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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 17 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


    This is what is wrong, not just France, Germany, the UK but all over.






    When we get to the stage that the '' Primary Consideration '' is the defeat of a Political opponent and not the Country, we are all <deleted>.


    You are right again... I'd add  USA to your list.

    As if électoral choices were driven by existential issues.  


    Germany will be interesting to observe , compared to France because Germans have a far better economy and manage to deal  better with the immigration in their country.  The history is not the same either.

    The questions I have is what in  10  or 20 years ?  

  2. 14 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


    I understand what you are saying.


    Regardless of who is put up for election, every single one of them will have Pro's and Con's.


    I will stand by my original assertion that if something goes boom or bang in France between now and April, Le Pen will romp it.


    " I will stand by my original assertion that if something goes boom or bang in France between now and April, Le Pen will romp it."

    You may be right :

    - not only because of a terrorist attack made in the name of ISI

    - but also because of incidents and incivilities in  everyday life between french people / people of different ethnic origins ( to speak PC)  - everything has become epidermic.

    I do nonetheless hope Fillon is the step before Le Pen.  


  3. 23 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    No. Farmers don't. Some of our trade mags discuss the various theories but there are positives as well as negatives suggested.


    Ofcourse I love real maple syrup. These hypothesized warmer temps means production will move further north but what a boon for all Vermonters that the energy consumed annually to heat homes will be less now that their winter temps will be rising, eh?


    There is good & bad to CC. Some georaphies will see more benefit. The US is forecast to see more benefit from CC than some other countries so the investment to slow the release of Greenhouse Gasses should not be as high as countries more adversely effected. 


    Unless said countries want to pay us so we can recoup the losses they are demanding we take.


    Meanwhile China & India will be growing their coal fired power plants and offsetting any effort we undertake.


    "Meanwhile China & India will be growing their coal fired power plants and offsetting any effort we undertake."

     But :

    - they will have to deal with it  for instance  ->  Inside China's 'cancer villages'




  4. 9 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


    You might be correct.


    The flip side could also be that he has been there, done that and now it is time for something totally different.


    I also believe that one of the game changers might be that Le Pen wants to also withdraw from the EU. It is not something that is being given much media coverage ( as far as I can tell ) so a bit difficult to gauge what the French electorate feels about this.


    He was opposed to Maastricht Treaty.

    Actually in France, to speak frankly, people are so embarrased with the government in charge , that they will vote for a change, but not for an " aventurous one" - and M. Le Pen has never been in public service - nor can claim to be a successful business woman.

    Fillon is offensive in his positions and stays calm - so he reassures people who are fed up with potical weathercocks. He does not behave like a populist - so it would be OK for what french people expect from a state man.  

    For Macron, former banker - the fruit is not ripe  

    I might be wrong but that how it looks to me today.

  5. 17 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


    It may well be that Fillon could well be the next French choice.


    I was basing my thoughts on French political analysts, commentators and journalists, many of whom are saying that Macron will take many, many votes away from Fillon / Juppe, whoever goes through. 


    Thus leaving the door wide open for Le Pen.


    I understand your thought.

    I now believe people - at least in France - may choose someone of experience ( he is a former PM) with a smooth apparence if no charisma - but someone they think is able to protect them. And Fillon recently wrote a book  about " "how to defeat islamic totalitarism",  he is catholic , conservative , is not showing off... and ....... appreciated by Putin

    Concerning Angela Merkel, I'm not sure , but the immigration issue will impact the choice, as well as  for France - why would it be different?  

  6. 1 hour ago, SgtRock said:

    Election results in France will play a significant part of the German election result.


    A Le Pen win will change the mindset of a very large number of voters.

    ?format=jpg&size=x500Maybe France's next choice ...INSPIRED by Brexit & US  Elections... and this is not Le Pen...




  7. 3 hours ago, Silurian said:

    No worries. Trump will make his own "back room" deals. He already has several "pay to play" schemes going on. This is just the beginning of many to come.


    First meet with some Indian businessmen to build a Trump apartment building in India.


    Trump Met With Indian Business Partners Last Week, Raising More Pay-to-Play Fears



    Next make sure foreign diplomats stay at Trump's hotel in DC.


    Foreign Diplomats Are Apparently Lining up to Do Business at Trump’s D.C. Hotel




    Wonder if .....it does not work like this... to try to avoid conflic of interests concerns :


    -  According to the Argentine press, Mr. Trump profited from a telephone exchange with President Mauricio Macri to ask for his help on a real estate project - something the Argentine president's spokesman vigorously denied.

    - In an interview published Monday by the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, Mr. Macri, who has long known Mr. Trump, said he was able to discuss at the same time with his eldest daughter, Ivanka, who is both a vice-president of the company created by her father and a member of her transition team,


    ( Ivanka Trump  had already attended the reception of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on 17 November.)


    Who is there for politics and diplomatics ?

    Who is there for business ?

    Who is the Trojan?

    Why does the info come from the foreign press?

    Why is US press coverage restricted ?


    DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg Donald J. Trump



    Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!

  8. Quote :     1 hour ago, ClutchClark said: BTW, any idea how CC will impact the US? No one seems to know.


    I do not know , but farmers do.


    Yummy Pancake Breakfasts
    It may be a bit harder to drown your pancakes in maple syrup in the future, studies suggest. According to a 2010 Cornell University study, "maple syrup production in the Northeast is expected to slightly decline by 2100, and the window for tapping trees will move earlier by about a month." Additionally, most maple syrup production south of Pennsylvania "will likely be lost by 2100 due to lack of freezing." Click here to watch one farmer's fight to save New Hampshire's sugar maples.
  9. 1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

    BTW, any idea how CC will impact the US? No one seems to know.


    Water Out West

    According to a 2011 U.S. Interior Department report, "annual flows in three prominent river basins - the Colorado, Rio Grande and San Joaquin - could decline by as much [as] 8 percent to 14 percent over the next four decades," reported the Associated Press. Expected changes in temperature and precipitation are likely to alter river flows "with increased flooding possible in the winter due to early snowmelt and water shortages in the summer due to reductions in spring and summer runoffs." Mike Connor, commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, said, "Impacts to water are on the leading edge of global climate change." Earlier this year, the Bureau of Reclamation asked the public to suggest ideas for meeting future water demand around the Colorado River basin.




  10. 7 hours ago, Catoni said:


          The Gaurdian.... Britain's largest leftist/socialist rag.   


       Ever stop to think that Trump might be wanting to protect his golf resort from coastal erosion, which has been always going on?  How about the town of Dunwich for example?  Its decline began in 1286 when a storm surge hit the East Anglian coast followed by a great storm in 1287 and another great storm also in 1287, and it was eventually reduced in size to the village it is today.



      On the other hand, other areas of Britain are now further from the sea then they used to be.   Weird huh ? ?   


         In the early 14th century, Harlech Castle used to had a dock just at the base of the cliff below the walls, where ships would bring supplies to the people in the castle.     


         Now the sea is more than half a mile away.   Where the sea, and the dock used to be, are now homes.  you have more that half a mile, in a straight line, to get to the shore today...  


         Erosion and land loss in some places, and land gain in others..         Even on the Great Lakes in North America you have erosion.  


      Fort Niagara, where the Niagara River enters Lake Ontario has had to rebuild it's north wall several times since the 1700's as land has fallen into the lake taking the north section of fort with it...  and the shore has moved south.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finally built a reinforced retaining wall to protect it from further erosion.... saving the "French Castle" from disappearing into the lake. 


          So stop it with the sea level rise crap.   Sea level is rising ...yes.... about 2mm - 3mm per year, like it's been doing  for ages ever since the last Glacial Period started to melt back... about 20,000 years ago or so. ...   But actually much slower than it used to.  Sea Level Rise slowed greatly about 8,000 years ago....    Do you know how to read a chart ?  






    The point of my post is not about my own belief - or knowledge - which is not relevant here .


    The topic of this thread is " D. Trump  sees climate change as a chines hoax", so :

    - it's not a chinese hoax ( the process was initiated by the US Under Republican adminitration)

    - and I repeat : Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.




    My answer is about D. Trump's facts distorsion, to manipulate those who listen to him.

     That's all.  




  11. 7 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:



    There would have been none.  As ClutchClark said in an earlier post, there would have been a bit of grumbling around the coffee machine, and back to work.


    Republican supporters are busy at work.   It's the welfare dependent left who have time for street protests..


    Let's remind 2012 : "Donald Trump Freaks Out on Twitter After Obama Wins Election"

    We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

    Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.


    The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.



  12. On ‎19‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 9:34 AM, dunroaming said:

    By paying out he is admitting guilt and buying his way out.  Everyone can see that and it reflects badly on him.  Not as badly as fighting it and losing of course.


     and $ 25 M to skip impeachment :

    In an analysis titled “Trump University and Presidential Impeachment,” Peterson explores Trump’s actions as the leader of Trump University, a for-profit business founded in 2005 where students spent upwards of $30,000 to learn real estate development skills. Trump University advertised curriculum and instructors chosen by Trump, promising students a high-caliber and selective experience. In fact, according to Peterson, Trump University was an unaccredited and unlicensed series of get-rich-quick seminars provided by traveling salesmen.



  13. 46 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


    But that is exactly what Trump said about Bill Clinton, to settle implies there was guilt! He said it himself several times. As a snippet here is Trumps campaign manager on 'settling claims'.




    It appears that D. Trump won because he  got rid of all logic and concern for coherence, as long as he hammered his opponent,  that's all what his supporters neeeded to grant him their votes.

    He won - the rest is goodie. 


  14. Just to satisfy your curiosity - if you think climate change is a hoax  : " what climate change  just might ruin"  ( for example : the best part of July 4th... and a multitude of small different impacts on everyday life)


    Scientists at the British Met Office warn that Italy may soon be forced to import the basic ingredients to make pasta because climate change will make it impossible to grow durum wheat domestically. The crop could almost disappear from the country later this century, scientists say.





  15. Trump's other wall: is his Irish resort a sign he believes in climate change?


    Before he set sights on Mexico, Donald Trump had his eyes on a wall to protect his luxury golf resort.  – a 13ft high structure erected to protect his luxury golf resort, the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel, from increasingly volatile storms and rising sea levels.

    Does it suggest he recognizes effects of global warming?




    The United States took the first steps to protect the environment

    Another reminder: China couldn’t possibly have invented global warming as a ploy against the United States because it was Donald Trump’s Republican predecessors who first initiated negotiations on the subject in the 1980s.




  16. 47 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    That's about what it would have cost him in costs and lost income from taking a few days of his time to attend court to testify...so better to just pay-off the silly plaintiffs and get on with his presidency.


    Why do you call them " silly plaintiffs" ?


    Maybe they just believed his ads and promises ... and finally were disappointed by the delivery  ?

    Are they silly because they believed him or because they complain? Both?

    7.000 or so plaintiffs .. that's a quite lot of "silly" people 


  17. " “Americans are no wiser than the Europeans who saw democracy yield to fascism, Nazism, or communism. Our one advantage is that we might learn from their experience. Now is a good time to do so.

    Here are twenty lessons from the twentieth century, adapted to the circumstances of today" by Timothy Snyder, Housum Professor of History Yale University


    - 1. Do not obey in advance


    7. Stand out.

    8. Believe in truth. To abandon facts is to abandon freedom

    9. Investigate. Figure things out for yourself.


    20. Be a patriot. The incoming president is not. Set a good example of what America means for the generations to come. They will need it.“


    learn more : http://lapelosa.tumblr.com/post/153343741892/twenty-lessons-from-the-20th-century

  18. 12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:


    People who actually know something about the French know that they spend the same percentage of their GDP on defense as do the British. The highest in all of Europe. They also know that the French are fighting Islamic militants in many nations in Africa that were former French colonies. Of course, there are people who still hold a grudge against France for disbelieving the ironclad evidence George W. Bush provided to justify the USA waging war against Iraq. Are you one of them?


    Thanks for your answer to  Chili42  (ID31) " Does anyone remember why the US (and other European countries) have not wanted Germany to militarize?  If Russia were to open a can of whoop ass on Europe, who exactly would stop them ... the French?"


    By the way... does'nt  D. Trump - President-elect , claim ( sometimes) he opposed Irak war ... ?

    We see the straw in the eyes of others and we do not see the beam in ours

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