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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. When the 200-300 anti-Thaksin demonstrators gathered at Government House 12,000 police were called out, this is a ratio of 40-1 In 2009 there were demonstration by anti government demonstrations which numbered at least 50,000 red shirts, this would have taken approximately 2 million police. During the demonstrations 09-10, there was very little police presence. In 08 many yellow shirt demonstrations, some were killed by fragmentation, tear gas canisters, and grenades fired from M79 weapons. Is this another indication that if you are against the Shin Dynasty, be prepared to suffer the consequences. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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  2. Put two more runways in the swamp? It has been reported in the local and international media concerning the questionable construction of the first two runways. Many years ago when PM Chavalit was in-charge of the military, he said that he would move the Air Force from Don Muang to Korat, thereby making it a 100% domestic airport. Don Muang is high ground, and is not in the middle of a swamp.

    PM Chavailt also stated that he would move the Cavalry to Salaburi and the Navy to Satahip, like all good plans, no action or followup. coffee1.gif

  3. Yes, people have to fight for their rights. They would help matters along if they could get together and form a party that had some of the following:

    1) An ideology

    2) No vote buying

    3) Democracy within the party

    4) An anti-corruption policy

    5) Checks & balances are supported

    6) Free speech & opinion allowed (tackle the Lese Majeste & defamation laws)

    7) No nepotism

    8) Appointments are based on merit

    9) No degree necessary to be elected

    10) Top-to-bottom police reform

    11) top-to-bottom military reform

    12) Bail laws reformed

    13) An anti-monopoly body formed - with teeth

    And much more.

    This is what the students wanted in 1973. All happened many were killed, I do not care what PM Samack said, and we are still being by everything that is bad.

  4. "And the arrivals experience is even worse."

    and that is a complete understatement, last week 68mns in line just for passport, and the majority of the cuntoms booths not staffed, <deleted> is that all about?

    You ask, what is it all about, there is a very simple answer. Money, THAI and the AOT are run by politicians, and all politicians are thinking about is, The New Bentley. or the London residence. coffee1.gif

  5. The Cabinet earlier approved a Bt1.907 billion budget to intervene the maize market by spending Bt1.5 billion as subsidy to feed mill manufacturers at Bt1.50 per kg of maize, and Bt225 million to cooperatives which were subsidised Bt1.75 for each kilogramme of maize.

    This money is not going to the farmers, it is going to the feed mills and the large corporations operating the cooperatives. So it appears that again the cabinet is supporting the middlemen not the farmers. SSDD

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  6. It's men and women like this that wil bring the corruption house crashing down. He deserves all support.

    And where is Yingluck's anti corruption drive / people?

    If they were serious they would have quickly been vocal about this item, but there is no comment.

    Could it ne that the government anti-corruption drive, is to drive out the competition. That way they get to keep more of the pot, coffee1.gif

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