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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. The Thai government is tightening environmental regulations in the wake of last month's massive oil spill.

    The problem is not regulation, because the politicians making the regulation have no idea on what is going on. The spill was caused by a process that was not being followed, whether the process problem was caused by maintenance not inspecting the connection or pipe.

    The media has said that the pipe had holes in it. Is this because a reduction in a maintenance budget to increase profit. Replacing defective pipelines cost money, training cost money, enforcement of processes and procedures cost money. If there is a process problem fix the process. Government regulations solve nothing. whistling.gif

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  2. "she insisted that freedom of expression is her government's priority".

    If that is really the case then put your dogs on a leash. They are making you look like a total hypocrite, threatening to charge and incarcerate people for hitting a like button and wanting access to their private correspondence. If you are really in charge and truly mean what you say then prove it.

    Maybe this freedom of expression is one sided to be used against those who do not agree with government policies and may vote against you. Those acting in the governments name are really making the P.M look like a total fool.

    Chooka, the problem lies in the interpretation of Democracy, the P.M. has been caught out so many times with her two face, about face approach to governing the country, that foreign embassies must kill themselves laughing at the weekend BBQ's

    The problem is our dear PM is too busy planning her next Oopie-woopie shopping trip to Hawaii, so her government dogs enjoy the freedoms to rule the country and abuse their power in any way they see fit.

    If the cat is away the rats will play.

  3. This is all for the foreign press. It has nothing to do with reality. Now the Labor Minister can say that the problem with trafficking of foreigners slaves in the labor market has been resolved. Now, since the problem has been resolved, when will the Obama administration resolve the trafficking of Mexican slave labor over the border of the USA? Pol. Capt Chalrm should go to the USA to help Obama solve the problem. coffee1.gif

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  4. Whether or not the military will be found ultimately responsible for Wat Pathum killings ignores the basic fact that a 'civilized' country will not use lethal force against demonstators. Sucn acts are 'extra-judicial' killings.

    And what civilized country are you talking about? Please tell us where there this make believe country is. Do not say USA, they use drones to kill Americans. coffee1.gif

  5. Mr. Abhisits why do you not want the return of our deal leader? Our deal leader wants to return from those harsh conditions in Dubai, back to the his meager home on Charan Sanit Wong. He does not want to be PM again, but if he was offered the position of President, he might accept.

    He would want to lave his jet land at Don Muang because there are runway problems at Nong Nu Hoau Airport.rolleyes.gif

  6. I'm really surprised. They let them carry BB guns?

    The BB guns on the market do not look like the BB gun you had 50 years ago. They look like and feel like the real thing, you can not tell the difference between a M1911 BB gun and a M1911 Colt 45. All these weapons that are BB guns and look like the real thing are available on the market. Most are manufactured in China and imported through Burma and Laos. There are many BB gun ranges in and around Bangkok. At these ranges you see AK47, M4 carbines, H&K, and others.

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  7. There was a very good photo, in one of the news papers, of the temple. This photo also showed the elevated train tracks overlooking the temple. The photo appears to have been taken from the helicopter pad on the roof of the Police Hospital. Oh! by the way the police also have weapons that fire NATO 5.56 ammo. Last year Pol. Capt. Chalerm told us that the police were the Men in Black, and that the police were the snipers that killed the red shirt Army General.

  8. Seems like there was quite a bit of evidence against him.

    The evidence against him, indicated he was guilty and that others were involved, but the every one is overlooking many fact.They were police, red shirt supporters, and they were supporters of the PTP .There for they are innocent. Had they been Army, supporters of the yellow shirt royalist movement, and supported the Democrat party. GUILTY.

    This is not double standards. coffee1.gif

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