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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Poor skills, poor setup, contaminated base metal leads to poor results. SMAW has the highest Charpy ratings.
  2. Balanced against the millions - nay billions - who do the same and do not turn into 'your friend' !!! 555
  3. The big problem was with the DCT - Dual Clutch transmission. If you can find - if they even made - one with a manual gearbox you will avoid all that bother. Parts supply for normal maintenance items should be OK for the foreseeable - body panels, etc maybe not so much.
  4. Many different style connector locks. Peel the foam off so you can see - all will be revealed.
  5. And all the criminals in their coats and their ties Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise While Reuben sits like Buddha in a 10 foot cell An Innocent man in a living hell
  6. Your post shows your utter lack of knowledge of how drug abuse works. It follows no social boundaries, respects no income status, disregards what color your skin is.
  7. 80% of the people incarcerated are for non violent drug charges. Many causes but being people of color, poor, uneducated, and lacking health care is right up there in the reasons. So you discriminate against these people their whole lives, and when they can not make ends meet and despair turns to drug use, your answer is "Lock 'Em Up" Do you know how that sounds ? How that makes anyone saying it sound ?
  8. So ... fail to budget enough for schools, and people can not get decent paying jobs, or health care. But with cost rising so fast and so high that the middle class is feeling the pinch, what would you have the poor do ?
  9. Social media - just like everything else people find in life. Politics - Religion - etc. Take what you want from it, use it, ignore the rest. All this Doom and Gloom people P and M about - all that is - is they way you look at it, and making judgements about how and why other people do what they do on it. Live your Life - Let others Live Theirs. The Second is no business of the First.
  10. In CNX Province I have never seen one for over 10 years. No shrimp farms here. In the wilds of Pattaya of BKK maybe. Not here
  11. David FL - owner of GT Rider forum - has a topic about his hip replacement. He was very satisfied
  12. Here is the basis of human behavior - no matter how you dress it up, put it in a tux, educate it, try and refine it, ...
  13. Haven't seen a red plate on a motorcycle for at least 10 years here in CNX. Ride with no plate, and a document to show the police if stopped.
  14. Which has not - is not - will never work. Reminds me of the 'War on Drugs' - another useless, never win, waste of lives.
  15. Because they go to a University this automatically makes them smart ? Have you looked at the state of the school system in America ?
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