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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. UKVI. They have all the info and help you need.
  2. Not at all. I've never felt the need to lecture about others. which I've not done here, to appreciate my own life, my achievements, my family or my current situation. They all speak for themselves. However, I thank you for your concern.
  3. Not needing to troll for something to do in life? Then I agree with you. I do feel better.
  4. Sarcasm. That's clever. £10 for a few beers in Brighton is unlikely. Probably double that. A lot for someone supposedly down and out and trying to be careful with money.
  5. "Sunk a few beers" is what he said. Shortly after having said how careful he needs to be with his money. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's all Jackanory.
  6. You've clearly not been keeping up. He said he did have money. Spent it in the pub. Now he says he doesn't have money. If I was him I'd sleep under a bridge, with the rest.
  7. Nothing novel or complicated about it. Why pay for something you're not going to get? Sad state of affairs at Plainmoor, BTW. I was at Boots and Laces a while back. Loooong faces all round. However, that's another conversation for another time.
  8. Why should people be denied an entitlement just because they've also self funded their retirement? Let's all tell the government whether we'll self fund when we all start work and pay a lesser rate of tax and NI as a result. That's fair, isn't it?
  9. He has no money. It doesn't matter what things cost if you have no money. By the way, that wasn't my comparison.
  10. He has no money. Remember? He's getting no help. Remember? He's had all the sympathizers on here hook, line and sinker.
  11. You are funny. Free charging too. I've never seen that. You said he didn't buy a phone.
  12. Unlikely, having read the whole thread with regards to his alleged situation. I wonder where he charges his device.
  13. Exactly my point. He has purchased a mobile device and an internet connection. He has money.
  14. He has an option on what to spend money, which he says he doesn't have, on.
  15. Living on a bench, with a device with access to internet, spending time speaking to those thousands of miles away. I can't help thinking you've got your priorities all wrong.
  16. It is means tested. The more years you pay, the more you get. As for tax, many pensioners are tax payers.
  17. I've never said anything about your situation, and I didn't know your name was Jack. So, it can't have been me that said it.
  18. No, incorrect. All rented properties are assessed for energy efficiency. The grades are A to G, G being the best. Rental properties must be at level E. The property I own is level D.
  19. As it happens, had I been surveyed, I would have pointed out I and my wife are not near to poverty. We don't have any kids, 14 or under, and therefore our figure for calculation is 1.5. We spend our own money and do not receive universal credit or child benefit. Your troll cup used to runneth over. Now, your troll barrel is empty.
  20. As I've said, you really are losing your touch. Like I said, I have made no edits since you previously quoted my post. You can see from my post timing, my post and edit occurred within a minute. It's taken you a long time to create some make believe that I made the whole thing up. It would be funny if not defaming and sad. By the way, you might wish to edit errors in your grammar/spelling, just as I did.
  21. It has double glazing. Not sure about anything else. Our home has wood framed, single pane, victorian sash windows. No wall insulation. There is roof insulation. Haven't there been many free insulation grant schemes over the last many years?
  22. Pensioners received a winter fuel allowance of £500 or £600 pounds, depending on certain criteria. I've just checked our energy bills. Total amonut from 11th October to 11th March is £511.56. We were not cold, had hot water on demand, ate hot meals. We lived in comfort. My parents, both late 70s, received the payment. They paid a shortfall of £13 pounds for the same period. Seems strange others can't live within the same means.
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