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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 2 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

    Does anyone in the US care what others think? I don't think so....and nor should they in my view.


    Perhaps some one should review the need for any more of this sort of stuff from now on. It seems to inflame opinion and seems to serve no end other than to highlight the huge gulf in American politics.


    The world either needs a strong and powerful, but stable and sane America, or it needs America not at all.

    It's just that with Trump's election, America isn't that "exceptional" anymore, and that is something the rest of the World feels very comfortable with, meaning "so now you too.. "

    Besides, and there is no doubt about it, Trump is good news for China, good news for Europe, good news for Russia   

  2. 1 hour ago, jspill said:

    The problem is the mass migration continues, at current trends France will be Muslim / non-white majority by the middle of the century. Demographers predict the same for the UK and many western countries. The people have no freedom of speech to criticize that, there are harsh penalties to resisting the diversity agenda. Charlie Hebdo are fine with that, they no doubt also mock 'racist' working class people in cartoon form too. So who cares if they do a cartoon that makes Muslims angry, that isn't a win for the French people, they don't have freedom of speech against the migration and they are the ones that end up having to feel the effects.

    it's not the color of your skin that defines your identity, but your core values do. Both Notre-Dame, and the french separation of Church and State are part of French cultural identity, no blasphemy law as well, among others. You don't have to be a White-skin Christian to identify as French. 

    But it's obvious that a significant part of the french population, or of people living in France, because they have no other better choice, just bear french ID, do not share our values and prove it through acts as well as  opinions.

    The fact is: "Charlie" reminds us the kind of threat they represent ( where it comes from, it's impact on our societies)  and warns us not to back down.

    Mass irregular immigration is an other topic.  


  3. 8 hours ago, jspill said:

    All of the mainsteam media including Charlie Hebdo still support mass migration of Muslims and others into the West. Charlie Hebdo isn't on our side here, what they do just makes sure migrants hate us and see all white people as 'racist' when they get here, leading to more violence and unrest, which the elites are perfectly happy about.

    today's IFOP poll:
    59% of French people support the publication of Muhammad cartoons
    Where is the problem? 
    - 18% of Muslims surveyed and living in France do not condemn the 2015 attacks,
    - 26% of young French Muslims do not condemn jihadists.
    - according to 29% of Muslims surveyed"Islam is incompatible with the values of French society", according to 29% of Muslims surveyed
    - 25% of French Muslims surveyed would have participated in "insults and provocations issued during ceremonies in honor of the victims". 59% of Muslims would participate in the minute of silence in tribute to the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack, against 80% of the French as a whole.
    - 40% of Muslims put their religious convictions ahead of the “values of the Republic”. Among young Muslims under 25, the percentage is 74%.
       (For all French people, this figure is 17%).
    - 61% of Muslims surveyed agree with the statement "Islam is the only true religion", and 29% of them approve the sentence "Islam is incompatible with the values of French society".
    source in French Le Figaro 
  4. Just now, Oxx said:


    Given mass economic immigration from the Muslim world and the high fertility of Muslim women, it's not inconceivable that the superstition and ignorance of Islam will have the final word and freedom of speech will be lost, not only in France, but across much of Western Europe.  Even in a democracy, their tendency to vote according to the diktats of the local mosque means that their influence can far outweigh their statistical numbers.

    - Macron february 2020 ; ""A problem arises when, in the name of religion, some want to separate themselves from the Republic and therefore not respect its laws,” 

     "political islam" has "no place" in France


    • Like 2
  5. the truth is out there

    “I don’t like to mention Biden because he’s not controlling anything. They control him….People that you’ve never heard of. People who are in the dark shadows…..People that you’ve never heard of. They’re people that are on the streets. They’re people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane in a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, gear, and this and that. They’re on a plane.” Trump said...




    • Thanks 1
  6. Game Theory and Brexit Negotiations

    "The origins in a game in which two drivers drive towards each other on a collision course: one must swerve, or both may die in the crash, but if one driver swerves and the other does not, the one who swerved will be called a "chicken. Cummings believes that the EU car will swerve at the last moment if it is convinced that the vehicle driven by Johnson is determined not to Chivers points out that one flaw in this theory is that it assumes that Johnson and the EU are driving the same cars. "



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  7. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Your comment has nothing to do with my reply to the member. Nobody has denied the existence of people smugglers / trafficker's, what is also know is such people are also involved with additional criminality such as kidnapping for ransom, torture, rape and so on. 

    opinions : people who one way or the other smuggle into Europe by sponsoring traffickers activities , as you just mentioned, in the host countries too, are not welcome.

    The member you replied to was telling facts as they are - I provided a link that proves it- not an opinion, but as they don't fit to your narrative and agenda, you label them as "opinion" , my comment was to state the difference - you just helped me to, thanks.  

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    learn from the past, look to the future. cease endless recycling of rhetoric, Not working to seek solutions for core issues with not 'fix' the challenges, only repeat history. Educating and assisting vetted local people will contribute, so long as they are not murdered by the dictatorships / corrupt government with happens with sad regularity, including Thailand.

    call it "recycling rhetoric" if it's comfortable, the fact is that our governments in the West now finally acknowledge the risks our societies are facing, and named it clearly.   

  9. 13 minutes ago, Dap said:

    Hmm, "clever" eh? Putting their own and their children's lives in jeopardy to attain a better existence, and hoping against hope that someone out there will lend assistance. Yep, so clever. I will never be more grateful that I was so lucky to be born into a country that wasn't trying to kill me or my family, and "Lucky" is the operative term. It could easily have been otherwise and it's me and my kids that could be in those leaky, overloaded boats, or maybe even you and your family.

    Give them the credit of beeing very well informed, they are the one who make the decision, you are just submitted to the fact that they leave you no choice. But at least don't pretend to be the good Samaritan, you're just fullfilling your part of the contract, you just omitted to discuss the rules. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Amateur opinion: force focus, funding and skilled resources, work closer with regional forces for border control, In parallel roll out programs to address the opportunity divide between North and South and by some miracle sort out tribal conflicts - dreaming eh...

    this is all well, and this is the reason why we endlessly fund these countries one way or the other, including sponsoring their booming populations, nonetheless there is nothing you can do against:

    - governements that find it more comfortable to extort funds from the International community rather than developing their economies since decades

    - young people who rather take the shortcut to a better life in the West by leaving their countries, instead of fighting for progress and democracy  

    Migration is the name of the game


  11. 10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Arab Spring was an uprising in a number of countries by the people against corrupt dictatorships and their cruelty. What organised groups from 'Political Islam' were identified as being involved? I ask the question as Political Islam is often equated by some to extremist / terror groups, is that what you're claiming?

    I'm referring to political Islam for exactly what it is : a social and political organization of the society that rules people's personal life submitted to so called faith believes, do's and don'ts.

    The fact that these population vote for "corrupt dictorships" of their choice - this clan rather than the other-  is their business, not westerners' one.    

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