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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. 'BB' = Big Boss + the Man in Dubai = real Prime Minister , according to the recent article in the New York Times.

    Which has been denied by the legal PM, Ms Yingluck, but not AFAIK by the clone-sibling himself., as yet. cool.png

    BB is also Big Brother, George Orwell. 1984, He will take over every think, he will have his puppets in every portion of government. Time means nothing, results mean everything. Now the wealth of the SET is being taken over PTT and THAI Air have his puppets in charge. It will not be money laundering through the banks, the SET is easier to cover up.

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  2. If the government knows the availability of natural gas will decrease in April, and this happens every year, why is the government owned PTT Group exporting natural gas? What is the capacity of the gas platforms off shore in the Gulf of Thailand? In the English language it is called planning, in the Thai language it is called Plan Ning. Plan Ning is the Thai phrase meaning to stand at a rigid position and not move. Is this a plan of the government to cause an increase in the cost of electricity, LNG for cooking and vehicles?

  3. Interesting, in that the world is suffering from massive oversupply of natural gas to the point it is presently not worth it financially to harvest yet this little glitch leaves Thailand down 25% on supply? No alternatives? Very strange.

    Well ptt must buy the oil from a broker who buys the oil from saudi arabia adding a small fee. While Thailand is exporting its oil to Singapore (broker??).

    That broker is a company belong to an influential person in Dubai.

    I don't know if it is the same with gas, but I wouldn't be surprise, so they simply can't buy on the free market....

    What are you telling us, that Big Brother has control of PTT and the energy market. It is not that Thailand can not buy on the free market, it is that if they did the amount of kickback would be less. cowboy.gif

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  4. Thailand doesn't do "alternatives". Monopolies don't like alternatives, it cuts down on profits.

    I thought you were referring to Big Oil....and to a dozen major oil/gas producing countries.

    I am sure they have many 'alternative' technologies buried deep in their cupboards...very deep

    Nah just referring to blind greed and stupidity, though now I think about it that does apply to big oil as well.

    The largest shareholder in Oil in Thailand is the Government which owns the majority share in the companies. Than you have the investors in PTT. PTT is run and operated by politicians which want to take the cream off the top. Politician are the same all over the world. lie cheat and steal. How can PTT and it companies be reporting large profits and than tell the world it can not pay it's debt.

  5. Let's be quite clear about one thing - this is a problem created by Myanmar. Why is nobody from the Thai government telling the Burmese to sort their own problems and stop pushing them onto their neighbours? Isn't this what ASEAN is for?

    Perhaps there are more important considerations.

    You are quite right about who created the problem but the Thai government won't act for a number of reasons.

    This country needs Burmese workers to do the jobs that Thais are too lazy to do. There's Tavoy which Thai companies are falling over themselves to get a piece of the action. And ASEAN is toothless when it comes to human rights.

    There was an article in the business section of the other paper a week or so ago about a Thai company (can't remember which one) looking for a few thousand Bangladeshi workers. Wouldn't the Rohingya fit the bill?

    No they are too lazy and want to waste time praying 5 times a day to a non existent god

    Your never ending bigotry is as dull as your thinking. Thailand will not accept stateless people as workers, so no chance for the Rohingya to obtain work in Thailand - perhaps as very low paid or basically slave labour

    The Thai fishing industry is talking about bringing Bangladeshi to work on fishing boats in the Andaman sea, why not let the Rohingya work the boats?

    If you look at the root cause of the problem, which started after WWI ll, when the British Colonials relinquished control of India, Pakistan, Burma and Malaysia, the state borders were set up by the British. Pakistan was West Pakistan and East Pakistan, one country divided by India. Now it is Pakistan and Bangladesh. These borders had nothing to do with ethnic groups or religion, but by colonial guidelines set up centuries before by the British.

  6. 8.5 billion shows you how much it takes to get above kickbacks with the ability to say ' !!!!off ' if anybody comes callingwink.png .

    I am sure you have links to the kickbacks to major auto companies. Right? whistling.gif

    Your going the wrong way but then you do look confused smile.png .

    When you accuse a major company of breaking the law I would assume you had some kind of proof.

    What is against the law in one country is not against the law in another. Having worked in Thailand for both Thai and foreign manufacturing companies, it is not unusual for Asian and European companies to offer gifts up to 10% of the procurement price to get the contract. In Thailand, it has been rumored that this could go up to 30%. Some companies which are binned, by law, not to do this resort to having a law firm in the country represent them, there by paying the law firm to expedite the process.

  7. Malaysian get married in Thailand according to religious rites. This does not mean they go to Thailand to marry a Thai. Getting married for second or more wives are stringent with groom having to proof that he can afford such marriage and with permission from fist wife.

    This is true but only in an Islamic country. If any man wants to get marries, in Thailand, he can buy his wife from the mother. This is old tradition in Thailand, and the marriage do not have to be re gestured with any government office. It is not uncommon for Thai's to have more than one wife, some of our Pm had a wife and a Mia Noi also.

  8. No!why should other countries foot the bill or should i say

    other people foot the bill these poorer countries already

    get millions in aid every year

    The money given in aid goes into politicians pockets. Look at Ethiopia or Haiti, how much money was pored into these countries and all it did was make the rich politicians richer. Just because Bill Clinton goes there for a photo op, does not indicate something is being done. cowboy.gif

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  9. Chalerm was allowed to leave only after he promised that Cabinet would send representatives to meet them

    So Mr. Chalerm how does it feel what the rest of the country has been going through for so long?

    Being held hostage is a very unpleasant experience, is it not?

    Where were the Brown Shirts. Deputy PM Chalerm is in charge of the Brown shirts and they did not protect the boss.

  10. It's about time that all guilty parties would be taking responsibility instead of shuffling around the blame. The seller in this case is not only a victim, but also a perpetrator by selling those fake goods in the first place (and being fully aware that they're fake), thus equally guilty as the police trying to extort "bail money". If you're selling fake goods you shouldn't be all too surprised that eventually "someone" is going to take that as a pretext for fleecing you one way or another - and it serves you right.

    Is the software you use on your computer licensed? If are using fake goods and should be punished also. The fake goods would not exist, if there were not buyers My Microsoft 7 is licensed. cowboy.gifph34r.png

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  11. Smile " You are on Candid Camera "

    It is not unusual for police to solicit donations from all vendors, it is not extortion. In Chicago and Cook County they have the Police protection fund. There are dirty cops and bent politicians all over the world, it is a way of life and it will never change. 5 police convicted of murder are released on bail, because they can be trusted, a tourist accused of a crime no bail, tourist can not be trusted. cowboy.gifph34r.png

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