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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. It is good to see that the police are hunting the gunman in the attempted murder of a football ref. I am sure in the near future an all out effort will be initiated by the AGO and DSI, to apprehend the persons which tried to assassinate PM Abhisit and the ones that assaulted the foreign diplomats in Pattahya. This type of actions would not be tolerated in Cambodia, why Thailand? whistling.gif

  2. The person who should be held accountable for 2010 lives in Dubai and carries a Montenegro passport. 2010 was a slow-motion coup attempt.

    It was not a coup attempt. The coup occurred, the government than was overthrown, by street violence,.murder, arson and intimidation, brought about by large sums of money from a foreign entity. Now the government has been bought and paid for, Big Brother will control the present by changing history. Zero hour will happen and all actions the occurred from 2000 - 2006 will be white washed.

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  3. BANGKOK, 2 November 2013 (NNT) - Mr. Tharit Pengdit, Director General of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) says although the amnesty bill has passed the third reading in the House, further investigation into political protests in 2010 still needs to be done .

    Why do you not understand Mr. Tharit is only following instructions. He will soldier on until the supreme leader changes the instructions. It is not his fault, Now lets make it clear he does not take orders from the PM or any PTP MP's, he reports to the puppet master. ph34r.pngph34r.png

  4. The public prosecutor is charging each on a count of committing premeditated murder by issuing orders that led authorities to kill people during the political rally, which was led by the red-shirt group United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship.

    Since the public prosecutor has charged these men with premeditated murder, will they also charge the red-shirt members of the government with the same charges? In addition there were two assignation attempts PM Abhisit, carried out by red-shirts, which was recorded on the international news media, and the assault of foreign diplomats in Pattahya..

    This also does not take into consideration the thousands of innocent citizens which were murdered, between 2001 and 2006? coffee1.gif

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  5. Elementary, my dear Watson, the rain did it. As said before poorly planned construction, blocking the natural flow of water, is also a cause. If you put in a road or other construction and do not plan the drainage, you cause floors. The picture is very informative, flooded rice warehouse, to who will they sell it to?

  6. "We don′t want the entire bill to be killed," said Mr. Phumtham, "The people won′t get anything out of it".

    ​Are we being told that the politicians will not get anything, if the bill is not approved? Is this another case of politicians caring more about their new Bentley, than the people of Thailand? Is this a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

    We need a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

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  7. The book is very well written and informative. I find it very interesting that the BIB and the Attorney Generals Office, have not done anything to arrest the persons which assaulted foreign diplomats at the meeting in Pattaya, and the two assignation attempts, of the PM. All of these actions were reported in the world press to included on CNN, BBC, Al Jazera and many other media.ph34r.png

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