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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. How many protestant IRA members do you know? How many protestants do you know who would have willingly walked into a catholic area during the troubles? How about the Catholic groom in a wedding party who was gunned down for marrying a non Catholic? You're saying the above were not motivated by religion? How strange.
  2. I love the assumptions and the digs. They speak volumes.
  3. I don't give a hoot about who studied what. However, I would expect propaganda posters to have a basic grasp of English grammar when posting in English, at least if they wish to be taken seriously.
  4. I've just had a look at the website. Par for the course. Departure airport, arrival airport, date, number of passengers. Hit "search". Flight availability comes up. Click the flight you want then click the type of ticket you want. "Premium Flex" includes extra baggage.
  5. You are funny. Posting dated links to social media sites, with terrible use of English language to boot, to attempt to back up a poor assumption. Excellent. 😅😅
  6. You say "immigrants". Immigrants can't claim benefits. They don't get free anything.
  7. Immigrants from Africa and ME, who are permitted to work, don't do menial jobs. The visa rules are quite clear and the salary requirements are high. Too high to be doing a menial job.
  8. Religion was an issue, as you confirm. I've never suggested it was the whole issue. Thanks. Are your examples from the Quran made up? I can't confirm either way. Neither can you. How about Noah's ark or the talking snake in the garden of Eden? Are they real?
  9. Why continue with misconceptions? You are making yourself look foolish. As an example, the conflict in NI was between Catholics and Protestants. What side are IRA? Also, the Quran refers to receiving something "white and pure". They're not virgins. Have a little research. Educate yourself as to what these little " white and pure" rewards are.
  10. So, you admit you were wrong. Thanks. Not many on here have the balls to do so.
  11. You've been seriously misguided. IRA not attacking for Catholicism? 555. 72 virgins? No. That's a mistranslation. Anyway, I was responding to a comment that suggested all terrorism is linked to Islam. It appears you agree with that. Thanks.
  12. Not all terrorist attacks are linked to Islam. That's the point. You said they are. You are wrong. As for 25 years since anything from IRA, I guess you've given up with MSM.
  13. They're not. Have you forgotten IRA or Timothy McVeigh, as two examples.
  14. I agree. The radicals need to be stopped. Most people in UK,EU and Sweden understand that. Those that don't understand the difference between religion and radicals are part of the problem.
  15. Islam is not a problem. Religion isn't a problem. It's those that radicalise that are the problem.
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c704eedkqkvo
  17. There seems to be confusion amongst some between discipline and abuse. I got smacked as a kid when I did wrong after having been told not to do what I did. I deserved a smack.
  18. A view and actions that have been condemned by an aboriginal elder who earlier welcomed the King and Queen. It's all there in the article. You cut your quote just short of that bit.
  19. There are about 257000 monks in Thailand. Going by those figures, only 0.0194% of monks are undesirable. That's a lot less than most walks of life.
  20. I'm not the one suggesting I don't have to lead by example just because I'm not in the public eye. Sounds like double standards. Just like name calling because of a difference of opinion.
  21. Not supposed to lead by example? Your family must be so proud.
  22. "Abbott presumably is still hoping for a knighthood. Knighting Prince Philip was when the whole of Australia laughed and cringed simultaneously."
  23. The referendum. That's the justification. That's why it's interesting. I don't look down on anyone. However, those that think they know how a whole nation thinks, make me laugh. As for my typos, a apologise. I'm on a gand held device. The keyboard is quite small for my fat fingers.
  24. I've never even been to Australia. So, you're way off there. I've been stating facts. Nothing about allegiancies, outdated or not.
  25. Not the same reaction as the majority of voters in the referendum. You keep banging on about relevance. The article is about a ceremonial head of state. I suggest, when you sober up, you read some history books.
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