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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. Actually, due to the relatively small size of Thailand, it doesn't need a longer range, faster fighter to defend its borders. The F-16 costs a lot more to own and operate including burning a lot more fuel. Yes it is faster and longer range, and can carry a much heavier payload of fuel and munitions, but again it was developed to defend the US and its borders and coastline which is a whole different situation. It's also not the latest and greatest of US fighters.

    I think the Gripen is just right for Thailand, without any information as to whether Thailand needs more of them.

    The lower purchase price and operating costs of the Gripen make sense. But for every one purchased, the is a need for a brown envelope spare parts, munitions, and pilot training etc. Over time those cost more than the plane.

    The Gripen can get off the ground fast on a shorter field, is fast enough to scramble to the border, and is very maneuverable in close combat.

    PS The US has a treaty to defend Thailand, and keeps assets in SE Asia at all times.

    If you think a defense treaty with the US means anything, look at what happened after 1975. US had a defense treaty with Laos, and Vietnam, the treaty was not worth the paper it was written on. The same is happening in the middle east. If SS John Kerry come and tell you not to worry, we will defend you. Bend over, put your head between your leas and kiss your ass good by. coffee1.gif .

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  2. I do not understand why people tell politicians to listen to the people. What give you the idea that the politicians really care. All they care about is to whom tolls their bell, that is the bell on the deposit in their back pocket.The people only account when it is time for election, after the election the politician works for Big Brother.

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  3. And the reasons for this trip and her quick return before the ISJ ruling are what? Why is she leaving Thailand for Ethiopia with an ISJ ruling pending, an ISA imposed around Government House and and the possibility of mass demonstrations against her party's amnesty bill? Then again, why was she in Bail for a summit when a quarter of her nation was under water? Is this trip that important? Was her trip to Bali so important? What has she actually accomplished except to take a trips while her nation's in turmoil?

    She has increased the wealth of each country she visits. SHOPPING clap2.gif

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  4. What is the definition of a Democracy and how does it compare with the government of Thailand?


    1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
    2. A political or social unit that has such a government.
    3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
    4. Majority rule.
    5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.
    In a Democracy the Majority rules, there for all the people do not have a say in the running of the government. If a few family dynasties or political parties are powerful enough to control the press and media they control the government. In Thailand there are powerful families in each area of the country, which are able to control the populaces in their own area, that they are the government in that area.
    IN the USA you have influential families,barons of industry, and well healed lobbyist, which control the government. When a law is passed, there are so many pet projects, injected by influential lobbyist that have nothing to do with the law. Every bill that is passed has attachments that make the oligarchy more rich, and the working people have to pay for it. It is the same in Thailand, a law is passed to help the farmers, but the land owners, and middle men get the money. coffee1.gif
  5. Now with government control of the media. An example would be in the USA the control of the media, would make George Orwell happy. Say anything against the government and you will be branded a racist, or a radical. The government has all types of agencies to monitor and manipulate the citizens. The student uprising of 14 Oct., 73, was well organized and done face to face. No Facebook or other modern communication media. The marches to Washington DC in the late 60's and early 70's, was face to face and work of mouth, not by I-Phone. The uprising was done by students which had attended gatherings and openly discussed democracy and citizen rights. This could not be done today because, the monitoring of gatherings and movement of personnel are closely watched. If you are showing anti-government leanings, the police will be called out 40 police to 1 protester. Big Brother is Watching, 1984. coffee1.gif .

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  6. Three years to come up with a lame excuse like this to drop the charges! All others prosecuted apart from Seh Deang who was shot dead. Wow, wonder who told him it would be hard to prosecute a corpse?

    Well, I guess we will see Chulasingh pop up shortly in a new lucrative role following his retirement after years of dedicated service to the Thai people.

    If PTP get there way, all constitutional protests against them would have to vetted by the AG's office, and approved before being sent to the Constitutional Court. Hmmm, would be not too busy at the court based on applying logic like this.

    Inciting riot, arson, terrorism or treason - not if you support PTP it's not.

    I thought K. Chalerm told the world press that Sen Deang was executed by police snipers. From where did the kill order come? Was it from overseas? If you have the AG, Police the prosecutors the PM and the parliament in your pocket, you have no problem.

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