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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. The only plot to over through the is within the PTP. They do not understand that if they continue on the path they are on, they will be the cause of the PTP. The party must think that the citizens of Thailand are stupid. 40 years ago there was a citizens rebellion against a corrupt government, it could happen again. All governments are corrupt, but some more so than others. Corruption, greedy financial institutions, and the disregard for human life and ideals cause the 2006 coup. The same is happening again.

    Gob bless the King and Thailand.

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  2. Suranand ought to have balanced his rant by warning of the dangers of a PM resigning and then seizing power later without elections or royal consent, not to mention the thousands of extra-judicial murders he ordered and the billions he stole. By omitting the facts his words are verging on hate-speech. This is not conducive to the reconciliation the PTP are often bleating about.

    Strange that you find it necessary to cherry pick your "additions" as essential to a discussion by Suranand about the financial repercussions of the 2006 coup and in particular the proposed infrastructure investment.

    Just who is verging on hate-speak here?

    You must be a new here, and do not know about the corruption and murders. coffee1.gif .

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  3. Sex is used as a political tools all over the world. Clinton and Kennedy used sex for personal gratification. The leader of the IMF accused of rape in New York, tried to use diplomatic immunity, to skip out. Than there is Italy, under aged belle dancers. Three members of the Shinawatra Dynasty accused of having extra marital affairs. Chinese officials being accused of being involved in crimes committed by his wife. Daughters of high ranking political families being married to sons of high ranking political figures of neighboring countries. Sex for fevers has been going on since humans could walk, and maybe before that. coffee1.gif

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  4. Kennedy had MM. Clinton had ML, so what is wrong politicians do it all the time. It was claimed the the PM brother-in-law was seen with young ladies while he was PM, and it is rumored that her brother had extra lovers also, while he was PM. So I see this as being SEXIST, only men can have some fun but female can not? It appears that there are a bunch of Male Chauvinist Pigs around.. coffee1.gif

  5. A senior member of the National Economic and Social Advisory Council (NESAC), Uthai Sornlaksab, said the Pheu Thai government was unfair to rubber farmers while favouring rice farmers.

    K. Uthai you have overlooked one important fact. The rice farmers voted for the PT, while the rubber farmers did not. Also you do realize that the PT supporters are from the north and these rubber farmers are from the south.

    The government constantly gives lip service, of how they want to support the development of the oppressed sotherners, but actually do nothing.

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  6. Most taxi drivers are from up north, and supported the TRT , PPP and PTP. Not they are being treated like intelligent step child. Over the last two years all prices have increased and the government has refused to allow the taxi drivers to increase the fare, this is one of the reasons the drivers do not want to use the meter. If they follow the law they lose money, these drivers have families also, they have children to go school. Some times the government equates to " the dog that bites the hand that feeds them " coffee1.gif

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