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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 4 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    I hope not, I actually agree with many of his policies. I truly think he will make the US great again, of the bloody liberals and media stop hounding him and let him get on with doing a good job.

    Actually, what Trump as POTUS has " tremendously" achieved is a lot of damage, "like never in History" , most notably to the American brand - and all that it once stood for.

    Trump is "fantastic" at deconstructing.  Because he is lazy. 


  2. 3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

     No, I go by the actual definition: an irrational fear or hatred of Islam.


    All the things you list are the justifications you use to justify your fear or hatred. Some of them may be true of some Muslims, but not the majority. I could find similar justifications used to justify hatred of and prejudice against black people in the past, and by some groups today!


    There was a book published in Germany in 1925 which used similar 'justifications' for hatred of a certain other religion!


    Anyway... is there a country - small or big - rich or poor - of muslim culture that can be today  hold as role model - and divert these young terrorists from their hatred of western countries (recent calls by terrorist organizations target 'lone wolves' and incite to provoke train derailments, forest fires or food poisoning in Europe) - even when they were born and raised in the west?



  3. 9 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I don't!  not unless Pence is going with him.

    A least Trump is entertaining and provides endless material for the late night comedians . On the other hand Pence................ 

    If Trump resigns , maybe Pence would be inclined to pardon him and his family,  as a thank you for the favor... unless it's already part of the deal

  4. 23 minutes ago, iReason said:



    "Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which aptly takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der Stürmer."


    “Jews, Blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it, this alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.”


    “The day is coming when we’re going to tear down the hoax Holocaust memorial in Berlin and replace it

    with a statue of Hitler 1,000 feet tall.”






    this " MAKA" base line  ...  



  5. 31 minutes ago, mrdome said:

    Yes, of course but turning it into a general statement misses the enormous significance of what happened here.


    While many could see him stab even his own party in the back like that, the Republicans couldn't and would not have believed it if warned. Also, funny how someone who demands 100% loyalty from others pulls a stunt like this.


    Here's an article on the Trump-Roy Cohn connection that I found rather enlightening:



    Very interesting link shared here above by mrdome ...This reading can get you sick in the morning..


    "Stone appeared on East 68th Street to find Cohn, just awakened, in his robe, sitting with one of his clients, Mob boss “Fat Tony” Salerno, of the Genovese crime family. “In front of [Roy] was a slab of cream cheese and three burnt slices of bacon,” Stone remembered. “He ate the cream cheese with his pointing finger. He listened to my pitch and said, ‘You need to see Donald Trump. I will get you in, but then you are on your own.’ "

  6. 18 minutes ago, elliss said:

       DT  is the only American since Big John Wayne ,  who has a pair of  Balls .

    ““He is able to give up reality in exchange for his wished-for belief. Sometimes we call that a delusion. In the past many have refrained from using the word “delusional” to describe Trump because it can be confused with people who think they’re the Queen of England or the second coming of Christ.Trump will resign and say, ‘I am still the best and the only savior, and these evil people and their evil media have forced me out,'” Dodes told Salon. "


  7. 10 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

    Macron's obviously worked out that Brexit will mean much less funding to sustain idle and incompetent French workers.

    would you be able to susbstantiate this affirmation? 

    Current price GDP per worker (Table 2)

    Final estimates for 2014 show that UK output per worker was:

    • above that of Japan by 14 percentage points

    • below that of Canada and Germany by 6 and 11 percentage points respectively

    • below that of Italy and France by 14 and 15 percentage points respectively

    • below that of the US by 38 percentage points

    • below that of the rest of the G7 by 19 percentage points


  8. 4 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

    Good God, man.  Ten months later and you're still in denial about how Presidents in the USA have been elected for more than two centuries. It's time to grow up and accept the reality of the situation. It really is sad to see submissions like the one above, even if it's a wind-up.

    Because I'm not American I do not quite understand why The US should elect Presidents like they did  2 centuries ago??? The context is totally different - it's not so unusual to adapt the electoral system to today's reality. Trump's Victory clearly shows the limits of the system, or maybe you do agree with the fact that electoral system reverse the result of the popular vote. Trump is entitled to do whatever he wants, since he's been elected ? So he can probably pardon himself and his family members just because the case is not considered as illegal - or unconstitutional .. it's sad for a great nation like the US to be submissive to the tricks of a single individual just because he happened to be elected .. no wonder the turnout was so low.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Interesting. Why does commie Robert Reich only want Trump's lies reported as lies?  Personally, I'd like to see all lies reported as lies- not just the lies of political adversaries. What a shame Mr. Reich's standard only applies to Trump.

    nearly 60% of Americans believe the president is dishonest

    what significance may well have reality and facts. Isn't'it important for Trump supporters to pledge allegiance to Trump, then to repeat as a mantra the 100% of the idiocy of their idol?

  10. 21 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


    Great! So let's talk about Trump! Specifically, what law facilitates impeaching an elected official because of lying via campaign promises.


    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."






  11. On ‎01‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 9:17 PM, KunMatt said:

    More confirmation about the terrorists you support and defend in this thread ;

    "Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO."


    "Five absurd attempts to equate right-wing terrorists with left-wing groups.. Sure, the cancer was aggressive. But the chemotherapy was also very aggressive. There was aggression on both sides.” —Elan Gale. "It would be absurd to pretend members of antifa don’t engage in violence. But when was the last time you heard about the Klan handing out food to poor people or the alt-right setting up education programs for at-risk kids? You haven’t, ever, and if you decide to wait for such an event to take place, you should probably get your affairs in order first."



  12. The migrant crisis is a criminal organization. Unprecedented trafficking in human beings for which new strategies are needed. The "humanitarian" strategy is not adapted.


    " Meeting an organ trafficker who preys on Syrian refugees" "

    "I am helping those people and I don't care about the law."

    In fact, he says, it's the law that lets many refugees down by restricting access to work and aid.

    "I am not forcing anyone to undertake the operation," he says. "I am only facilitating based on someone's request."


  13. " The United States Cannot Be Trusted

    Dreamers and transgender troops took the government at its word. Both groups got betrayed: encouraged to provide sensitive information to a government that may now use that information against them. This duplicity is plainly unfair—so radically unfair, in fact, that it may cross a constitutional line."
  14. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Please resd this.


    Russia's power play in North Korea aimed at both China and US


    Thanks for sharing this link,  craigt3365,  yes it's an interesting analysis , " Both Moscow and Beijing "share the basic perception of who is the real trouble maker and who is the biggest common threat in the Korean Peninsula,.... "

  15. "Asked what families told him earlier when he visited with kids and their parents in a play area, Trump said: “They were just happy. We saw a lot of happiness. It’s been really nice. It’s been a wonderful thing. As tough as this was, it’s been a wonderful thing, I think even for the country to watch it and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful.”


  16. " The president seemed to be trying his hardest to put on the empathizer-in-chief hat and said that the people he met on the ground “were just happy.”


    Next time, Trump & Melania, & Ivanka, and Baron , all Trump family members .. could share these meals with the people on the pictures, maybe also try to figure out what it's like to live this tragedy ,

    to realize what it means to be compassionate

    Donald Trump is pictured. | AP Photo

  17. “Behind the scenes during a summer of crisis, however, Trump appears to pine for the days when the Oval Office was a bustling hub of visitors and gossip, over which he presided as impresario.. He’s having a very hard time. He doesn’t like the way the media’s handling him. He doesn’t like how Kelly’s handling him. He’s turning on people that are very close to him.”


  18. Trump’s Real Campaign : The latest Trump Tower Moscow revelations put Trump’s flattery of Putin in a disturbing new light.

    "If there’s money to be made, and if what you lack is a relationship with the host government—illustrated in this case by Cohen’s use of a public email address to contact Peskov—then the next logical step is to cultivate a relationship. And that’s exactly what Trump proceeded to do."




    In this photo provided by the German Government Press Office, President Donald Trump meets Russian President Vladimir Putin, during G-20 on July 7 in Hamburg, Germany.



  19. " We are with you" .. It is probably easier to present oneself as a man with a grip that will repair the damage caused by adversity, than to anticipate and prevent catastrophes, to analyze and understand the phenomena to come in all their complexity


    1/ Trump rescinded Obama's Flood-Risk Rule Weeks Before Hurricane Harvey hit, aimed at prohibiting the use of federal funds for the construction of infrastructure in areas exposed to flooding.

     What guidelines will Trump give to rebuild tomorrow in the ravaged areas?

    2/ Trump also wanted to reduce FEMA's funds and cut EPA's budget as his administration seeks to carve out $54 billion in additional annual funding for Defense and Security spending.to finance other priorities (such as the "wall" on the border with Mexico)..

     Will Trump spare them after Harvey?


  20. "The President’s own son is admitting that his father is depressed, mentally unstable, and can’t handle the criticism that comes with the presidency. It wasn’t an accident that Eric Trump referred to depression and suicide. Trump has made it well known that he hates the White House and misses his old life. "



    "Here are 8 reasons Jared and Ivanka are as useless and detestable as anyone in Trump’s White House. “When they decide it’s more important to protect their own and their children’s reputations than it is to defend their indefensible father’s, that’s a sign the end is near,” 


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