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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Harvey was a Hurricane. Nothing to do with Climate change, but thanks to those who want to blame all of Natures doing on Mankind. Thanks a Lot!



    Wether you, alike Trump denie CC is a reality, or believe it's a chinese hoax, I wonder if you alike Trump will take into consideration, CC risks, regarding real estate decisisons...

    an interesting article here, IMHO 

    "How climate change could turn US real estate prices upside down : environmental threats and climate change to land and property values looks certain to become the standard nationwide as Houston begins to mop up from the misery of Harvey. If seas are rising three millimetres a year that’s one thing, but if we’re getting superstorms every couple of years with greater frequency and intensity, things can change a lot faster"



  2. 3 hours ago, landslide said:

    Obama would have been playing golf.

    Too sad you have such a bad memory...


    D. Trump tweeted : " Not only giving out money, but Obama will be seen today standing in water and rain like he is a real President --- don't fall for it."

    Poll: 78 percent approve of Obama's response to Sandy: "Since the hurricane hit the coast over the weekend, Obama has visited the Federal Emergency Management Agency twice, as well as the Red Cross. On Wednesday Obama surveyed some of the worst damage from the hurricane in New Jersey with the state's governor, Chris Christie (R)."



    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "obama sandy"



    ... You are welcome

  3. "Ann Coulter says storm Harvey is more likely God’s punishment for Houston’s lesbian mayor than a result of climate change"



    Yes, we can understand the fear of this pious person that Hurricane Harvey could be interpreted as a direct punishment for Trump's positions on global warming....  that would be pure superstition

  4. 3 minutes ago, rijb said:

    It will be the 'seagull' response.  Fly in, drop some poop, fly out.

    "He praised his Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator, Brock Long, for becoming “famous” during his frequent TV appearances, talked repeatedly about the historic nature of the storm and marveled at adoring Texas residents who greeted him. “What a crowd, what a turnout,”



  5. what will POTUS first response be, to help...? 


    " At least 80 percent of those affected by Harvey don’t carry flood insurance, said Chuck Watson, director of research and development at Enki Holdings. “It’s because if you’re not in a flood zone, chances are nobody even asked you if you want flood insurance. Only people in flood-risk areas who carry mortgages are required to buy insurance. Most buy policies backed by the federal government’s National Flood Insurance Program, which is already struggling with a nearly $25 billion debt."

    Tempête Harvey : Donald Trump au Texas pour «s'occuper» des sinistrés



  6. citizens  vs politicians ... 


    "Nearly 12 years ago, Texans opened their doors to the people of Louisiana when Hurricane Katrina devastated our state," Edwards said. "In 2016, Texas Taskforce 1 was dispatched to our state to provide support during the historic floods. We will do nothing less to support to the people of Texas in any way that we can as they respond and recover from Hurricane Harvey.”



    This is the Cajun Navy, which is helping the people of Houston after Storm Harvey ""I can't look at somebody knowing that I have a perfect boat in my driveway to be doing this and to just sit at home," Jordy Bloodsworth told The Advocate. "I have every resource within 100 feet of me to help.” He was headed to Texas overnight on Sunday."


    Photo published for Cajun Navy's on the way: how South Louisianans are helping flood-riddled Texan neighbors


    ( Cruz, voted against a federal disaster relief bill after Sandy ravaged the East Coast in October 2012 calling the measure “symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington – an addiction to spending money we do not have.” http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ted-cruz-calls-federal-flood-relief-texas-article-1.2238227

    Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called for federal relief Wednesday in the wake of floods and storms that have ravaged his home state.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Impressive! So why is France not as rich as Germany?


    Germany ranks 4th - France 6th - to give you an idea... Canada 10th 

    regarding polls : changing the situation will take more than a few summer months. To make definitive judgment after three months of summer is absolutely ridiculous and manipulative. To deeply reform a country like France, where people criticize everything, are never happy and sit on their privileges, we need a president who is somewhat authoritarian - The important thing is not the mood of the moment of the French 

  8. "White House photos released over the weekend show President Donald Trump sitting quietly alone at Camp David as Vice President Mike Pence and other cabinet members gathered in the Situation Room to deal with the devastation of Hurricane Harvey"




  9. " African Americans fighting fascism and racism, from WWII to Charlottesville. Winning the war would be only a partial victory if the US did not also overturn racial discrimination at home; In linking fascism abroad and racism at home, the Double Victory campaign issued a challenge to America that remains unanswered."


    http://www.salon.com/2017/08/26/african-americans-fighting-fascism-and-racism-from-wwii-to-charlottesville_partner/                           "



  10. "Afghanistan claims to be "open for business", and some super-rich Afghans have begun investing in their own country. But how soon can their money start replacing the billions of dollars in overseas aid the country has had so far? "




    US soldiers needed equipment (2005) US soldiers needed goods and equipment, and Mr Hashimy was able to provide them                


    The exclusive Palm Jumeirah resort in Dubai The exclusive Palm Jumeirah resort in Dubai attracts many rich Afghans - and former warlords

  11. 6 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    I don't expect anyone in this anti-Trump echo chamber to admit an anti-Trump terrorist group is a terrorist group. When I first joined this thread I didn't realise I was entering into a far left appreciation thread, but as soon as everyone called me a Infowars, conspiracy theorist, neo Nazi and alt right then it was clear who I was talking to.

    Its hilarious how much you all hate your POTUS because your lame candidate couldn't even beat a reality TV star even with all the MSM helping her. Enjoy the next 7.5 years.



    So... Is your above mention of " anti-Trump terrorist group" the new pro-Trump troll talking point ?

  12. "Former White House ethics chief Walter Shaub described what he thinks Trump's motives are behind the Arpaio pardon. He believes that Trump was testing the waters for future Russia investigation pardons and sending a clear message to the targets of Mueller's investigation"


  13. 1 hour ago, johnnyonesock said:

    if you asked most white Americans they would say he was a patriot

     America is now built upon multiple fantasies such as:

        Diversity is good for the country
        There are no differences between the races
        The border can remain wide open indefinitely and an unlimited number of invaders can move in with no ill effects
        Sexuality is voluntary, not built in at birth
        The family can be destroyed and replaced with recreational sex without damage to the culture


    So, US army should  exclusively recruit white American patriots - correct?




  14. "Robert J. Lifton, warned that malignantly narcissistic leaders can shift and distort reality for an entire society, a process he called “malignant normality.” The abnormal becomes normalized and alternate facts, conspiracy theories, racism, denial of science, and delegitimization of the free press become not only acceptable, but the new normal. Trump has the power to impose his madness on the populace"


  15. 44 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    and what if he did ? he was a man of his time, it wasn't reprehensible to own slaves then and the moral issues were seldom if ever discussed. Quick let us remove his statue along with that of lord Nelson and Columbus, you PC warriors make me sick

    So if it's trendy to own slaves, it's ok for you. It's  how you define PC.

    So if it's not a matter of personal moral issue for you does it mean you need someone to tell you what is right or wrong?

    Slavery is a crime against humanity - but of course it dépends of your state of development - speaking of " humanity" - and do not say it's PC - it shows your level of exigence regarding morals,  ethics, and values - as human being


  16. Turkey has chosen to give all the powers to a man. It is a structuring choice, which involves obvious risks of authoritarian drifts and high probabilities of seeing an Islamist dictatorship emerge in Turkey . European countries also have the right to distance themselves from  negotiating a possible entry of Turkey. A simple referendum will suffice. And the result will not be around 51% for and 49% against. This will be much clearer, more clearly legible and considerably easier to implement. It can reasonably be expected that the result will be 80% NO or more.

    It is time for the EU to close the talks with Turkey, secure its borders with Turkey and move on. .



  17. 30 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    You post about somebody who filmed the incident being stalked. I post about a female reporter who filmed the incident being viscisouly attacked by a man. You completely ignore this and refuse to call this unwarranted violence.

    So you are fine with Antifa punching women journalists who are reporting on KKK rallies??



    The " many sides" you blame for their violence are  IMHO  the direct conséquences of Trump's hate speeches he has inflicted the US with since years now. 

    A great part of his success among his supporters , comes from the way he articulates hate , racism , anything that makes them feel great again.. 

    So , blame the cause first. 


  18. Trump as POTUS should condemn hate speeches first.

    And apply the condemnation to him at the first place - both as candidate and as POTUS.


    In the UK, for example, the Public Order Act 1986 says:

    "A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if -


    (a) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or

    (b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby."

    "Racial hatred" is hatred against a group of persons "defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins".

    Additional acts outlaw hatred incited on grounds of religion or sexual orientation.

  19. The individual who took video of protesters including Heather Heyer being run over in Charlottesville, Virginia, writes in Politico on Tuesday that he and his parents have been stalked and harassed by far-right extremists

    " I consider it an honor to be attacked by people who have none, and I am willing to put up with personal risk to speak out against Nazis. I believe that it is incumbent on white people in particular to take the risks necessary to confront and restrain white supremacists, given the inherent and intentional risk they present to all communities of color."



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