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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 8 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:


    he is on tape stating " he could grab any woman on the pussy" 

    I have done more for WOMEN than just about any President in HISTORY! As we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of women’s voting rights, we should build a BEAUTIFUL STATUE in Washington D.C. to honor the many brave women who made this possible for our GREAT COUNTRY...
    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, dexterm said:

    Thanks ..I'll certainly be boycotting Etihad too, along with Gulf Air and Oman.


    Anecdotal evidence is hardly proof of Emiratis' undying love for Israel. Would be nice to know how well respected the Crown Prince really is...err...a democratic election might help. 
    Not much different from Israel where 4.5 million Palestinians have their lives controlled by a racist elite but have no say in the process. 


    Would you consider boycotting Qatar Airways? 

  3. 9 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    This ? =

    BRIT holidaymakers have reacted with dismay after France was added to the quarantine list - as the Channel Tunnel boss warned "we're fully booked".

    Tonight's decision gives half a million Brits just over a day to get back home if they want to avoid 14 days isolation.

    no, this one ... from Calais Mayor to BJ ...  "calm down"

    “Therefore I appeal to Boris Johnson, saying you urgently need to calm down, and urgently need to change your methods of … dealing with migrants.”


    • Thanks 2
  4. 18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It wasn't a legitimate question. It is a question that can never be answered without self harm.

    Freedom of speech extends to not saying anything, as in a reply to a gottcha question.


    Given as this is a thread about Biden and Harris, IMO he picked her because he knew she is controversial and will take the pressure off him as everyone talks about her instead of him.

    IMO a calculated move for his benefit.

    Trump absolutely doesn't care. Why would you?  

    • Like 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

    LOL.  The logic of your arguments fail.  Trump supporters, as with any "group," are so varied that it is impossible to lump them all together.  Full stop.  Generalizing does not work as you would like it to here simply due to immense variation.


    You cite Quora as an attempt to validate your claim that propaganda can be true.  The citation you provide is nothing more than the general public providing an answer to someone's question, "Can propaganda be the truth."  The first answer given fits with your desire to redefine the word "propaganda" to mean something other than what it means, a la 1984.  The fourth answer is accurate:


    "Propaganda is a presentation method which promotes or destroys a cause, a product, a service, an individual or an idea in a deliberately one-sided way. Propaganda has an agenda.


    "Truth is a claim that a description, perception or understanding of something accurately reflects it. Truth’s only agenda is itself.


    "By this definition the truth cannot deliberately present information in a one-sided way. Propaganda cannot be the truth, therefore."


    Just to note, propaganda can include statements of truth but certainly not the whole truth.  The idea is to provide some element of truth in order to give your agenda-based conclusions something to point to thus any truth included serving only as a patina of credibility.


    Just to further hit home my point, had Klepper attempted to interview me I would have immediately recognized his scam and he would not have been able to "play" me.  I would have been one of those interviewees who would have been cut out of his video during editing.  Rest assured some of the interviewees were cut out.

    KIS : Trump wouldn't be spouting so much idiotic nonsense talking points if his followers didn't parrot what he says as shown on the video. You can say you don't identify with them - I bet for Trump you belong to the same audience.  

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    if Mod will permit: The drug you mention has not proven to be effective and is no longer used for the prevention of Covid-19; another furphy by trump. Yes, trump is a hypocrite when he claims to know better than medical experts, refused to wear a mask etc etc  at the same time, as I said, having a huge medical protection screening process everywhere he goes. Thankfully looks as though trump won't be President much longer, even though he is trying to use his power to shut down postal votes. Why? as trump admits because it disadvantages the Democrats by way of voter disenfranchisement. trump is unfit to represent the Office of the President of the USA.

    Dr Birx declared - and I think it's absolutely true: "  "He has been so attentive to the details and the data, and his ability to analyze and integrate data has been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues" -

    Trump doesn't identify with the population the most at risk. With all the implications.   

  7. 9 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    77% of flu infections are asymptomatic and the same for covid-19, does that mean no one can travel anywhere again. I think people are losing sight of what is happening. You need to live with viruses not shut everything down.

    It's a pandemic.

    Make sure you don't spread it back at home if you ever get infected on your trip. But it's useless since finally you're not in control. 

    I personnally can live a few months without boarding planes all over Europe, until we get a vaccine - and keep my distances at home etc.. to avoid a second complete lockdown. 

    Enjoy your trip, LOL

    • Confused 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    You need to go at short notice to countries that have low infection rates, luckily I've booked Rome for the 19th and Athens on the 23rd. I think both of those countries are ok for a few more weeks and Boris hasn't got the balls to exclude Germany, I'm flying back via Dortmund.


    And before anyone says I'm mad, yes I am, but these places are devoid of hordes of tourists and I've always wanted to see the Colliseum, Sistine Chapel and the Acropolis. In Rome I'm staying in a hostel, but over 45s need a private room, bit ageist that!

    and if you are asymptomatic, then you spread covid on your Europe tour, that's how it started

    • Sad 1
  9. 1 hour ago, tokachinter said:

    Yes, from what I understand of this incident that more than qualifies as inept ! So inept that it is incredible to think it was orchestrated by the former head of one of the most successful security services in the world. Who knows? Perhaps if the U.K. government shared its forensic evidence with an independent body the Russian Government and Putin's involvement could be proven beyond doubt.


    "deny, distract, and blame"

  10. 4 hours ago, tokachinter said:

    Thanks for responding to my request. Two questions for you: 

    1/ Trump's ineptness is well documented, can you list some examples of Putin's ?

    2/ I am curious, where would you rank Morrison? Based on his actions (and in-actions) during this and other crises, I would rank him equal or below his BFF, Trump.

    P.S. I included all U.S. presidential candidates as an election there is imminent and therefore the leadership ability (albeit potential) of each during the COVID-19 pandemic is relevant (OK, not really for West who will likely only win the race to a mental health facility, though not by much from Biden, IMHO). 

    "deny, distract, and blame"

  11. On 8/12/2020 at 10:32 AM, dunroaming said:

    It's a fair question.  The effects of the Corona Virus has scuppered any predictions of the fallout from Brexit.  Not sure what you mean by BRINO though as Johnson pushes ahead with his no-deal plan.  Of course they do have to pay the 38 billion pounds and contrary to what they promised they will still be paying into the EU after we have left as agreed in the withdrawal agreement (Gove admitted they got that wrong two weeks ago), but so far it looks like we will revert to WTO rules.


    But back to the fallout from Covid-19.  Over 730,000 newly unemployed and Britain officially in the deepest recession on record.  As the furlough scheme comes to an end many more will be made redundant.  I expect the EU countries will rally round and support each other so if we can do a last minute trade deal with them, that may help us in the near future. 


    My son is trying to get a part time job as he is now going to 6th form college.  He applied to a local café for a Saturday job clearing and cleaning tables.  The owner said they usually get about one hundred people apply and they are mostly students.  This time over four hundred have applied of all ages.  Needless to say he didn't get the job.  He is also applying for an evening job at the bowling alley.  Again they are completely overwhelmed with applications and they haven't even re-opened yet!

    I believe your government will have put in place a "youth plan" (if not already)  as we'll have in France, we are all in the same boat


    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:


    Would it be in the US interests to destabilise the EU ? Do they see it as a competitor? 



    The US just like China and now the UK have no other wish than the EU to collapse.. 

    tariffs, extraterritoriality of American laws, etc...   

    "The US has said it will hold off an a threatened hike in tariffs on $7.5bn (£5.75bn) worth of European and UK goods that it imposed as punishment for subsidies for plane-maker Airbus."


  13. "A Republican source said, “Trump’s view was that Biden would prefer a candidate with Bass’s low national profile and one who wouldn’t outshine him. Trump was also hopeful that Bass, a California congresswoman, would join the ticket given her record of making positive comments about the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.”"


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  14. 8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Even if he is not reelected he will be president until 19th January 2021.

    That's still 159 days. So if he only f$$#$# up once a day that's 159 time too many.

    And I really don't want to think about how Trump will behave once he is beaten but still in power.

    this is an opinion piece;  


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