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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I'm not on the booze. You appear to be as you think there is some hidden agenda.
  2. The referendum failed. It would have failed if a simple majority was needed. The question us not regarding trade do the second part of your comment is inane.
  3. Not rigged then. Seems the rules were clear.
  4. Rigged? That's an interesting view. Would you care to elaborate and back it up.?
  5. Australia had a referendum about the monarchy. Scotland had a referendum about independence. The results are well known facts. As is people complaining they weren't right just because they don't like the result.
  6. A view of the UK the majority of Scottish people clearly disagree with.
  7. An elected head of state for you would come automatically with independence. There was a referendum. How did that go? How's the independence movement going now? It's very quiet.
  8. There's already been a referendum. Didn't you know that?
  9. I do know. Not that it makes much difference
  10. You've both clearly not been keeping up with Biden's speeches.
  11. He didn't sound convincing, did he? Also seemed to change tracks half way through. Check the facts from the medical experts. Not an old man who's known for slips of the tongue.
  12. They quite possibly did get Covid as they were vaccinated not inoculated. Nobody has ever said you won't get Covid if you've had the vaccine. What they did say was the symptoms would be far less. Maybe, had those you know not had the vaccine, they would be dead. Who knows??
  13. Please, accept what you like. I know what happens, as do many others. The simple way to do things, as with most officialdom in Thailand, is to visit the office you are going to use and ask what their requirements are. As with the OP. On another day, with another official, the outcome could have been very different
  14. Backwaters? False? I did have a non imm visa? You think you know so much but know so little. Like I've already said, rules are often ignored or made up as one goes from office to office. The need for a cert of residency from immigration or Embassy and the "5 diseases" medical form being examples in the office I used for my last 5 year and 10 month drivers licence.
  15. Anyone who has been in Thailand for at least a couple of years know published rules often mean nothing. Whether it's DLT, Immigration, Ampher, Laboir office.........rules are often ignored or made up from office to office.
  16. I've had 5 year licence issued at Muang, Buriram with no mention of visa status. They wanted copy of photo page of passport and last entry stamp to dhow I was in country legally. From memory my stamp only had a couple of weeks remaining. They also didn't require me to get a certificate of residence from immigration. A confirmation of my address from the local police station was sufficient. Always has been.
  17. DLT offices aren't provincial. They are in each district.
  18. It depends what province you live in and what office you use.
  19. I agree. I had to turn down job offers in Education as they needed a police clearance check from Thailand. I told my perspective employers what they had read on thr internet about the procedures and timings, were far from reality. The reason I needed one was I had spent more than six months of the previous five years out of the country. We agreed I would wait until I had been in UK for five years, thus negating the need for piece clearance from abroad, and apply again.
  20. It depends what job you go for. As examples; If you want to work in Education in UK, you'll need a criminal record check as you've been out of the UK for more than six months of the previous five years. If you wish to work in Healthcare, either private or NHS, you'll need to show employment history, sometimes going right back to your first ever job. DBS checks will be needed for both of the above but that only checks your history in UK.
  21. Not near automatic. There are criteria to be met. Anyway, there is an option to gain citizenship in Thailand. That was the comparison, wasn't it? Thailand v UK?
  22. Only if the parents allow. That's the whole point of this thread. Parents not parenting. You still haven't quoted my comment in it's entirety.
  23. USA use Burma. Next.... is you answering my question. Thanks.
  24. What element do Japan, Korea, Vietnam or Thailand not let in? USA use the words "trash" and "Burma".
  25. There is a system just like that in UK, other than it's every 2.5 years and not annually.
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