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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You seem confused. The two links you published were opinions. No proof has been posted about a £22bn black hole, as claimed by Reeves. You say dome economists knew "in advance". In advance of what?
  2. You've posted 2 opinions. No proof. As I said, no one hasbprived more than £9.5b, which included some of the payrises.
  3. You are obviously another who did not read the whole article and does not understand 5-ARD.
  4. You both seem confused. She's not a bloke and it's nothing to do with woke. The individual in the article is most likely suffering from the condition 5-ARD, as mentioned in the article. A medical condition one is born with. It's nothing to do with being transgender. This case, and one other highlighted at the Olympics, is similar to the Caster Semenya situation. It Cleary needs addressing as certain hormone levels give an advantage. However, as the individual in question is female, no rules were broken. You both clearly did not read the whole article prior to getting on your soap boxes.
  5. They disagree with Reeves and Starmer. No one at anytime has actually confirmed nor proved the £22b black hole. The nearest they've got is £9.5b and that included some of the payrises made since Labour got into power.
  6. Thais still need both parents to be present until they are 21. The post you quoted was reflecting that. Not the age at which a passport can be obtained.
  7. I've changed jobs. Gone on to voluntary payments, got a new job and paid there. Then gone back to voluntary payments. A few times now.
  8. Then be open. I've been in SS scheme for many years and still am. I don't have, and never have had, a yellow book or pink ID card.
  9. No. You are creating a distinction through your insistence to discriminate
  10. It already is. It's not my fault some suffer from selective reading and a lack of comprehension.
  11. You've clearly not read or comprehended my comments in full. It's not difficult to ascertain why.
  12. Most estates are sold after the death of the owner. As I previously said, farms could be under set laws regarding sale. A farm is a living. A way of life. So long as it stays that way after inheritance, it really has no financial value other than being a way of supporting oneself and one's family. Should those inheriting decide to sell, inheritance tax should apply. Maybe under a decreasing level, such as the 7 year rule of gifting prior to death.
  13. Agreed. A very remote example. One that nobody likely thought of when going through the rigmarole of getting yellow books and pink ID cards.
  14. Not if you call out other forms too. To imply there is only one form, whilst there are many, is discrimination.
  15. It is. I know people who have both. They've had no advantage over me anytime or any where. Where do you think there is added convenience?
  16. If the farms are passed down as an asset that will continue to be worked by the heirs, there should be no inheritance tax. If there is, it's most likely parts of the farm will need to be sold off to pay. If the farm is passed down and subsequently sold, possibly with a stipulation of timeframes allowed, then inheritance tax should be paid. That way, the loophole of buying farms simply to avoid paying inheritance tax is closed, and family farms can continue the great work they fo of feeding the nation.
  17. I see. So you prefer to discriminate.
  18. I've never missed having one. That's the point. How could it add convenience if I've never been in a situation where having either would have been more convenient?
  19. There is no requirement to hold yellow book or pink ID card to continue paying SS. Not nationally, anyway. Maybe at some offices.
  20. No. They voted for spending that had all been costed, as the Labour manifesto pledged.
  21. Go on then. Do it. You'll then find out how it all actually works. It might even stop you making idiotic comments.
  22. Well, it seems you had no involvement in the conflict. Hence, you don't know the full story.
  23. It works perfectly well, when you actually look at the reasons why there was a divide. Religion was most certainly a reason. You don't need me to point out your own digs.
  24. Did they not? A pregnant woman and her child didn't die in an IRA bombing? Innocent people weren't maimed by their terrorist attacks? As for the stabbing you mention, if you're referring to Stockport, you've incorrectly linked to Islam.
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