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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. The whole problem is the the people rebelling against a corrupt government? It was nothing to do with the additional corruption in the tourist industry? A large portion in the tourist industry is untouchable, it is controlled by the influential people and the police. Every entertainment facility must pay the police for protection. This type of operation also goes on all over the world. If you own a restaurant in Chicago or New Jersey, and you do not pay your monthly contribution, your place will have a fire. Clean up everything. beatdeadhorse.gif

    Sorry, I don't believe that. I do believe that there are corrupt police in some of the worst inner cities and that might include the S. Side of Chicago or parts of New Jersey, but to need to pay protection I think you'd have to be running an illegal racket like a back room gambling den.

    I don't believe that if you opened a normal restaurant you'd have any problems unless you were in such a really bad druggie neighborhood that your customers beat and robbed you. But then that's a tiny percentage of the land in the US, and easily avoided.

    Every country has certain districts that any wise person would avoid.

    It is apparent you never lived in Chicago, Detroit or New Jersey.

  2. US embassy targeted for 'seizure'

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    BANGKOK: -- Two days after announcing they would occupy the U.S. embassy in Bangkok, a group of anti-government demonstrators have yet to make good on their threat.

    Police have been on alert since Nititorn Lamlua, the leader of the Network of Students and People for Reform of Thailand, announced Saturday night he would lead his group to capture the embassy in response to its stated support of the Thai government's plan to hold new elections Feb. 2.

    "Listen carefully," he told protesters gathered near the Government House in the capital's Dusit district. "We will storm and seize the embassy."

    The statements from the U.S. Department of State served to legitimize the caretaker government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, he said.

    No date was set for the action and Nititorn's group have not left their base at the Chamai Maruchet bridge. [read more...]

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/12/16/us-embassy-targeted-seizure


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-12-16

    This has the ringing of Physiological Operations. The government implants a rumor into the media and they run with it. Sounds like Big Brother.

  3. The laws are in the books, but with the amount of corruption, through the government, they will never be enforced. How many times has the judicial system made ruling and than the rulings are not enforced. A good example of this is the Alpine Golf Course and Housing Estate. Court rules that the land must be returned to the temple. Noting is done by the government.

  4. The whole problem is the the people rebelling against a corrupt government? It was nothing to do with the additional corruption in the tourist industry? A large portion in the tourist industry is untouchable, it is controlled by the influential people and the police. Every entertainment facility must pay the police for protection. This type of operation also goes on all over the world. If you own a restaurant in Chicago or New Jersey, and you do not pay your monthly contribution, your place will have a fire. Clean up everything. beatdeadhorse.gif

  5. Wil his own execution be a public one i wonder .

    Could it be that he has seen the writing on the wall and realize his goal to bring Big Brother back by this years end will not happen? Could this be where he is saved from self emulation by his friends in the BIB, we must remember is is one of them? Will he keep his word? He is a Captain in the Police and they always keep their word. coffee1.gif

  6. they better join this forum, if Suthep can go on, there will be no forum anymore, only 'heil Suthep' websites and propaganda movies about troops marching around in Bangkok, Yingluck may be on skype with big brother all day, but Suthep has a direct line to north-korea, maybe he bought a condo over there allready if things go wrong over here.

    Pascal, there will be no peace in Thailand as long as there is a criminal element controlling the government from afar. Thailand has one of the most corrupt governments in the world. Billions of dollars going into the pockets of politicians and their henchmen. Train tracks are repaired at a cost of millions and than there is another derailment. This is the third Shin Dynasty government, the other two were closed because of corruption and vote buying. Get your data correct. coffee1.gif

  7. Just because the Dr. Chantana, said it was not a chemical weapon does not make it so. Were does it say she was trained in the military and part of the Chemical Corp., which are the ones that develope chemical weapons. What would the world press do if they thought the Thai government used chemical weapons against innocent civilians? ph34r.pngph34r.png

    • Like 1
  8. 5.56mm is M16..who uses them in Thailand

    This cartridge is used in many different weapons, not only the M16. The M16 is used by the military, the police and other security units. Thousands of weapons have been stolen from military units thought the country. These weapons have also come in from Cambodia Weapons that use this NATO round are also used by weapons manufactured thought the world to include AK. HK, Isuzi and singer.

  9. Media reports that it was a Red-shirt supporter (soldier in civilian clothes) who was shot dead by the students who carried a gun and fought back after they were attacked with weapons. Because both sides are having 24/7 round the clock rallies so close to each other, they knew it would further cause more deaths to continue on. So it's good that they cancelled before things get worse. I'm sure people are tired of it around there.

    IT was reported. that his girl friend said that the Army Pvt supported the democracy movement not the Red Shirts. Again it is the miss reporting.

  10. The Army was not enlisted, it was ordered by the Defense Minister PM Yingluck. To enlist is voluntary, to be enlisted is drafted. Every year the Military swears allegiance to His Majesty, the Monarchy and the country. They do not swear allegiance to a to a political party, or to an individual outside the Royal Family.

    The police on the other-hand, do not. coffee1.gif

  11. This sounds like the old psychological operation of filling the press with propaganda. Yes there were people in the area with whistles, and there were anti-government demonstrators in the area. There are anti-government demonstrators all over Thailand and they have whistles. This does not indicate that they were targeting the little rich kid. with police body guards.Could it be that one of the traffic police in the area blew his whistle, and they thought it was a demonstrator? coffee1.gif

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  12. When is a fugitive on the run from the law, living in extreme wealth, an exile. Putsch is another name for coup, the coup was in 2010, when the red shirts used violence, to bring the government to it knees.The Army was called out because the police had gone from Brown to tomatoes. According to Police Captain Chalerm, the Black shirts were police and were the ones that assassinated Army General Sa Dang. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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