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Posts posted by Opl

  1. "“What we have witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts,” Lemon observed. “Someone who came out on stage and lied directly to the American people and left things out that he said in an attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to Charlottesville.”



    Trump Is Falling Apart And Having A Real Time Breakdown After Phoenix Rally Disaster


    "The White House obviously was hoping that the Phoenix rally would boost Trump’s mental state and put him in a better mood, but all the rally has done is cast a national spotlight on the declining mental condition of this president. "


  2. 54 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

    blah, blah, blah... you're once again making connections and assertions that are only cheered on by those who have already reached a conclusion based on irrational dislike of an extremely successful man who has created a life of chronic achievement... keep going, the resistance loves you for it.

    Did you ever consider the eventuality of Trump  fooling his base?  because ir's the easiest thing he can achieve, deliver speeches that boost your hate an anger and of course praise himself, think of all the benefits he and the Trump organization already get from his presidency not related to him as POTUS delivereing his campaign platform's promises

  3. 4 hours ago, Thakkar said:

    Billionaire white male, born to privilege, Ivy League graduate, married to a beautiful model half his age, and, president of the richest, most powerful country in world—and somehow, HE'S the victim?? 


    What the huh??

    After Obama's 2 terms -  Trump must admit he  benefits from some kind of affirmative action, there is no way Obama would have been allowed to stay in office had he  adopted Trump's behaviour 

  4. 3 hours ago, Lokie said:

    I hear all going on about how bad Trump is and his is guilty of this and that, but seems he just said what is happening... The violence can not be condoned nor any form of racism, but hang on? - it seems is quite alright to rip down statues to the past generations (CSA) and hardly anything is said about that? Its your history (right or wrong) so it will be interesting to see where this is all going to stop, did any of your original leaders not own/have slaves...?


    Seems one rule for the left (free to commit unlawful actions and one rule for others - all hypocrites) I thought US citizens pride themselves on defending ones right to have an opinion even if it is not the same as theirs...? is that not right then anymore...?


    Im from UK, and yes our country was built on the back of slavery and pillaging of various countries we controlled over time but we can not change that, it happened,


    Because Trump is supposed to be the "leader of the free world", what he does and says trespasses Us frontiers.

    We - from the rest of the free world - expect a little bit more than ' he just said what is happening"

    It's both a political and a cultural strong choice: is racism a matter of opinion , or/and is racism an offense ?

    To Trump, as his acts and words reveal, "racism"  is the easy way to catch supporters when he fails to fullfill his electoral  promises


    " it’s up to white people to make a choice—will they share the country and its story, or will they reject equality for hierarchy and caste?"


  5. 52 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Trump will not be 'friendless.'   He's got Russkie agents who like him, not least because he's a great depository for laundered funds.  He's got mafia buddies in NYC who love the no-bid contracts they get from him - with money paid under-the-table.   He's got thousands of fans who will back him, no matter if he tossed babies in a bush shredder.  His family, same-same, will jump with him into the cesspool of hell.


    Bernie Madoff is making plenty of friends and is still running a business

  6. 44 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

    he said both sides are at fault so what did he say wrong.he was on no ones side

    So, does Trump get trapped when  extreme-right leaders Anne Coulter, David Duke, Richard Spencer praise and cheer him for his repeated words of appeasement? 


    "Vice documentary vividly shows that the white nationalists who came to Charlottesville did so in ravenous pursuit of violence. It was the whole point of “Unite the Right,” not an unfortunate side effect. Violence was the reason these people showed up, and it provided the animating logic that held together their otherwise incoherent ideas."


  7. 4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    poor liberals and their media accomplices….when the russian thing didnt stick they came up with trump supporting nazis.


    a new low.



    "This man is doing absolutely everything in his power to back us up and we need to have his back," Andrew Anglin wrote on the DailyStormer, a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic website that acts as a hub of the extreme right. It's going to be really, really hard to have any bad feelings towards Trump for a long, long time after this," he said. Richard Spencer, the white nationalist organiser of the "Unite the Right" rally, hailed Trump's statement as "fair and down to earth. Trump cares about the truth," said Spencer, who added he was "proud of" the president.



    a new (?)  low 



  8. Just now, FreddieRoyle said:

    No. The important thing to understand is that Mr Lee lived 150 years ago, in a very different world to today. There was no PC and affirmative action culture back then, people said it as they saw it, and lived by a very different set of rules. This is our history, this period of time shaped what would become today's world. A little bit of respect for your history wouldn't go amiss. 

    So you are saying Robert E.Lee would today disavow those  who pretend to defend his statue? 

  9. 20 hours ago, Pinot said:

    These Trump supporters twisting themselves into logic pretzels is hilarious. 


    David Duke knows Trump is on his side and now, so does everyone else. If you're still behind the Nazi Sympathizer-In-Chief after this weekend, I suggest you take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and ask, How did I get here? 


    12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    we can all see the real agenda here….discredit by any means possible.


    real Trump supporters in 37 s agenda  http://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2017/08/15/the-order-ron-violent-race-hatred-declassified.cnn

  10. On ‎15‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 10:13 AM, Srikcir said:

    Industry leaders abandoning Trump's advisory council's within his first six months as President is very telling as to the fitness of Trump to be POTUS.

    "“The collapse of the CEO councils is not due to an outbreak of conscience,” said Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. “Instead, it is public pressure — pressure for the CEOs to evidence a measure of decency — that is driving them off the councils. That’s not exactly the most inspiring example of moral leadership. No profiles in courage here.”




  11. 28 minutes ago, seajae said:

    seems the left are refusing to accept that antifa and blm are just as bad, as white supremacists and KKK, they  are all hate groups, blm called for dead cops and got them, strange that the then president didnt put them down or single them out. Also strange that the mother of the lady that was killed thanked trump for what he said, he called out all the hate groups which included antifa/blm as well as the white supremacists/kkk. Cant believe how pathetic US voters are these days, they lose an election then all they do is whinge and try to cause so much crap to happen, while backing groups that attack and kill people but refuse to denigrate them, you are pathetic, Same as here, the reds and yellows are both bad but the reds are far more violent, in the US the white supremacists  and kk are really bad but blm and antifa are not far behind or do you think calling for cops to be killed and having it happen isnt important because it doesnt score any points on trump. What also doesnt help are all the idiots that dont even understand  their own history, try reading up on the main reason seeing the north also had slaves and did even after the war.

    I have a doubt ... neo-Nazis or anti-racists ?  who came armed with bats, shields, automatic rifles ...? I thought those were the neo-nazis ... and what about the terrorist who killed a woman and wounded dozens of protesters ... was he neo-Nazi or anti-racist? Finally, I believe that hatred and violence have chosen their side
  12. 7 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    You missed an important hate group from your list. You know the one. The one causing all of this trouble.

    And after his speech today, your President now has them in his sights. And seeing how they are an anti-Trump hate group I can't wait to see how he will deal with them.

    Their true colours will soon be exposed for all.



    Antifa = antibody (proteinsrecruited by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects like bacteria and viruses such as racism, bigotry, antisemistism...  KKK, neo nazis, oath keepers, white supremacists etc...) 

  13. 52 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    #impeachtrump is trending right now.

    Obama's Charlottesville  tweet now reached 3M likes. Most liked tweet ever on twitter.

    Meanwhile States and municipalities are pulling down confederate statues faster than ever. 

    White supremacist website DailyStormer banned from GoDaddy, moved to Google, banned by Google, now forced onto Dark Web, but even there are being attacked by hackers.


    Just in the last few days.


    The real backlash will be seen in the coming weeks.


    Even a lot of commentary on Fox is turning against him. Only the worst of the worst still support him.

    Obama's election  made America Great

    Unfortunately, the price to pay is Trump

  14. 13 minutes ago, Pinot said:

    We knew we were in scary territory with Trump. We are now living the beginning of a dystopian TV series. It's up to us to make sure it's canceled before it gets renewed for another season.


    Anyone who can watch that press conference and not think that we are being led by a deranged, out-of-control racist is someone who will never be convinced about Trump's unfitness for office.



    Trump is working at his reelection since day 1 in office : all he says is easy to understand and remember  and then repeat - even for very young children - that's how Trump enlarges his supportive base.    

    Trump does not care answering questions, or even adressing issues , he just delivers talking points he wants his supporters can repeat as such - whatever the context. And it works. "Believe me" 

    Trump is a Master at articulating anger .. and now hate. 



  15. 1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    All I saw is a heavily armed group of liberals spoiling for a fight (without neccessary permits) and coming off worse, then screaming blue murder about it all. They should take stock of the situation, and make an effort to protest peacefully and legally in the future. It's not as if they don't have a habit of violent behavior - just look at the Berkeley riots against free speech where they assaulted and burnt anything and everything in their path.

     Trump is exactly right, all sides here must share the blame. Not sure why this is such a difficult message for some to swallow?

    As you described Charlottesville heavily armed supremacists in paramilitary apparel , with permits

    screaming blue muder Charlottesville

    They should take stock of the situation, and make an effort to protest peacefully and legally Charlottesville

     Trump is exactly right, all sides here must share the blame Charlottesville


  16. 8 minutes ago, csabo said:

    500 "gun-toting, Nazi flag-waving white Supremacist hate mongers" out of 323 million people hardly represents a threat of revolution. Stop sucking the inflammatory media schlong.

    April 6, 2017
    Congressional Requesters
    "Violent extremism—generally defined as supporting or committing violent acts to achieve political, ideological, religious, or social goals—has been perpetrated and promoted by a broad range of groups in the United States for decades. Such groups include white supremacists, antigovernment groups, and groups with extreme views on abortion, animal rights, the environment, and federal ownership of public lands; and radical Islamist entities, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), among others."



    pages 29 and ff :  Number of Violent Extremist-linked Incidents and Resulting Fatalities in the United States from September 12, 2001 through December 31, 2016

  17. 55 minutes ago, KunMatt said:



    And yet you support a terrorist group.

    Nazis - bad. Yes (of course)
    Antifa - good. No (of course).

    Again, I don't know how many times this is now, but all hate groups are bad.

    Include domestic terrorist groups like Antifa who use violence and fascist tactics to achieve their political aims.

    It's really not that complicated. I oppose all hate groups, especially Antifa.




    (In Berkeley, Antifa have rallied several times this year against far-right speakers [Stephen Lam/Reuters] 

    For Antifa, direct confrontation is a key strategy intended to shut down far-right demonstrations and block platforms for hate speech.

    ""We are anxious to politically defeat them,"David Michael Smith explained. "We don't believe there should be platforms for fascists because history teaches us we can't allow that. "We're at a pivotal point in American history, and in 10 or 20 years' time, when our grandchildren ask us where we were when fascism came to America, some will say that they stayed home and waited for the next election," 






  18. According to Mr Anderson, the events in Charlottesville over the weekend represent a "sea change" in how Antifa is perceived. "This is a huge turning point and vindication for our movement," he said.

    "We are working with Black Lives Matter, local clergy, this is not a movement that wants to be a lone group of militants," he said. "This is about popular power. Sometimes that looks controversial - but this is a broad movement, and we are looking to engage a wide variety of people."



  19. "Despite being marginalized,  Mr. Bannon has cautioned the president not to criticize far-right activists too severely for fear of antagonizing a small but energetic part of his base. (Others) say the problem is not Mr. Bannon’s closeness to the far right, it is that he has not done enough for them.



    Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch has repeatedly urged the president to fire Steve Bannon from his role as White House Chief Strategist
    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4791258/Rupert-Murdoch-urged-Trump-cut-Steve-Bannon.html#ixzz4ppuKrJfN


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