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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 25 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    look... I am looking for ideas to start with... no need to tell me that you personally know nothing - that is apparent... others were kind enough to respond with possibilities and experiences to be considered... which is why I asked. Yes, we will see a doctor next week when she returns from the village... 

    In my case, it started with  the first phalanx of the middle finger, and extended to the 2nd, I could'nt bend it anymore, I went to the doctor  who gave me a prescrIption for antibiotics, telling me if it didn't get better I should then check in hospital.

    When I went to the pharmacy I was lucky enough, the pharmacist who happened to know something about (he formerly studied medicin and was interested in hand chirurgy) told me antibiotics would do nothing and strongly advised me to go to a specialized clinic which I did immediately, they had an emergency room, I had a blood analysis and got the surgery 2 days later.

    I felt I was lucky, reason why I replied to your post, just in case.. but hope it's nothing like that for your wife. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Perhaps we don't support her because the voters in the primary rejected her. If she was as good as some on here make out she'd be the candidate for POTUS, instead of being chosen, apparently, because she is female and of dark complexion.

    I personally haven't seen anything from Trump on her.

    "“They see potential in her,” Buttigieg’s pollster wrote about Kamala Harris, after interviewing groups of black voters — “but do worry that America won’t elect a black woman.”


    • Thanks 1
  3. "Priti Patel: Migrants crossing Channel as they believe France is racist. "Migrants are crossing the Channel to Britain because they believe France is a “racist country” where they may be “tortured”, Priti Patel has said. “They claim they feel discriminated against when, for example, looking for work in France. Others claimed they feared being tortured if they stayed in France or Germany."


    So then, finally they  are fleeing France and seeking for asylum in the UK, the nearest safe country.  I believe they trust Priti's statement for obvious reasons, and it's not totally untrue, when it comes to discrimination for obvious reasons too.      



  4. It happened to me, I couldn't understand where it came from, and I had just been manipulating some plastic flower pots. No cut, nothing. I had to have chirurgy in the palm, and it's OK. 

    When it comes to the hand, if you let the infection get worse, then it moves from hand to arm, etc.. and it's very dangerous, you'll then need chirurgy, and hand chirurgy is very delicate.

    Better be over cautious.

    If it lasts and gets worse, and wakes her up during the night,  check in hospital specialized , even if it's begnine, they will give you what is necessary to disinfect.

    But I hope it's nothing like that, 


    • Thanks 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Doing all he can to restrict fraudulent voting is a democratic trait. He should be finding ways to increase legitimate voting.


     Reads better when accurately phrased.

    Ballot boxes are safely guarded when there are concerns about the results’ legitimacy because of the potential for manipulation (more ballots added)  now it appears that keeping mail boxes as empty as possible is the alternative trick : when you can't get it this way, try the opposite solution.

    ( it's probably not accurately phrased, but I'm sure you grasp the idea; can't add? then subtract)

    Which confirms that Trump believes he won't be re-elected if the turnout is high.  


    • Like 1
  6. "One basic rule of presidential campaigning is to not generate negative headlines simultaneously in all the states you need to win in order to secure an Electoral College majority – especially when you’re already behind in said states."





    MI_DFP.jpg FL_TIMES.jpg

    • Haha 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, elliss said:


        That said .

      Employment prospects in the UK are not encouraging enough,  too be smuggled into the UK.

        So , there may well other reasons ..

        Social security benefits , come too mind .

       Which in my opinion , should be made available only , for British citizens ,..


    Fortunately for them, people will work  - legally or rather not - for relatives of relatives - mostly in ethnic businesses, of the same origin, village, extended family etc.. will be housed by someone of the community who owns flats and rents rooms, etc.. and little by little they settle. Reason why connections in the host countries are key. They'll be able to borrow some money from the community to start a business of their own etc, etc... and in the end you'll find entire streets whith the same population and all the shops/restaurants they need. 

    It's the same process all over the world, observe how things work in every "chinatown". "little India", etc.. sometimes different communities are in competition in the same area, which may cause trouble.  

    If your country protects children, then often benefits are attached to them, free school as it is mandatory, health care, social welfare.. and this can explain why there are so many "single" mothers with 4 kids.. living in too small flats, and you wonder why people complain about their living conditions. 

    • Sad 2
  8. 46 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


     Whether that is a five star hotel or a falling down hovel; what has it got to do with where asylum seekers in the UK are housed?

    Illegal migrants - mostly fake asylum seekers occupy the streets in certain areas in Paris, and due to the pandemic, certain measures have been taken to house them till end of march 2021. Those who head to Calais in destination for the UK, are of course not lodged., the camp has been destroyed , but they still come back to try and cross the Channel. This hotel in Paris is rather new and comfortable, those in the regions sometimes less, anyway they need to be totally refurbished when the migrants leave the place. They end up sometimes 5 in a 17sqm room after a 3 year stay.. more kids born in the family. Most of them don't want to be relocated in rural areas.

    That's what they cost French Taxpayers.  And France structures are since decades overwhelmed, Enough is Enough.

    Germany is experiencing the case of suddden mass immigration since 2015, let's see in 10 years how things evolve.

    And I do understand the reluctance in the UK to welcome and accomodate uninvited guests. 

    I have no doubt Kent Migrants NGOs will do a better job, since French Government has stopped providing commodities in Calais 


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