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Everything posted by seedy

  1. I never abused you. I made a post re: the price. Chill
  2. Go to police station. Report car stolen. Give address to police. They will come 'grab' it for her. And 'grab' the owner at the same time for auto theft.
  3. 555 - are they made from unobtainium ?
  4. Since the beginning of time, these words have been true ... “Isn’t that rebellion? Yes or no?” “Yes. But there are mitigating circumstances. Serious miti—” “There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a sovereign lord.” “Unless you win.” Shogun
  5. If the Ford head unit supports Android you can use almost any app available on the Play Store. Same if it supports Apple car play. The problem with factory head units are that they are the cheapest, lowest performing, hunks of junk on the market. Want full Android auto, no update hassles (auto), and way better sound - get an aftermarket head unit. Have Pioneer in 2 of ours and it works perfectly - mirror all apps on my fone, can sync both my wife and mine fone. , glitch free.
  6. Big ? - Handlebar width (widest part of bike) like a Honda Wave. Length about 12cm more than a Wave. I bought mine for the increased power. Heavy ? Once underway I never feel it, altho' got years riding bikes 2 or 3 times the weight. Expensive ? prices good on second hand, low mileage models. U ever ride one ?
  7. Blame the weather. Blame the design of a pickup truck. I been driving pickups since the 70's - rain, snow, ice. Never rolled one. Never had an accident. It will only do what you tell it to do - barring flat tires.
  8. In CNX Forza sold and serviced at Big Wing
  9. Wife got booster at Mother and Child hospital this AM Foreigners welcome. Only until 1200 or 1230 so most likely SOL today. Another coming up in a week or two
  10. Injury - 500,000 person, 10 mil accident, 1 mil property damage Bail bond 300K Own damage 57K 4849.24 THB
  11. Thai people - most likely the majority just have basic, but they also have Gov't health care. And if they swipe a Merc - well, can't get blood out of a stone. Me - I never want to find out - hence 10 million coverage.
  12. All the people I know - foreigner - keep First Class. Why would you not ? Height of Folly to not be insured to cover those "Oh S---" moments
  13. Maybe you should do a little fact checking before posting what could very well be considered ... Mae Moh power plant - burns lignite 5 others in Thailand burn coal also producing 20% of power generated. Renewables increased 0.7% from 2008 - 2017, hardly earth shattering.
  14. PCX and CRF First Class since new. How you figure it is rare ? My 2013 Forza, bought in 2019 second hand, is on First Class. Rare - Hardly
  15. Without knowing the class of insurance - but going on your quote for around 2K, I would hazard Third Class. Impossible to know without details of the policy. FYI my First Class for my 2013 Forza is now about 5K. Payout 120K if totaled.
  16. The mind boggles
  17. Seems actors in will still be employed - except in Animations, where they never existed anyway. My view - Cinema's artistry lies in its ability to paint either a formalistic or a realistic picture of what the human experience is. Developing AI technologies that would instantaneously generate a film is troubling in the sense that the essence of cinema may truly be lost in the shuffle. In this article, we’ll focus on five uses of AI in film: Scheduling/pre-production Scriptwriting Visual effects Trailer creation Music composition https://www.aiacceleratorinstitute.com/artificial-intelligence-in-film-5-uses-you-need-to-know/
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