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Everything posted by seedy

  1. On our Teana I run Premium tires 'cause I drive it like I stole it. When tread wear gets to 50% I install new ones. All that is keeping you on the road is those 4 small contact patches. Best to have near new tires doing that contacting for you if you drive like me. Those that keep to the speed limits - well, you can get by with less.
  2. Get a Grip people ! It said 'he had Covid' - not that covid has anything at all to the cause of his death. Get off the "Oh my God - COVID" shock and awe !
  3. TPB Subs - https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/ssearch/sublanguageid-eng/season-1/idmovie-1152653
  4. https://www.totalcardiagnostics.com/learn/read-obd1-codes/ Will need a VPN from USA
  5. Unless you are active in the cause you espouse - you are a dilettante. Speaking words that sound good - like a politician - yet actually doing nothing to advance any cause you 'support' Get on the ground, boots dirty, sweat streaming. Then you can call yourself an activist - not another person paying "Lip Service" to some random cause you read about online while relaxing in your PJ's
  6. I used non diluted vinegar right from the bottle. Spray on liberally, place in sun. I massaged the seat fabric - and the foam underneath - slightly to allow it to penetrate. Slight odor of vinegar disappears in a few days. Lot better than smelling dog urine
  7. Used for the last couple of years. Have Glaucoma so need a yearly visit. Husband and wife both Doctors https://goo.gl/maps/G2skEFhzYHghfpKV6
  8. Wise move on your part - IM not so HO See how this all plays out. Re: maintenance - ICE cars been here forever, yet if I did not have my own Pro scan tool the shops would never find the problem. I bring the results and show them - one even asked his manager if the shop could get one. Got a dirty look from him !!! 555 Cars are so complex these days that - if I was younger - I would open a shop to fix all the unfixables from name brand dealer service departments, where all they do is fire the parts cannon at the problem !
  9. The more I learn about this 'Man' - and I use the term grudgingly - the more I am amazed ! How did he hoodwink so many people that they elected him POTUS ? A perusal of his life finds theft, fraud, lies, deceit - and the latest to add to this is Sedition and Treason. Why is he not in jail ?
  10. If you opt for the light weight high quality German brand lenses they will most likely be made in BKK. Mine were - purchased November.
  11. So people who do not share your ideas are full of BS ? Gotta laugh !!! And - as I have said before - I am NOT anti anything. Just bringing my opinion to the discussion, without resorting to name calling, denigration of the opinions of others, and a depth of Arrogance where one persons view is so much more valued than that of another.
  12. But he has already purchased the Vios - so no more outlay except for fuel and maintenance.
  13. If you have your heart set on buying an EV, ensure that you purchase a model which has undergone crash testing by a reputable agency. Many have not, especially in Thailand. And always good advice to not be a First Adopter. Let the market season for a couple years, see how the vehicles hold up, see how the dealerships handle warranty claims, spare parts availability, etc.
  14. As said above - will cost you lots to purchase a new EV, and solar panels to charge it. Here is a pic of how well Vios are made - imagine what would be the outcome if this was an EV. Very good chance that the fire would have resulted in many vehicles burning to the ground. https://aseannow.com/topic/1280141-thailand-road-carnage-woman-in-miracle-escape-as-her-car-concertinaed-in-5-vehicle-collision/#comment-17777372
  15. Vinegar will mask most any odor - short of a dead body. Don't ask how I know
  16. Was just there - dropped off my Vivobook JIB in Central said a month to send to BKK and back. Future said 3-5 days
  17. The crush zones did exactly what they were meant to do - altho' I wouldnt have wanted to be in the back seat. But with that scale of hit it is amazing. Front doors hardly buckled. Wonder what would have happened if that was an EV ? Probably still be trying to put out the fire.
  18. Long time from 2018 until today. EV and battery tech come a long ways Might as well quote the performance of the EV from 1870 as quote one from almost 5 years ago.
  19. I bought my Vivobook from JIB in Central Festival 2 Year warranty. If they can not service in store they will send to BKK Also there is an independent repair place - Meechok Plaza - same side as McD - upstairs past the courtyard. I have used him and service was OK. Heading to JIB soon - bottom 1/3 of my screen just a black box - no icons visible. TG for warranty !!! 555
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