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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. This forum was a PR activity. One big party, with well paid influential foreigners, telling the unconcerned, uncaring participants how to do something they have never done themselves, I would have like to have the wine concession, could have made a fortune putting old wine in new bottles, and even better putting cheap wine into bottles with expensive labels. Have cheep caviar in Beluga cans. coffee1.gif

  2. Political reform: been there, done that

    That is the same as ( SSDD ) Same Sh#t Different Day. This problem is not only in Thailand, all over the world we listen to politicians say that if they are elected, they will be bring about change. The politician that is going to bring about change only brings about more corruption and more lies. Politicians talk about chemical weapons being used in Syria, what about AGENT ORANGE in SEA. They talk about dictators killing innocent women and children, but no mention of Cambodia or Rwanda. beatdeadhorse.gifhit-the-fan.gif .

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  3. Many of them will be ethnic Cham, more likely from Viet Nam than Cambodia as the KR did a pretty good number on ethnic Chams though some returned during the UNTAC days to their 'homeland' in Southern Cambo.

    The Cham (arguably) came from Indonesia to the Mainland during the reign of Jayavarman II and were worthy warriors during the height of Angkor until Jayavarman VII got the pip with them and finally pushed them back to the Delta region.

    Anthropologically you can tell them by the long ears....(don't ask...)

    Until the French Colonial Imperialist came, What is now Cambodia, was part of Siam. The French made treaties with Siam and than broke the treaties, wanting more land and raw materials, for there hunger of riches. It was the colonialist thet were the drug pushers. coffee1.gif

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  4. It is not the fault of PTT or any of its subsidiary companies that burn LPG to manufacture all the petroleum products. It would be interesting to see an ACCURATE accounting for the amount of LPG used by PTT, EGAT and PEA in their processes, and compare it with international standards. How much is wasted? coffee1.gif

  5. Thursday's Parliament session. Ms. Yingluck affirmed that the Government would help suffering agricultural operators whether they are in rubber, rice or palm oil sector

    ​Just the other-day there was a survey that said that the rice-farmers were on average happy, how can they be happy when they are suffering? I don't think that the left hand knows what the right hand does in this government.

    Before the survey organization makes the survey and does the analysis of the data, they ask the government what they want. whistling.gif

    This is like many companies and financial organization keep more than one set of books, and paper shredders. coffee1.gif

  6. It is good to see that the government is cracking down on anti government demonstrators.These people need to understand that the government knows beat and that they must follow the instructions. If you do not follow instructions, we have ways to reeducate people like you. It is not for you to reason why, it is not for you to make reply, it is for you to do or die. You must understand that the government is here to enrich a few. angry.gifph34r.png

  7. The process of transporting diplomatic pouches had been documented for decades. In most occurrences these pouches are signed for by a responsible person. It appears that there has been a deviation from the process and that it is out of control. This is a simple " control of documents ". If the MFA can not control their own documents, is there more problems within the government.

    Is there a document control process problem with the rice inventory in government warehouses? A process problem with the procurement of clocks for parliament?

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  8. While it may sound like another instance of police misconduct well familiar to Thais and foreigners alike, this case has resulted in immediate action by their superiors and abrupt suspension of the four police suspects, thanks to an Interpol inquiry conducted after the victims' families lodged a complaint.

    ​If Interpol had not gotten involved and made an inquiry, what would have happened. The two Italians arrested for making false accusations against Thailand Finest? coffee1.gif

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