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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 26 minutes ago, polpott said:

    Your job is not to allow illegal migrants to leave your country. But that's the object of the exercise, isn't it?

    First - You said NGOs ships rightly don't take back migrants to the nearest North African port - it doesn't need to be Lybia, it could be Tunisia, anywhere else, so it's OK for you to bring them from the Mediterranneen to Europe as stop-over.. but then they should be blocked were they don't want to stay ( Greece, France..), and you expect France to retain them there, So you help for their departure, but not to their final destination.. 


    Second - you blame the French for not doing UK's job police at the border actually on French soil.. - well, next year - end of the transition period, the UK will not be legally entitled to return migrants automatically to France, so then prepare to control your borders on your soil, not in Calais, Boulogne, not on French coasts which will require means 24/7


    Of course I also do take informations from websites specialized on displaying infos to migrants, that's how things accurately work, instead of just giving opinions according to one's feelings

  2. 3 minutes ago, polpott said:

    So why doesn't the French coastguard pick them up and return them to France?

    I thought my quote explained it clearly enough, you'll find details in the link I shared.

    Irregular migrants use the same blackmailing tactic once rescued by NGO's ships when they refuse to be returned to the nearest north African port.

    Would any intervention cause the death by accident of a migrant, you would rapidly know who has leverage.. and who is submitted.   

  3. 6 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Then from Germany to France. Then directed onto a boat to the UK by the French authorities (with Macron's blessing).

    ""The maritime prefect doesn't want that passengers be put in danger by an attempt to storm their boat, which infuriates the British side, who say that we don't do our job. We have seen migrants putting gasoline on themselves and threatening to set themselves alight. Others showed very young kids onboard, saying that if French sailors insist they will all capsize and the children will drown", said Pascal Marconville."


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  4. Due to continued arrivals of people from Africa, Asia and the M.E fleeing poverty and conflicts since decades, public opinions in Europe stand by Greece's side, the repeated destruction of camps doesn't draw more  sympathy for migrants who force their way smuggling into Europe as most of them don't adhere to our values and represent a social and economic burden.

    It's easier to protest in Europe than in their homelands,  





    "Greece is in the eye of the two storms tearing Europe apart, first pummelled by austerity and now quarantined to keep migrants at bay. Its people have opened their hearts and homes to those in need, even as wealthier countries close their borders. But with the twin crises festering, this impoverished nation of 11 million is being pushed to breaking point."


    February 2020 

    "A refugee protest was violently suppressed by Greek riot police earlier this week on the Island of Lesbos. According to aid workers, up to 2,000 refugees mainly Afghans, Iranians and Syrians, marched out of Moria refugee camp over delays in asylum cases, worsening conditions and extreme overcrowding"


  5. 1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

    Because a lot of people are incapable of distinguishing between a perpetrator as a person and the race or religion he belongs to. If a moslem or a black guy commits a crime it’s never “he” it’s always “them“. Hence we have lots of Islamophobia and xenophobia now because of the horrific attacks of Islamic and black perpetrators.

    I know quite a few moslems and they get dirty looks every day and those looks increase and intensify substantially after every terrorist attack. What people don’t seem to understand is that most regular moslems don’t want anything to do with the attacks, as a matter of fact, they wish they’d stop because it puts all of them in a bad light and they suffer on a daily basis because of them, despite having nothing to do with it! 

    My guess in this case is that the cops want to prevent right wing attacks or discrimination against blacks and that’s why they refuse to initially name his race publicly, while the emotions of the general public still run high! 

    blah blah blah .....

    If only you could read and hear what thay say and who they finally blame for the situation, when they talk among peope of the same community you wouldn't be so naive,  

    teach your children well, that's all

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