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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Donald Trump’s finances could be investigated after hundreds of calls to government

    Callers around the country are demanding a bipartisan review of the President-elect’s finances and alleged conflicts of interest







  2. 15 minutes ago, jcsmith said:


    You definitely can't do that. But at the same time, those who did vote for Trump were well aware of his thoughts and beliefs. So casting your vote for the guy says that you are okay with all that because you agree with him on some other issues. It says that you're okay with the U.S. banning muslims from entering the country (I don't think this will actually happen BTW, but he has floated the idea), that you are okay with him surrounding himself with racist individuals whose fan base is comprised of like-minded people, that you could care less about impending environmental nightmares, that you're fine with people 50,000 people dying every year from a lack of health care so you can trim a few bucks off your premium, that you are fine with made up statistics and repeated lies from the commander in chief, and that your okay with the head of government insulting and attacking random people and being a complete jerk. What makes this election different from previous elections is that to many people on the opposing side they take a look at all of the above and think if someone is okay with all of that, then I'm not okay with them. That's why the divide is so large right now. Because large portions of both sides want absolutely nothing to do with one another.


    Thank you for this thought that summerizes it all perfectly.

    Voting for D. Trump is not "middle finger to the establishment", it's switching pole positions to another part of the establishment - who besides consider they are the dominants, and voters the dominated.




  3. On ‎13‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:15 PM, surangw said:

    all these demonstrations ( riots) is making America seem like some of the under developed countries


    - comparison Trump / Duterte

    - Trump Family Business / Nepotism

    - restriction on press coverage ( meeting with Japan's Abe)


    yes , it's painful to watch how with Trump's election those comparisons arrise more often.   

  4. Before this meeting, Mr. Abe had opted for flattery, praising the "extraordinary talents" of the real estate magnate. He offered a golf club to his host, who shares his passion for this sport.

    Ivanka's presence at the meeting was only revealed after the Japanese government released the pictures, thanks to a freeze-out of US journalists by the President-elect's team. 

    But the pictures attracted attention in protocol-conscious Japan. 



    "It's quite unusual to see a family member attending the first encounter between two leaders even if it's informal," said Yoshinobu Yamamoto, a professor of International Relations at the University of Niigata Prefecture, to AFP. 


    Ivanka Trump could be named US ambassador to Japan, a position currently held by Caroline Kennedy, daughter of late former US President John F. Kennedy, according to rumors not sourced, relayed by a Japanese tabloid. "The possibility of Ivanka taking office is not null, but it is too early to say," 



  5.  Ivanka prepares to run  Trump’s Business by Meeting Japan’s Prime Minister

    Ivanka Trump — who Donald Trump has said will help run his businesses while he is president — appears, per a photo provided by the Japanese government, to have at least been present for part of Thursday’s meeting with Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe.


    Other interesting photos here:   every picture tells a story ...






    A CNN reporter deleted a tweet on Thursday evening that included a picture of President-elect Donald Trump's meeting with Japan's prime minister — but not before several people noticed that it showed that Trump's daughter Ivanka was in the room.


    Conflict of interest ?   https://twitter.com/jeneps/status/799441149920415744/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw








  6. 9 minutes ago, gemini81 said:

    for bitter animosity, hate and anger as well as opposition to results of a democratic election in a constitutional republic, look no further than the comment above! Wow.....


    The Grand Ole Party Is Just the Anti-Obama Party

    Obstruction of Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland showcases how the GOP discards all principle at the chance to stop Obama



  7. 6 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


    I view this differently, because these people are much more concerned about their own family's welfare than anything else. Had Bernie won the primaries, Trump would have never adapted the socialist ideals (but my guess is that he would rather have used them against Bernie), and Bernie is obviously not a xenophobe.....I know its all "ifs" and "buts"


    I also wonder if D. Trump would have  won - had'nt he been a billionaire - everything else alike otherwise.


  8. 15 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


    Is your only problem with the swastika.  I've also condemned racism and the way certain people use this motif together with words to denigrate others.  But don't forget how other races preach their own hate speech and direct it at certain groups.  It appears you are only interested in one side of the equation or else you would have acknowledged that some African Americans and other nationalities  are just as guilty of racism as many whites are.  It happens world wide, not only in America.


    In so far as the swastika it  comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia and to  this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism.  But given that Hitler selected it and the atrocities performed by him that many only associate with him and not who else uses it in peace and what the actual meaning of it is.:wai:



    Did I say that ?

    I just underline that Svatsika associated to racist slogans  signs an ideology, therefoe a propaganda etc.. and it does resonate - it is not " racism as usual" as commonly shared - maybe by anyone at a certain degree - dépends on your background and expériences confronted to foreigners - that said, everyone can try to fight against personal own bias instead of promoting  hate.   

    It's about how you consider your personal responsibility = do you want America to be categorized as a racist nation?   

  9. 10 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


    No one condones this, it just goes to show that there are all types in society.   And have you seen any racism being expressed by any group other than whites.  If you haven't here's a link of African Americans being racists. So not only confined to us whiteys. :wai:




    svastika is red flag - it has not to be promoted in any circumstances - even by those white supremacists.   

    I do condemn these hate slogans - hate speeches coming from Trump's core advisers - such as Bannon.

    Even more when these people detain the powers at the highest levels to promote their propaganda.


  10. 31 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


    And just what are the awful racial incidents you are referring to?  Please enlighten us Trump supporters so we can make an informed decision as to whether of not it is worth commenting on.  It may or may not be racial but then anything that the left do not like or cannot respond to they cry racist of cite racism in or to shut down the debate.  It really becomes a joke when it is only those of the left who want to play the race card.:wai: 


    View image on Twitter 



  11. B. Obama:

    - speaks to Americans on an adult level, and thinks of the long term with the best interests of the country in mind

    - is able to give great speeches with a commanding presence,

    --is calm and rational in every public arena, also is an effective counter-puncher

    - is tolerant of idiots , being very comfortable with himself

    - has a genuine sense of humor 

    - works hard



  12. Viral Fake Election News Outperformed Real News On Facebook In Final Months Of The US Election

    A BuzzFeed News analysis found that top fake election news stories generated more total engagement on Facebook than top election stories from 19 major news outlets combined.




  13. "While the wave of real stories surrounding the role of hoax news stories on social media in the recent presidential election have included stunning revelations, none are as insane as the claims one of the most prolific hoaxers made in a chat with the Washington Post."




    " I fooled America with fake news stories and got Trump elected" (Paul Horner)


    "Trump fans "do not check anything and believe in anything"  


    Conservatives (38%) share more fake items than Liberals (19%), revealed a study by Buzzfeed in October.
    For the creator of fake sites, Paul Horner,  the Conservatives are therefore a target of choice. since each click on one of his articles brings him money, he has logically set himself to write content aimed specifically at this electorate, inventing in particular numerous anti-Muslim hoaxes


  14. 3 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    Wasn't the last Presidency referred to as the Obama presidency? It was also unclear as who was behind him but then with HRC, we all know who was behind her. :wai:


    The Trump vote combines an anti-system component, and a traditional component ( registered GOP voters, who voted for him out of fidelity to their party) .

    One of the issues of the composition of the Trump administration, will be to know how much  these two components respectively  weight  

  15. 25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm amazed that anyone would try to use that argument. Had Clinton won, the country would probably be run by Soros, Bloomberg, the facebook guy and who knows how many overseas "investors" in the foundation, like Saudi.


    With HRC you know.

    But with D. Trump today, In fact, it gives the Strange feeling of a man who played poker with the presidential élections. D. Trump made his show. He played and bluffed. he sowed the trouble, and on this blow he succeeded beyond his own hopes.

    Like a Nero he will be manipulated by those who flatter him and those who manipulate his ego.  

  16. 5 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


    May I ask why you're still on about the popular vote.? Totally irrelevant and makes absolutely no difference.  I suppose if you keep on about it you get a does of happiness, even though it will be short lived, Mr. Trump will be the President  whether you like it or not.:wai:


    quote :  " Mr. Trump will be the President  whether you like it or not"


    The US Presidency will be BRANDED Trump.

    But it's unclear who really is behind the brand and if his supporters like it or not.


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