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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 11 minutes ago, xofswen said:

    Actually Biden can appear almost being intentionally comedic with these mega gaffes, but unfortunately he's being sincere. Remember this one,

    Because "my first action as president will be to, make sure that we defeat Donald Trump. Period!"

    Hopefully he is not completely decimated in the scheduled debate, it will be too embarrassing to witness him imploding on national television like a babbling moron in front of millions for the world to see. I expect Biden wiggles out of the debates.

    Trump already refused to commit to accepting Election results, so Biden is right.    

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  2. 8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    Yes, Trump's America is literally burning down.  The country's a wreck because of this moron.  The sooner we get Trump out, the better it will be for everybody. 

    statement also shared by the Chinese.. 

    "some Chinese officials involved in trade negotiations with the Trump administration support a Biden victory simply so they can spend more time with their families, according to one person familiar with their thinking. China's trade team shows up to work looking exhausted,"



    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, puck2 said:

    The concernes, US companies have, exist of one main intention: make money. Concerning Trump: only re-election.

    Do you really dream Trump has an idea like: the people first and then me. Never! A person with an absolutely sick character - as prouven day by day!


    A person with a reliable character would not press the companies to ignore safety rules. Trump's rule is:  ME FIRST.

    it'even worse: " that's their problem"



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  4. 57 minutes ago, FlyingThai said:

    I’d trust Trump and the task force more than Joe Biden, a man in adult diapers with an attention span of 20 seconds.


    Trump has no influence on the vaccine entering the market or not. Nobody in the FDA and other departments is going to open himself up to potential menslaughter charges, lawsuits and hearings should something go wrong. If it’s safe then it will go into circulation. If not then it won’t.


    The pharma companies are indemnified anyway, it’s all about the regulators.

    Which Trump do you trust? The one recorded on tape or the one rallying for re-election? 

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  5. " if the campaign took place only on the web, the three scientists from Neuchâtel and Bern would predict another victory for Donald Trump. “Repeating a message, even false or misleading, achieves the intended objective,” 


  6. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You original post was about Germany being held hostage. So while the parts of your post having to with Greece might bear indirect relevance, they are quite the same thing.


    Turkish Diaspora in Germany - what percent of the total population does it represent? Do all of them have voting rights in Germany as well? How is the support for Erdogan translated when voting on things German? In what demonstrable way is Germany's foreign policy impacted by minorities


    Leverage - as far as I recall, it's a two-way street. Erdogan gets economic/financial support in return for keeping a lead on the refugee situation. Presumably, if he reneges on the deal, the support will reviewed.



    4 responds to 1, 5 to 2, and 6 to 3 , and it goes also  6-1, 5-1, etc..    

    if you're interested in Turkey's 2018 elections data, use google, I didn't want to post too long, just replied to your request: Erdogan's blackmailing tactics at Europe's borders work within too. 

    If you know what Political Islam Activism in Europe refers to, you have the answer. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    Hostage how? And if possible, without hyperbole.


    1/ Erdogan promotes extreme Turkish Nationalism (Grey Wolves), the anti-Greek military posturing is supposed to mobilize the chauvinistic reflexes of the Turks , Erdogan supports Muslim Brotherhood

    2/ One should not underestimate Turkey that has been at the center of the fighting for years, Libya, Iraq, Syria , including enrolling former Daesh fighters

    3/ Erdogan has all the cards in his game: mass, proximity, its diasporas, the non-existence of Europe, the cynicism of Trump and Putin


    4/ Germany is home to the largest diaspora of Turkish nationals, with 2/3 of them voting for Erdogan. Germany has the second-largest Muslim population in Western Europe after France, nearly 4.7 million Muslims, 3 million are of Turkish origin, Germany, like France, has its foreign policy impacted by strong ethnic and religious minorities who reside on its soil.  

    5/ Do I have to mention how Merkel gave leverage to Erdogan over Europe with the migrants crisis?

    6/ Germany defends its economy - Turkey's partnership  is part of it - What is Greece in regards? 

  8. 29 minutes ago, tgw said:

    and we say Erdogan needs to be taught a lesson in humility.

    financial sanctions will do,

    "CHP chair: Erdoğan and his family accumulating wealth in US, to move there if Turkey enters a new era. The CHP leader also said that Erdoğan could not stand up against the U.S. as there is the “threat” of his financial assets being investigated in the country."




  9. 26 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Why would they do that when they could just agree a simple, mutually beneficial Canada style trade deal?


    All these problems disappear instantly if the EU takes a reasonable stance. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture without your Blue and Gold glasses on. It's the logical solution.

    The bigger frame:  the UK is demanding a trade deal agreement without the obligation to respect it.

    The bigger picture:  due to COVID, a no-deal would be just a little extra pain to cope with

    The reasonable stance for the EU is to never let the Single Market borders under control of the UK.

    The logical solution : let's see what a no-deal brings that is "mutually beneficial"

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