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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. I agree, THAI does not have the money to take care of the employees, because all the politicians on the board of directors need more money to put into the special room at the house.

    Last good CEO was Mr. Wanglee. 27 years ago. Than it was a good airline which took care of the passengers.

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  2. It would be interesting to see the data on which area had the most ID cards lost and where the loss occurred. If the losses where of Issan girls in Pattaya or Phuket it might indicate a pattern of ID theft. If it was along the Cambodian, Laos, or Burmese border, than the cards could be going to unwanted immigrants. if it is along the border with Malaysia than the identities could be going to terrorist.

    The government should track all the losses to see if there is a trend. Were all the loses reported to the police?

  3. Yes it is OK. The place in Vietnam where it is brewed is the same area the Royal Thai Army Volunteer Division went Ben Cat, which is north west of Ho-Che Min. In the mid 60"s two two Thai Divisions went to Vietnam, The Black Panthers, and the Queens Cobras.

  4. Hard to have confidence in a country with regular Army coups, mafia police force, crooked politicians, invisible hand running things,, politicized courts, gunning down democratic protesters, storming airports and instigating a war with Cambodia.

    Do not forget burning its capital , holding its capital hostage for months, pouring blood over the Parliament House and rebuilding Parliament House to bring good luck smile.png

    Respecting election results would have avoided all that.

    Elections are run by politicians, all elections can be bought. The purchase of elected office happens in every country, including the USA.

  5. Depends who's version of history you are going to take, the Thai or Cambodian, because as a rule, neither really reflect the historical reality of the problems that have gone on.

    So if you say, are they going to repeat the nationalistic lies of history, more than likely.

    Until the French colonialist to South East Asia, what is not Cambodia was part of Siam and Cochin China. The colonial powers divided up SEA, India, Middle East, the Americas and Africa. The English were the biggest drug runners in history, they wanted Chinese Tea, and got the world addicted to opium.

  6. The figure of 74 million is understandable. If a plane with 100 passenger goes from DonMuang to Ching Mai, than that is 200 passengers. 100 for DonMuang and 100 for Ching Mai. If you had an international carrier land in Bangkok with 400 passengers, 100 got off and 100 joined the flight, you would have 900 passengers served. Creative accounting.

  7. The TOT does not care, get over it. If you think the government gives a s--t about protecting the tourist, you are mistaken. This has meen going on for over 40 years. It only has gotten worse, and the only government that tries to do anything was under General Prem. You have many people in the present government thet are police, this includes Big Brother, no entertainmemt place, grocery store, shop can not oprtate without paying protection money. This is almot like Illinois, exceot in Illinois the government serves two terms, one term in office, one term in jail. beatdeadhorse.gif

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