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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Nothing to do with UK or USA. As I pointed out in a previous post, Buriram, Surin and Sissaket don't have any cities. As defined in Thai language. You can't call them cities just because they have buses. Prakhonchai, Nang Rong, Lamplaimat, Prasat, Sikhoraphum, Chum Het, Satuk, for examples, have buses. They are not called cities. I'm not keeping on, either. I stated the facts. You keep on ignoring them.
  2. They are all towns. That's is how they are defined in political and linguistic terms in Thai.
  3. In your language, maybe. In English, the language you are speaking here, NO. There is no way any one in UK would refer to a town as a city. I believe the same would go for other English speaking nations. It's not nit picking. It's called using correct language. I'm surprised you believe yourself qualified to teach an Englishman how to speak English. I have lots to do. Teaching English being one of them.
  4. Not only in Surin. That is my point.
  5. In my lifetime I wouldn't like to think how many news presenters there have been. What I do know is, to my knowledge, less than 0.1% have been convicted of crimes against children.
  6. "Isaan" is not a language. It's a region. There are many dialects in Isaan.
  7. That's a perfect example of why Wikipedia should not be taken seriously in some cases. Whoever wrote that page seems to think Surin is the only Thai province Northern Khmer is spoken in.
  8. Exactly. No coercion involved. It's a choice and the rules are as clear as day. I believe the payment is to use the services. Not for perverts. A very small minority have been found to have broken the law. They've been subsequently sacked and dome charged with offences. There are undesirables everywhere. Were Harrods shoppers paying for a pervert? Are all those living in Thailand with kids at school paying for perverts? Is anyone putting money on a collection plate in a Catholic church paying for perverts? The millions that give alms and attend temples, are they paying for perverts? No, they are not. They are paying for something they want, belive in or want to support. Sadly, a small minority tarnish such things.
  9. I said, "let me start" The other exaggerations involved that particular posters usual political rubbish and assumptions. The public being "coerced" into supporting the BBC when it is in fact a choice. Then again, you suggested the British public "have to pay for these perverts". Wrong. "Tip of the iceberg" was mentioned, although no proof provided.
  10. What they are called does not make them something they are not. The whole political system us didderent for a city. Wikipedia can be written and amended by anyone. Not a trustworthy source.
  11. Allow me to start with the comparison to how many burgers McDonalds churn out.
  12. And that's why you got it wrong. 555
  13. On the contrary, it seems not.
  14. If in a public place, in view of others, it is. The OP was caught doing something so, if he was masturbating, it would appear it wasn't in privacy
  15. If you didn't exaggerate so much, others might take your posts more seriously.
  16. "We". Maybe you do. I live in a town. I've never heard anyone refer to it as a city.
  17. Not lost the plot at all. If you don't understand fundamental Thai language, it's not my fault.
  18. You're a Guardian reader. Did you miss the article on the same issue in your chosen rag?
  19. There is only on city in Thailand. That is Bangkok. In Thai language, city is "Mahanakorn". There is nowhere with that suffix in Buriram, Surin or Sissaket. I have lived in Buriram for over 24 years. I also regularly visit Surin. I speak Thai and I understand Khmer language to a point and can assure you in the town centres I mostly hear Thai. As one moves away from the town, heading north the dialect changes mainly to Isaan Laos. Heading south there is a mix of Isaan Laos and Khmer. In some villages around Satuk and Chom Phra area you'll hear Gui, as that this where the Elephant herders are from. There are a few other areas where there are Gui speakers, Srikoraphum being one, but not so many. The reason Thai is more prevalent in the town centres is those that speak Isaan Laos cannot understand Khmer. The same cannot be said the other way round. Hence, if there is a group of people who speak various dialects, Thai language is the means of communication. This does not happen in the villages as they are generally single dialect, plus Thai language, places. I don't recall saying dialects are not spoken in the town centres. I said they are "mostly" spoken in the areas outside town.
  20. Unlikely. For one point, there are no cities in the provinces you mention. Secondly, Khmer is mostly spoken, day to day as the OP requested, in the areas outside of town.
  21. Gui, to be perfectly correct. The language of the elephant herders.The lesser spoken of the Isaan dialects. The number of speakers less than those that speak Khmer.
  22. So, not mandatory. Only under certain conditions
  23. "Mandatory"? It certainly isn't "mandatory". It's a choice.
  24. In what way has the British public been extorted of money?
  25. All through Buriram, Surin and Sissaket you'll find Khmer speaking villages. Southern areas of those provinces will have more Khmer villages but also Issan Laos, Thai Korat and Gui. Sadly, these languages, possibly with the exception of Issan Laos, are dying languages. My wife speaks Khmer to her family but our daughter, although fully understanding Khmer, chooses to speak Thai.
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