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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I didn't need to exclude and countries that were not included in my description as they were not the subject of my comment. Instead of one calling my statement false, with no evidence to back it up, and one calling my post "ambiguous", it would have been a better option to give one's own opinions. Never mind.
  2. I mentioned countries will smaller economies. Not smaller nations. I've re read my post and I can't see where I said "all" or "every" or even "only". I'd be grateful if you could now offer the information I asked for to back up your assumption that my comment is false. Thanks.
  3. Well. Since Brexit there's only 1 test playing nation in EU. ????????????They can't play against themselves. ????????????????????
  4. How does that make my post false? Please post evidence as to why the respondants answered as they did.
  5. It was a mystery for over 3 weeks. Mystery sells. Could have become, still might, a murder case and would be important to other vulnerable people who frequent the area. There are just 2 reasons why is was on the news every day. Others would include the family appealing for info, the police appealing for info, the police causing a stir by releasing sensitive information, the family accusing the police of releasing information unnecessarily. Part time sleuths travelling to the area to try to solve the mystery, intrusive journalists trying to get their big break.......the list goes on.
  6. At the end of the day, has it really got much to do with other cultures? If, for example, families from the Indian sub continent want their under 18s to get married, they'll just return to their home countries to get it done. Simple. Grooming gangs? I didn't think marriage was part of their desire. I don't subscribe to the idea that governments wish to rule with an iron fist and take away all of our rights but I do believe some of the laws are not flexible enough for a diverse and ever changing population.
  7. Amongst the members with smaller economies it is. Common sense really. They get more out of it than they put in.
  8. Language schools for what purpose? Expats learning Thai or Thais learning English?
  9. Biologically or legally? Who has the right to say when or at what age someone becomes an adult? Old enough to work, drive a car, ride a motorbike, have sex, pay tax............. The ruling is going to cause issues amongst some groups. Daughter gets pregnant before 18, Mum insists her and boyfriend get married. Oh, wait a minute. Can't get married because a bunch of suits in London said so.
  10. If wokism, cancel culture and the likes don't exist, as some posters like to think, why aren't words like "wonderful", "amazing" or " beautiful" being targeted by the editors? These words appear in the same publications as "fat" and "agly" do. Strange.
  11. If that is what they want, I totally agree. The most recent self determination vote suggests otherwise.
  12. They can't. They are not an independent nation. They are part of UK. UK voted to leave. That's it.
  13. Give NI back? What do you mean by that? The people voted to be part of the UK by self determination. It's not anyone's to give back.
  14. The subject became British Gas when you falsely accused Centrica of forcing their way into peoples' houses to fit prepayment meters
  15. Indeed they don't. However, they do get paid for by the tax payer. They are not in an ever changing and competitive industry. They do not pay tax other than PAYE, they are not creating a final product needed by the entire population as well as providing a daily service. But, hey, let's nationalise the industry and let the tax payer pick-up the bill when the company becomes a money pit because of lack of investment. Good idea.????????
  16. Indeed. Additionally, if it were to be run as a non profit service, as some would wish, it would likely cost the tax payer more than the £3 a year.
  17. And there lies the problem with left wingers. Having a go at someone taking financial chances by being a shareholder when, instead of complaining, they could invest themselves. Still, good for a laugh.
  18. Assuming what went on and discussing what you read, with your selective reading goggles on, are two entirely different things.
  19. The headline says the meeting was held in secret. You seem to know so much about it. Were you there?
  20. In order to raise taxes on the rich, one would need to define "rich". How much annual salary would you say would put you in the "rich" tax bracket?
  21. The ice that you like, and would like to buy, in restaurants.......what water do they use ? I can guarantee it won't be Mont Fluer. In fact, they likely buy ice from the local factory. That factory will probably use water from a bore that has been through a carbon filter. Exactly the same water they sell in the 5 gallon bottles for 15 baht.
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