nipped this in the bud."





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