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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 8 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Well me why it isn't the 'fault' of the power structures. e.g. look what happened during the Arab Spring / Iran - thoroughly crushed - what did Western powers do to assist the uprisings - nothing.

    Are you saying that Westerners should meddle in Islamic countries internal affairs against political Islam? 

    This has been a failure repeatedly. 

    What Westerners have to do urgently is to fight against political Islam on western soil. 


    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    EU and other countries have been fully aware of the push / pull factors from poverty ridden corrupt countries and conflict areas with people attempting to enter the EU for years, if not decades, Due to ill-advised foreign policy decisions, squabbling, complacency and all the other 'reasons' we have the situation we see today. It is well past due people stopped laying all the fault at the feet of the asylum seekers, no matter their status, the 'blame' lays with governments.

    Tell it to Tunisians or Europeans with Tunisian roots settled in Europe who spend their yearly summer holidays in their homeland.



    ""We find ourselves in a similar situation as those who are fighting terrorists," he says. "It's what we call asymmetrical. In other words, the adversary plays by his rules and we play by different ones. We don't have the tools to combat them.""


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  3. 11 minutes ago, englishoak said:

    The reality is

    Yes I know, yes you're right, but as our asylum laws are effectively abused by people who de facto sponsor smugglers and their criminal trafficking, I'm in favor of at least taking something out of any situation we actually don't control to the benefit of people risking their lives against smugglers and other criminals.    

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  4. 13 minutes ago, englishoak said:

    Naaa just trash it, Banksy isnt an artist, hes an activist thats all, a given permission to graffiti what he does, do you really think the authorities dont know who he is ? The fact hes not charged with defacing others property and is a mystery man in a land of CCTV  just shows he has permission. Interests make big a deal about it as art so he can do it and his sponsors make some good cash.. Banksy like the boat is a SCAM.. as are most all "modern art" peddlers. Its all trash 



    Sell it at the highest possible price,  then give the money to police orphans fund  

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, candide said:

    An interesting account of the achievements of "We build the Wall" ????



    Yes, very interesting: How Trump supporters finally "made him look bad".. and how his Administration  awarded the builder a $1.7 billion contract to build more walls. 

    Trump says he disagreed.. 

    Trump says he knows "nothing" about the project

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    don jr. is on videotape endorsing this bannon-led wall-athon.


    He is now saying he didn't really know what it was about.


    'What you guys are doing is amazing': Donald Trump Jr. spoke at an event for Steve Bannon's 'We Build the Wall' group, which federal prosecutors say defrauded donors out of millions







    "This is what capitalism is all about. This is private enterprise at its finest. Doing it better, faster, cheaper than anything else. What you guys are doing is amazing," Trump Jr. said at the time, per the El Paso Times."

    "A Facebook page run by the founder of the group in December 2019 ran an ad promising autographed copies of Trump Jr.'s book in exchange for donations."




  7. Congratulations.

    I'd suggest you to stay indoor,  in a place with people you know but where nobody smokes, for 2 more weeks, live in a total smoke free environment. 

    Don't stay alone, Because then it's too easy to break the rule.  It must be a place where you wouldn't feel comfortable to smoke, or even think of. 

    Don't go out shopping, don't go out at all. Don't even speak about smoking / non smoking.

    Anytime, you feel the need, drink a glass of fresh water, read books, stay in bed, whatever...

    I quit smoking this way, it took me 2 weeks and never smoked again, it was 14 years ago!  

    You can make it, you'll feel free.   

  8. 7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Trump, IMO, was a response to the corruption in Washington, whether he was an ideal candidate or not. If he comes across in a manner some do not like, it is because he is, IMO, not a suave creature of the swamp that speaks nicely and exploits the populace without mercy. You may not have noticed, but he comes across like normal, working class person. I certainly identify with him more than some political person that has never done a real job in their entire lives, but dresses nicely and bribes voters with their own money to keep them in the style they think they are entitled to. Beats doing a real job.

    And then your final decision to swing your vote from Sanders to Trump is  grounded on how the final nominee's appearance - according to your standards - resonates with yours? 

    And now you understand why the most beautiful girl in the world isn't the one who wins the contest...   

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