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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. What do you expect it is the New York Times. They are the most left wing news paper in the USA. It is very apparent that this ? journalist ?, has no idea about the cause of the problems in the world. The best thing to do is let the people of Egypt solve their own problems. They do not need the EU or the USA to tell them how to solve the problems. coffee1.gif .

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  2. The problem is within. People in power are the cause of the problems, they feed the problems with money. It is time that change what is happening, or you could see Cairo in Bangkok. PM Morsi was elected, but he turned against the people. It became that if you had a different ideology, you were targeted. The people of Egypt went into the streets to demonstrate against the elected government. Demonstrators were killed, Christians and Muslims that were not part of the Islamic Brotherhood were targeted. The demonstrators requested support, the military came to their support.

    It is time for Egypt to work out their own problems. Politicians from USA and EU can not fix their own problems, so how are they going to fix the problems any where else.

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  3. Sounds like a win-win to me.

    Soldiers leaving after serving their country need jobs and trucking companies can leverage the discipline they picked up in the military.

    I agree, men coming out of the military, need to find work. It is good to see that one organization is helping the veterans. During the flood it was the military that was delivering the relief supplies, evacuating people, providing needed transportation. It was not a bunch of greedy politicians, all they were doing was lining there pockets, parasites on the backs of the people. Support the military, they are there to help the people. Soldiers do not cause wars or conflicts; politicians do. coffee1.gif All the coups we have had were because of politicians.

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