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Everything posted by SpaceKadet

  1. I will beg to differ. Normally, spy satellites orbit at 200 miles (320km). According to most sources, the highest image resolution they can do is under 10cm but more that 5cm. Now imagine a stationary object loitering at 25km with the same camera. I would expect the image resolution to be below 1cm. And that could probably read the date on the coin. One thing that spy satellites cannot do, or even the Echelon system that you mentioned, is to gather signal intelligence (SIGINT) of low powered transmitters used by different branches of military, and civil services. Balloons loitering at 85,000 feet are perfect for that. Echelon relies on huge listening radio arrays, and spy satellites positioning themselves next to commercial Com Satellites. Do you seriously believe that you could, in NY find a signal transmitted by a 2W handheld in LA, no matter how big your listening antenna was? There is this thing called "Inverse Square Law".
  2. F22, as most US fighters, carries M61A2 Vulcan 20mm six-barreled internal cannon. Effective range is just under 2 miles. Now, please tell me how would you put a "small hole" in something that is hovering 25,000 feet (over 4 miles) above you? And remember that bullets do not have internal propulsion or guidance and are purely ballistic, i.e. obeying the gravity.
  3. I know a little bit about weather balloons (dated a meteorologist in my much younger years), and they tend to stay close to where they are released and don't last more than a few hours. This one traveled half across the globe. Strange why China would be interested about the weather over Alaska, Canada and US.
  4. Thanks for the info. Looks a little weak on US letting is just drift everywhere. Somehow I don't think we will know what that balloon was...
  5. I asked a question earlier that might have been lost in the background noise, so I'll repeat it. Would really like to have an answer. The balloon was spotted loitering over Nebraska, close to the west coast, but was eventually shot down over the Atlantic. Does this mean it traveled across the whole of the US? Also, some asked what is it that a balloon can do that a satellite can't. Well, I did answer that an image taken at 20+km is much more detailed than taken at 100+km. But there is even more important aspect to loitering about at 20km, and that is recording radio signals. It's not even important what is being said over the radio, but recording the frequencies used by military, civil services, emergency services etc, can be very useful and cannot be done by a passing satellite.
  6. This is from BBC World News site. The meteorologists have calculated the possible route of the balloon, based on the prevailing wings at that altitude. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-64514120 I am a bit confused though. Some news say it has been shot down over the Atlantic off the coast of South Caroline. That would imply it has traveled across the whole continental US. _128512391_balloon_us_china-2x-nc-40.webp
  7. Geostationary can only be around the equator. Montana is at 47-48 deg north. A "very high" resolution camera at 20km that is stationary and can loiter for hours over the same spot can do much better images than a fly by satellite at 100km or more.
  8. Agree on S01 being very odd on P2P sites. I still have to finish S04, but personally, I like British crime/thriller series. And lets face it, Holliday is really easy on the eyes ????
  9. If it really was a civilian weather balloon, one would have expected a common courtesy of China to inform US and Canada that it has indeed gone off course and will be passing over their territories. However, nothing was said, in fact as far as I remember it was denied in the beginning by CCP that the balloon was theirs.
  10. I don't know how the torrent sites group the series together, there seem to be differences. Here is the definitive broadcast order: ..."Fifteen episodes across five series have been broadcast to date, each series adapting the novels The Cuckoo's Calling (2013), The Silkworm (2014), Career of Evil (2015), Lethal White (2018), and Troubled Blood (2020), respectively"... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strike_(TV_series)
  11. Watched it recently, quite good, if little known story.
  12. Each "season" or part seems to be based on a separate book of J.K. Rowling. According to my research, season 1 contains: Season01: The Cuckoos Calling part 1-3 Season02: The Silkworm part part 1-2 Season03: Career of Evil part 1-2 Season04: Lethal White Season05: Troubled Blood So far, I've watched Season01-Season04, and it seems to be a correct sequence of the story.
  13. The Ark, new highly anticipated Sci-Fi TV series has just premiered, and S01E01 is now available on P2P scene. I shouldn't judge after only the first episode, but to me it looked a little stereotypical and at times just plain stupid. Unfortunately it seems down to usual bickering and fighting for power, rather that spinning a good Sci-Fi story. Among many other things; can you really grow corn in only 5cm of soil? Or will using even a hundred LED grow lights drain all the power of a huge space ship that probably has TWatts of nuclear power available....
  14. Ever been "queuing" together with Indians at Saudia check-in desk in Jeddah? Or Ethiopians at the boarding gate at the old Addis Ababa airport?
  15. Well, Stalin sent millions to their death, so what is 100,000 in the great scheme of Russian leader bent on restoring the "glory" of the Soviet Union, aka CCCP.
  16. Excellent link, didn't know it existed.
  17. Well, everybody to heir own. I'm a hardcore Harley person, but could do well with a Triumph too. Problem is they are located far away in the Big Mango. I'm not a crotch rocket person, and have never owned a Jap bike. Apart from the current PCX, but that's hardly a bike IMO. So for me, it's either Honda Big Wing stuff or Kawasaki (Vulkan S), if I want a decent ride.
  18. There should be a topic on this exciting bike, but the search (as usual) returns no hits. So, does anybody got one? Impressions? Ride? Please share as I'm thinking of a big Xmas present for myself...
  19. That's what I do as well, works the charm. Haven't seen electric bill in years.
  20. Play DOOM Eternal, sometimes HALO. That's plenty excitement!
  21. Bought a cheap one just to try it out and now I couldn't be without it... Great for chicken, pork chops, ribs and fish. Reheated pizza tastes just like new. Use it almost every day for dinners. Mine is a local brand and I don't think it keeps the temperature right. Will splash out on a Philips one for crimbo.... Having said all that, I will agree that french fries (chips to some) do taste better fried in oil, especially duck fat. However, roasted potatoes are great in an air fryer. The best thing perhaps, is that is quick. Feel like some chicken nuggets snack? Pop a few frozen in the air fryer and have them ready in 10 minutes. Do it a lot while watching movies, pause movie, air fry, run. No worries heating oil (10min), frying (10min) and then all the cleaning next day. And you smell Like you're working at McD.
  22. I think you're referring to The Dance concert DVD from 1997. The CD release did not have Songbird on it.
  23. Well, it would seem that the Thai government regards German made engines for their new subs as higher quality than the Chinese copy being offered.
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