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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 9 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

    So far so good, Stock Market is soaring, good people being appointed to the Cabinet. Don't shoot please.


    Guess why ...money goes to money

    Donald Trump’s administration is going to be a bonanza for bankers. Populist rhetoric masks a bonanza of deregulation and tax cuts

    Trump has an actual policy agenda that he is running on — and that agenda is incredibly favorable to bankers. He wants less regulation of banks and lower taxes for hedge fund and private equity managers.




  2. D.Trump is 71 y.o. he is a baby boomer.

    His family has it's roots in Germany.

    He is an educated person.

    He is a Lucky guy.

    I just find appalling he has no trouble at all being openly supported by white supremacists during his campaign ( he said he did not know David Duke)

    He has been supported by members of KKK.

    He has appointed S. Bannon , Alt- right , Breitbart etc..  as strategist in chief.

    He just can't pretend he does not know what it means, he gives them legitimacy.

    His supporters can not say it's anodyn.


  3. How the Trump Organization's Foreign Business Ties Could Upend U.S. National Security
    Almost every foreign policy decision D.Trump will make  will raise serious conflicts of interest and ethical quagmires.
    "The Trump family rakes in untold millions of dollars from the Trump Organization every year. Much of that comes from deals with international financiers and developers, many of whom have been tied to controversial and even illegal activities."
    This article by Newsweek of last September explains well the situation in which he finds himself and in which he places the country  he'll be at the head of:



    No Morals, No values, No Ethics? No Problems!





  4. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seems like an admirable intent. That would be a win win for everyone. Is anyone going to put him down for wanting peace in Palestine?


    And D. Trump already  started peace talks during the campaign saying  he would recognize Jérusalem as capital of Israel ...  that's a good sign for the Palestinians ...




  5. Mr Spencer, who has called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing”, says he dreams of a "new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans". 

    he adds: “I think that Donald Trump is the kind of first step toward this new kind of politics that I’ve been outlying. It’s maybe the first awkward, maybe vulgar step in that direction.

    “I think that’s a very good thing. And I think Donald Trump has appealed to the right people around the world,"

    Steve Bannon, Mr Trump's chief strategist,  is probably the most high-profile figure to be associated with the alt-right



  6. " It is “desirable,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 68, “that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of” president. But is “equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station.” These “men”—the electors––would be “most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations.” And because of their discernment—because they possessed wisdom that the people as a whole might not—“the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”



  7. Trump is a businessman. He told anything possible and contradictory to get elected- to be able to fill his pockets and fill those of his friends. The lobbies he claims to fight are now returning to Washington to grant his favors.

    The country is in the fog because Trump can change course at any time. He will listen to each adviser between thirty seconds and a minute and make decision, listening to his guts.

    His promises to renovate infrastructures to boost employment -  were already in Obama's boxes but  Republicans were blocking on principle. Ironically, Trump could realize this project Obama was politically unable, for lack of majority.


  8. " How White Nationalists Learned To Love Donald Trump . Once they believed he was a secret Jew. Now he has more white-power support than any mainstream candidate in modern politics. Here’s how it unfolded."




    "It is possible that Trump ― who, according to the campaign, does almost all of his own tweeting ― is unfamiliar with the term “white genocide” and doesn’t do even basic vetting of those whose tweets he amplifies to his seven million followers. But the reality is that there are dozens of tweets mentioning @realDonaldTrump each minute, and he has an uncanny ability to surface ones that come from accounts that proudly proclaim their white supremacist leanings."






  9. Someone has to explain  D. Trump that the diplomatic game is not about choosing for each country an ambassador in line with the government in site ( a communist for Beijin, a muslim for Cairo, a fool for Pyong Yang... )

    The Ambassador's position requires he represents his country, defends its national interests and point of view with the government of the country where he is appointed.

  10. Last week, the Prime Minister of Japan announced that Trump could be trusted at the end of his visit. This week Trump announces US to quit TPP trade deal on first day in Office.

    Last week Trump sent Theresa May an "invitation" in a surprising form to come and see him in New York. This week he proposes to appoint Farage as ambassador of Great Britain to the USA.
    These practices are likely to irritate some of the closest US allies and quickly arouse deep concern in the entire international community.

  11. 2 hours ago, muffy said:

    Trump will be the greatest president ever .


    At the head of America.inc,  a Nation dedicated to entrepreneurship  , DT - businessman and political autocrate - will use all means to remain in power and make the pile,  in the continuity of his campaign.

    Trump will give symbolic satisfactions to his voters. They will have deregulation for Wall Street and anti-immigration controls, anti-Semitism with Bannon and reonciliation with Netanyahu, the end of the TPP and the continuation of trade with China.

    Blunder, confusion and lies

  12.  WHo's The New Philippine Envoy? The Man Building Trump Tower Manila

    Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte  hoping to get along with President-elect Trump  appointed real estate magnate Jose E.B. Antonio as a special trade envoy to the U.S.

    — and he just so happens to be the man building Trump Tower Manila.





    Donald Trump Jr. (left), and Eric Trump (right), sons of President-elect Donald Trump, pose with Philippine real estate developer Jose E. B. Antonio at a 2012 press conference in Manila announcing the launch of the Trump Tower Manila, a $150 million project that is now nearing completion. Pat Roque/AP hide caption toggle caption Pat Roque/AP

  13. Kellyanne Conway, proche conseillère de Donald Trump et directrice de sa campagne, s'adresse aux médias massés au rez-de-chaussée de la Trump Tower, le 21 novembre.  


    Afficher l'image d'origine

    D. Trump, who promised change transformes the formation of his government into a public show where the applicants parade in front of the cameras  before being received for a private interview.

    Taking them back to their cars, he sometimes drops a small phrase like "we see incredible talents; Really good people "with whom we will make America great again ".

    This show,  D.T punctuated with tweets , has the merit of diverting the attention of its entourage who really pulls the string: Ivanka his daughter, , her husband Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, chief strategist and ex Breitbart News, and Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of a billionaire of a hedge fund that not only funded Breitbart but also Trump's campaign and seems to have a say in the nominations. 

  14. Lesson from the french situation tells it's difficult to adjust : “With your democratic laws, we will colonize you. With our Koranic laws, we will dominate you.”

    "The main point is this: a Muslim living in Europe should not expect to be able to live as he would in a Muslim country. Muslims who have settled on European soil have constantly to be reminded that they are not in Dar al-Islam but, rather, in the land of the Infidels where, even their own sacred texts tell them, they should keep a low profile. If the Muslims living in Europe come to feel that they are living in Dar al-Islam, that will mean the end of Europe."

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/09/islam_and_the_wests_death_by_freedom.html#ixzz4QjIQYTgc

  15. Entangled mix of business ties and conflicts of interest /  US diplomatics  / economics / politics

    Will take experts and time to apply an appropriate vetting : before the election /  end of 1st mandate 

    But who cares , what could be wrong , still no tax returns records release ?  

    Electoral college will do the job as usual...kind of "  blind trust"  is'nt  it?

  16. Three Indian businessmen met President -elect D. Trump at the Trump Tower. The latter concluded a few years ago a partnership with a real estate tycoon, Mangal Prabhat Lodha, who is also a member of the ruling Nationalist Party of India.

    Delicate posture,  given the complex relations of the United States with the two regional rivals that are India and Pakistan.

    The Trump Organisation has ties  with the Lodha Group in Mumbai in 2013 and with Panchshil Group in Pune in 2014 for two luxury residential projects that are being marketed as signature Trump Towers.






    (From Left) Atul Chordia, Donald Trump, Sagar Chordia and Kalpesh Mehta.


    US president-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s work when he took time out from planning the transition to his presidency in January to meet with his Indian business partners.

  17. DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg Donald J. Trump



    Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!

    Donald Trump said in a tweet that the head of the British Eurosceptic party Nigel Farage would do "a great job" if he was named ambassador of his country in the United States, a new sprain of the president elected to diplomatic
  18. 10 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


    Another trustworthy and reliable news source I see.  Did you read the story, it relates to chemical plants and other factories and a paper mill flushing chemicals in to the Yangtze river, the water and fish source for the village.  It makes a mention of white smoke being emitted from a power plant but what is seen being emitted is normally water vapour not chemicals that pollute the water.  So your point is what, considering this thread relates to Donald Trump believing that GW is a Chinese hoax ?


    I hope you are not just putting this out as spin, hoping no one will read what you have introduced.  Makes for great sensational headlines  but falls short as there is no mention of GW.  Going off track a little but hey, who cares as long as it looks good, who cares about the content and that it has nothing to do with GW, just that many chemicals are causing cancer.  So where's the logic in introducing this aspect?  :wai:


    Really , I just answer your quote to be polite.

    My answer refering to China's behaviour in regards of environmental concerns was connected to a previous remark of someone discussing in the thread of manufacturing costs ... so follow the conversation inside the thread if you want to answer . I know it's difficult because different subjects interfere.

    Also I said " They will have to deal with - for instance -> village cancer".

    But if you want to moderate the branch of this forum instead of contributing to the discussion, please send a message to the board.  

  19. trump_toilets1.jpg    REAL CASE TO DEAL WITH CHINA ( not part of the TPP)


    Chinese company selling luxury 'Trump Toilets' is ready to fight Donald for his name   : "We registered our company in 2002 and obtained approval from the trademark office in Beijing," Zhong Jiye, the CEO of Shenzhen Trump Industrial Company Limited, told NBC News. "If Mr. Trump thinks our trademark violates his rights and interests, he can use legal methods because our company observes China's laws." Zhong's company specializes in making high-tech toilet seats that can cost as much as $880. Apparently, they make them quite well and have captured 85% of the Chinese market share. The company claims that over one billion people use its products every year.







  20. Just now, ClutchClark said:


    Very true but the thing is the atmosphere does not recognize political borders. Grenhouse Gas (GG) from India & China will out-pollute any effort the US makes.



    Word of caution. 

    Avoid changing a quote by making a section Bold.

    I used to do it too because it makes reading so much easier but its technically a rule violation.


    No complaint from me but maybe some.

    ok thanks, I'll take care

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