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Posts posted by Opl

  1. The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

    China Tells Trump That Climate Change Is No Hoax It Invented : " China couldn’t have invented global warming as a hoax to harm U.S. competitiveness because it was Donald Trump’s Republican predecessors who started climate negotiations in the 1980s, China’s Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said."


    This was long before China became interested in these negotiations aimed at curbing pollution. The site also recalls that Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State was "one of the most prominent Republicans expressing his concerns about global warming and the need for urgent action.




  2. Just because of  KKK' as well as alt- right's support to D. Trump during the campaign - and because  of the position and role D. Trump  President-elect gives to S. Bannon, whatever happens next, whatever D. Trump's presidency becomes for better or worse -  in regard to America's History , there has to be at least reactions from the part of the U.S citizens who consider D. Trump as a potentially dangerous POTUS. With all informations we can have today nobody is entitled to say " I did not know".

    Nobody can say - having S.  Bannon coaching POTUS is anodyne.


  3. 37 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    Firefighters’ Union Takes Ax to Giuliani’s 9/11 Acclaim



    Thank you for sharing these links -

    " “Rudy Giuliani has used a horrible event, Sept. 11, 2001, to create a carefully crafted persona,” IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger stated in the film’s introduction. But the fact is, what Rudy portrays is not a full picture of the decisions made that led, in our view, to the unnecessary deaths of our FDNY members and the attempt to stop the dignified recovery of those lost.”" 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    It's an extremely positive appointment for so many reasons.

    No more same-o, same-o in Washington w/regard to Wall Street for one. 


    You may be satisfied to in fact have Bannon as POTUS from behind : "a dynamic emerged, with Bannon often coaxing Trump to agree to his viewpoint, whether on climate change, foreign policy or the need to take on Republican leaders in Congress."

    "How Bannon flattered and coaxed Trump on policies key to the alt-right"




    " The clearest public sense of how the two will work together — and what policies Bannon may try to push — can be gleaned from a series of one-on-one interviews on Bannon’s radio show between November 2015 and June of this year. "




    ( Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon suggests having too many Asian tech CEOs undermines ‘civic society’)





  5. a potential massive conflict of interest for Donald Trump :  "Deutsche Bank is in crisis. It holds more than $300 million in Trump's debt. That's a problem."

    In the past few years, Trump obtained $364 million in loans from Deutsche Bank;

    The Justice Department demanded the gigantic German bank pay $14 billion to settle claims regarding its sale of bad mortgage-backed securities in the the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis. .




  6. Trump team seeks top-secret security clearances for Trump's children

    While nepotism rules prevent the president-elect from hiring his kids to work in the White House, they do not need to be government officials to receive top secret security clearances.

    " The issue raises another layer of questions about the unique role his children are playing and conflicts of interest with their running his network of businesses. "


    5 U.S. Code § 3110 - Employment of relatives; restrictions





  7. 15 hours ago, jaidam said:

    The progressive left offer some interesting ideas here. Is it possible the principle of elections is too old fashioned? The ruler of the country should be decided by whichever camp throws the biggest hissy fit?  The team that can do the most burnin' and lootin', weepin' and a' wailin' can assume Presidency? Or to simplify things, we can just cancel the whole political proceedure and simply ask mr George Soros who should be President? Interesting proposals and thoughts from our "educated" youth indeed.


     What is worth considering here is there is clearly a bunch of people with no work to do, and massivevuntapped energy levels. Let's attach a ball and chain to their wee ankles and ship 'em down to the border, give them a trowel and some mortar and lets get the Great Mexican wall built in a few days, then ship 'em all up north and get cracking on the Great Canadian wall.


     The only reason Trump's victory is astonishing is the whole bent media was brainwashed tonbelieve that only a Clinton win was permissable. A scary notion. Time for severe changes in US education starting with the firing of every single teacher, proffessor and educator. A week in Malmo for all of them should suffice. A proper eye opener to the wonderful rainbow world they dream of (and which flat-out does not exist). 


     Praise is due to all Rep voters for keeping their dignity and cool under this disgusting onslaught. The temptation to go out and start banging lefty skulls together must be great. Nice restraint guys, we can see who has the moral high ground here.


    So you are for reeducation camps - or worse -  for those who dislike Trump's and Bannon's ideology?

    You do not need to be  a leftist to disagree.


  8. " manners do matter—in tense situations, they are a matter of life and death, a thin line that separates barbarism from civilization. "


    "Donald Trump was unflatteringly compared to a man who noisily defecates in the corner of a room in which a respectful drinking party is going on."






  9. On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 9:53 AM, JDGRUEN said:

    Fear:  Fear of working, fear of taking care of themselves, fear of hearing or seeing things that might hurt their snowflake feeling, fear of learning how the world really works, fear that they paid no attention to the claims that the polls leading up to the election were rigged - biased... very fearful to learn that you were stupid not to pay attention ... 


    The Darwin Principle will take care of these fearful snowflakes who cannot recognize pure false propaganda that they suck in like a vacuum cleaner... 


    Donald Trump -- not one single sign that he was a racist in all of his 69 years until he challenged a leftist Democrat in the Presidential election.. How about being fearful of LIES?  




    So if you are interested in D. Trump's opinion about races : The Frontline documentary “The Choice,”  reveals that Trump agrees with the dangerous and abusive theory of eugenics.

    Donald Trump believes he has superior genes








  10. 14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    But he won't! He will not build a wall, he will not cut illegal immigration from Mexico and the 'legal immigration' from people from the Middle East for example has a perfectly sound and arduous vetting process.


    Furthermore he has now stated he is not going to deport all the illegals from Mexico, just 'the criminals', which is exactly the policy Obama has.


    Trump went in Obama's office full of his own ideas and came out a changed man! Maybe there was someone else in there who told Trump what he was going to do!  


    But he still can count on his core supporters to join the deportation force, and report where illegal immigrants can be arrested and deported.


  11. 21 minutes ago, bendejo said:

    The world press seems to be filling us up with egocentric baboons who will do anything for attention:  this guy, the one that runs North Korea, the guy who runs Russia, the Wikileaks guy.  Oh yeah, and that American guy with the dopey hairdo.

    And they hate it when you don't call them by name.  :tongue:





    " The Return of Public Vulgarity" Trump is the purest expression of this tendency toward debasement of our public  life -  by Slavo Zizek 



  12. We often see the straw in the eyes of others and we do not see the beam in ours


    1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

    Young children live in these areas and this is no way for civilized people to act or to teach their children about how a country acts when a new president is elected.


    I'm sure these young children ( 3 and up) perfectly rehearse Trump's speeches - and the best parts of them - with great facility.  Welcome to the Trump generation.


  13. D. Trump likes to put his name everywhere he can. 

    Probably he will erase all he can from the Obama years -  do some staging - put his name . And that's how real estate business goes.

    Of course, when it's Obama's it's of zero value, or less , but just puting Trump brand makes a tremendous difference, that's how marketing goes.



  14. 8 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

    It is not the 'protest'... it is the violence that comes along with it ... burning things including flags, breaking car windows... Violence and Rioting is NOT Protest


    The violence in D. Trump's speeches was not even covered under a modest veil. It was clearly shown off.  

  15. Yes...  D.Trump:


    1 -  first twitted d " Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair! 3:19 AM - 11 Nov 2016"

    2 - then after "  Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016


    Let's say he is OJL


    Trump’s tweets during protests go from stormy to respectful


  16. 43 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:
    43 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Good article. Just got to let things play out.

    Just got to let things play out.


    Quote :      56 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

    A taste of what's to come :  Trump team rivalries spark infighting

    End of quote.


    So... not yet a "Mexican" wall, but maybe already a "Mexican " army (This expression dates from 1910, period of the Mexican revolution. At the time, the revolution was led by peasants without military training. The leaders are multiplied, without any tactical organization, which makes the army little credible in the eyes of the enemy.)



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