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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 15 minutes ago, amvet said:


    That has nothing to do with my post.  Any half brained idiot knows disrespect is not a crime in the USA.


    Patriotism? Rather highjack.. "Every half brained" knows Trump made the reason for his fight with the NFL clear .


    "The President is attempting to hide behind the flag to dodge the growing darkness of the Russia scandal."


  2. 8 minutes ago, amvet said:

    To all concerned.  Of course kneeling down is disrespectful.  That's the point.  Those guys feel that America disrespects black people and the black people want to show disrespect in return.  Normal behavior during the playing of a National Anthem is standing up with hand on heart.  A fist, the bird, mooning, turning your back, kneeling down or standing on your head, sticking out your tongue or throwing a shoe are elements of disrespect. 


    "This week, a high official, the president of the United States, has repeatedly called for the punishment of American citizens for exercising the very right guaranteed by Barnette — the right to refuse to salute the flag. Or, more precisely, the right to modify their salute to the flag.The decision to kneel represented a defense of the ideals of the flag, not defiance of the nation they love."

    -> the right to modify their salute to the flag.The decision to kneel represented a defense of the ideals of the flag, not defiance of the nation they love
    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/451697/donald-trump-nfl-protests-why-they-knelt
  3. 27 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



    You omitted the term....... "democratically elected"... there somewhere.

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump us flag charlottesville"


    " Blowing up our American political game with citizens, institutions, and identities for the sheer hell of it, turning it into a full-blown Competition Game … that’s a historic tragedy. We don’t get over that."


  4. ‘Unfit for office’: Trump’s latest ‘racist victim blaming’ tantrum blaming ‘lazy’ Puerto Ricans shocks the Internet: “Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help,” the president tweeted. “They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort.”







  5. 6 minutes ago, inThailand said:

    I love the idiots posting here.

    What you think about Obama's countless vacation trips they were ok? This is what WD does all the time but because it's Trump's administration it makes news, even though he fires the guy.

    Are you still sore he was right about the election or kneeling during the anthem? 


    I love numbers reflecting facts 

    " According to the website Trump Golf Count, the president has traveled to his courses at least 60 times since his inauguration . Assuming each trip costs $3 million each, this means that U.S. taxpayers have spent $180 million indulging Trump's desire to visit his golf properties. The $1 million spent by Price pales in comparison. The cost of the president's frequent traveling to his golf courses has become so enormous that it is literally making the Secret Service go broke trying to pay agents to protect him, USA Today reported in August"




  6. 3 hours ago, Slip said:

    This is pretty old and now, and I'm sure some of our GOP supporters would disagree with some or all of it, but it has some interesting ideas that support the proposition that Trump will not be impeached.


    Very interesting article, thank you

    "he could serve as an ideal Trojan Horse for their extremist agenda. The fact that many on the right already had a strange admiration for Putin, and that both white supremacist and fundamentalist Christian supporters had close ties to Russia probably served to lessen concern among GOP electeds that their candidate might be compromised by a foreign nation." 


  7. 6 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Good post. The hypocrisy of the Right is astounding regards "Free Speech". Another article, IMO, that does a good job of presenting the issues at hand...


    The Supreme Court’s words have a profound cultural meaning that resonates far beyond the letter of the law. The government cannot force a man to violate his conscience. Nor should it try to bully powerful, private entities into doing what the state cannot legally accomplish. Private corporations should think twice before using their own economic and cultural power to enforce conformity, even if they are legally empowered to censor their employees. Again, the cure for bad speech is better speech, and free speech cannot flourish in the midst of a culture of censorship.

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/451877/standing-national-anthem-voluntary-not-required




    Thanks Simple1 for sharing,

    Another link  connected to your shared article 

    "This week, a high official, the president of the United States, has repeatedly called for the punishment of American citizens for exercising the very right guaranteed by Barnette — the right to refuse to salute the flag. Or, more precisely, the right to modify their salute to the flag.The decision to kneel represented a defense of the ideals of the flag, not defiance of the nation they love."

  8. 43 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color......  https://www.sbnation.com/2016/9/11/12869726/colin-kaepernick-national-anthem-protest-seahawks-brandon-marshall-nfl


    So said a black man who was (at the time) getting paid $2m? to play in a sport where over 70% of the players are black, and the average salary is $2M PA.  Mmmmmm.  Something is not quite right.  And I do mean not right.  


    Meanwhile the American people are speaking in droves, attendance and viewership at NFL games is down and continuing to slide.  Sponsors of players and the NFL are starting to cancel their support. Also meanwhile, Nascar has told all drivers and teams that if they dont stand for the anthem and flag raising, they will be fired.  


    And of course the MSM and liberals are complaining about what Trump said and his tweets, which is exactly what many Americans have said too. Trump didnt divide America to become the POTUS - he took the conservative patriotic side of the argument - and he won.  

    So the main issue here is because they are black Americans ?

  9. "Trump made the reason for his fight with the NFL clear on Sunday. The President is attempting to hide behind the flag to dodge the growing darkness of the Russia scandal"



    "When Donald Trump tweeted for a boycott of the NFL if team owners didn’t fire players for protesting racism, Trump may have broken a law that is punishable by a fine, jail time or both – and Trump may have further disqualified himself from serving in public office."


  10. Scott Adams Explains the Persuation Techniques Trump is using on The Wall and DACA : "Visual Persuasion,  Simplicity, Strategic Ambiguity, Big First Demand, Thinking Past the Sale, Trading Imaginary Assets for Real Ones, Pacing and Leading, High Ground Maneuver"





  11. 2 minutes ago, rhodie said:

    Sure, but only speculation. Not fact. Next!

    Stink Of Collusion Reeks Off Of GOP As Russia Connected Billionaire Pays Trump Legal Fees

    "“President Donald Trump’s attorneys in the probe of Russian election interference are being funded in part through a Republican Party account with a handful of wealthy donors—including a billionaire investor, a property developer seeking U.S. government visas and a Ukrainian-born American who has made billions of dollars doing business with Russian oligarchs,”



  12. 2 hours ago, rhodie said:

    That may well be true, but adds nothing here. Nothing so far to directly implicate him.

    "If the Russia scandal is a hoax, why did the President fire James Comey to kill the investigation? Trump has admitted multiple times that he fired Comey over Russia, but firing the FBI Director would never have been necessary if Trump was innocent."


  13. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

     Total ballocks!


    Judging people by the way they dress!

    Judging family, relatives and neighbors when interviewed ...    

    British press: one of the suspects is called Yahiah Farroukh and comes from Syria with his family. According to his mother and his sister-in-law, he is a kind, hardworking boy, attending only the right people, and he wanted to go back to university....

    And of course those terrorists received no support from them when they try to escape .. 


  14. 36 minutes ago, iReason said:

    Small donors are not paying Trump’s legal bills. It’s worse.


    "Trump, who has claimed to have a net worth of $10 billion dollars, used RNC funds to pay his personal lawyer John Dowd $100,000 and an additional $131,250 to pay Jay Sekulow, another attorney representing Trump who frequently appears on TV."


    "On top of those payments, the RNC also paid nearly $200,000 for Trump Jr.’s lawyers."


    "Other recent donors include the Robert and Rebekah Mercers, the patrons of Steve Bannon, and advocates for some of Trump’s most radical policies."



    And who pays for the WH staff legal bills? 

    " Trump and his aides have complained bitterly and often about leaks, including leaks from the White House. But who needs leaks when lunch reservations will suffice?"


  15. On ‎17‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 11:28 AM, simple1 said:

    So far as I know currently the factual circumstances of the individuals involved with the terror attack at Parson's Green are unknown. HMG passed legislation for a specific issue, unaccompanied asylum seeker children, stuck in countries such as Greece, due to a complete breakdown in orderly processing of claims. The program admitted 350 persons and has now ceased. At the time Europol reported an estimated 10,000 unaccompanied asylum children were missing, one hears no expression of concern from you or others as to what has happened to the missing, likely to be in the hands of organised crime groups, child prostitution, slave workers etc etc.


    Security agencies in Western countries have made very clear Islamist terror attacks will continue for a number of years. Are you going to spew out bile on social media, contrary to the advise by our security agencies, for years on end?

    Contrary to appearances, it is out of love that parents send some of their children to Europe They know that they will benefit from missing structures in their home countries:  shelters, rehab programs, budget for their care...Especially if they do not send money back , these unaccompanied minors will no longer be a burden for their families once in Europe.. most of them are lodged in centers but they do not want to stay there,


  16. 12 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

    Si Thea01 I think these people who voted for the recent candidates who lost still feel the need to keep on spouting their thoughts on social media because they still think they have something important to say, even though it now has no relevence whatsoever. I mean Hillary lost right, so what are they still banging that drum. We get it here in the UK. Theresa May won yet Corbyn is still wandering around demanding this or that as if he was elected!!! Same with Brexit. It seems the liberal left, and the mainstream left cannot accept defeat and feel the need to act more childish than their parents actually brought them up to be (or should I say parent in the singular? Or maybe just go straight for it and say mummy).


    They have no sense of well being, they are still very angry and bitter about things that do not go their way. You only have to look at 2 certain characters on here to see that. Im not sure what class they are in but I think its somewhere just above kindergarten bless them. Once someone teaches them that they cannot stamp their feet everytime they do not get what they want, maybe an open and grown up debate can be had, but hopefully no more about Hillary please, she is now a has been where Trump is prevailing

    Are you posting from Pyongyang? 

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