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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Not really, considering he cropped my comment to take out the bit he didn't like.
  2. Maybe, if their parents were too lazy to take them out for a walk, as advised by the UK PM. If they were also eating junk food, that's more bad parenting on show. If they were being bombarded eith fearporn, that's more bad parenting on show.
  3. They encourages exercise in open spaces. Even thecPM said it during his speeches. Go for a walk, they said. Incidentally, there were also no rules about kids playing in their own gardens. Hardly "locked in their homes for months on end".
  4. No, they didn't. In fact, in the UK, and many other countries, they encouraged people to get out and exercise.
  5. I have searched my memory. I've also searched the internet. I've found no evidence that governments locked kids in their homes for months on end. Like I said before, if you have evidence to the contrary, please share.
  6. Please, I'll ask once more. Please provide proof that " governments locked children up in their homes for months on end"
  7. You are missing the comment trail. You suggested I was wrong in my disagreement with JonnyF. Therefore agreeing with his statement " the government locked children in their homes for months on end". You haven't provided any evidence to back that statement up.
  8. I'm not referencing the wrong person. You quoted me but provided no evidence to suggest my comment "they didn't though, did they?" in response to suggestions kids were locked up for months on end, was incorrect.
  9. 50 or so what? I responded to a comment that suggested the governments had "locked children in their homes for months on end". Show me the laws that say that or that anyone had to stay indoors for months on end. As yet, no one has.
  10. There were no rules stating everyone had to stay indoors for months on end. If you think there were, please provide evidence. Conspiracy theories not accepted.
  11. They didn't though, did they? There were no rules stating anyone had to stay indoors for months on end. There were no rules stating children had to be on their phones all day. There were no rules stating families could not take part in fun activities without electronic devices. It's about time parents took responsibility for their poor parenting instead of blaming others for their shortcomings.
  12. Agreed. Poor decisions from parents. Allowing their children to have and use mobile devices at such young ages.
  13. The person in the article has served 16 years in prison. He was 18 at the time of the murder. He's 37 now. That's 19 years.
  14. You said it's funnier when someone blows themselves up. With a bomb. No, it's not funny.
  15. In that case, your previous comment just doesn't make sense, does it? Non Muslims who don't speak Arabic know nothing about the Quran. However, non Arabic speaking Muslims do. That's what you think. However, it's not difficult to find out that the Quran is published, in it's entirety, in 47 languages. That fact makes your previous comment even funnier.
  16. I know that's not what you said. Thats why it's so funny. Non muslims don't know about Islam because they can't read or speak Arabic. That's what you said. so, how do non Arabic speaking or reading Muslims learn about the Quran????
  17. What about the thousands of British rapists murderers and child abusers? What would you do with them?
  18. All Muslims speak and read Arabic???? 55555
  19. Do they? I don't know. I've never said they do. Seems your patronising is misguided. Waste of time, wasn't it?
  20. The danger to women walking home late at night has nothing to do with "cultural enrichment", as you put it. It's been no go in many cities since I was a kid in the 70s. As for LGBTQ, there are Pride events all over the country.
  21. Some immigrants integrate well. Others don't. I don't see it as being religion specific. Is running the local drug scene integrating? I guess not. Those doing so in my home town, and many others, are not Muslims. As for protesting, there are those that don't like what's going on but don't want to get involved. By only taking notice of what's on MSN and social media, and ignoring the average person on the street, your ideas are being swayed. I don't see every non muslim out protesting wars involving non muslims.
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