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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Oh dear. Seems I touched a nerve. Like I said, my life is fine. It is not I who has been posting about living in a 5hithouse. That is because I don't. I'm fine with everything that's going on here. Thanks.
  2. The first paragraph clearly states "we decided to scale back our exports". It was their decision. A bad one it seems. There are many other sea food exporters that took the decision to continue their exports as the same level and even expand. They are doing well.
  3. My life is fine, thanks. Just for your information, trolls tend not to give advice. They tend not to try to help. They tend not to post the truth. Now, who's doing that and who isn't? Who's the one that says things like " oh, I remember now" or " it's all coming back to me now" when trying to deflect away from having written rubbish? AND, who is instigating the negativity? Not me nor @save the frogs.
  4. Is he looking in a mirror?
  5. Nothing to do with her allegedly setting up internet banking without his signature. Jackanory springs to mind.
  6. Nothing about posting personal experiences. You, and a couple of other posters on here, never believe personal experiences, if they go against your own agenda.
  7. You could publish yours in "I only believe what I read when I want to believe it".
  8. If this unlikely story is true, Colin should be at the bank with the police. He should be reporting fraud both on the part of his girlfriend and the bank. There is no legal way his girlfriend can set up internet banking, change the phone number and subsequently withdraw over 6 million baht without him having been to the bank and signed a pile of forms.
  9. Speak for yourself.
  10. Incorrect. There is no legal retirement age. Retirement is totally at the discretion of the individual.
  11. Just saying it as I've seen it. I agree there are some dumps and burning going on too. Just not stuff that's earmarked for recycling. Look at Crossy's post.
  12. I think you'll find the dumping is not by the collectors as they would not burn or dump what they can sell. Most towns, even the smaller towns, will have a depot. Almost always privately owned. You can't miss them. There is usually a big house in the background. Recycling is big money. I knew a guy who worked for the bottle company that makes bottles for Chang. All 90%+ recycled. Thailand leads many western countries in recycling.
  13. Are you sure? Our village us quite rural. Recycling guys coming through every other day.
  14. @Stevey Your first topic was believable. You asked for comments and advice. You don't seem to have taken any notice. Your second topic was slightly less believable the more it went on. You sought advice. It seems you ignored it. Now this. It now seems you are not seeking advice. You are either seeking attention, seeking sympathy or simply trolling. If these topics you post tryely are real situations, get out of where you are. There is nothing there for you. Leave, leave, leave. No amount of posting by you on here will make it go away. You need to go away. Now. Simple.
  15. I'm going to sound like your side kick here but, US is not the subject ofvthis topic.
  16. You said it's the long term that matters. I shared that comment. Not cherry picking at all. Not sad either. As for cherry picking, why do you only reply to some of my posts, not all? Why not post on all topics? Cherry picking. 5555.
  17. Thanks. So why accept their prediction but not what another poster saw on TV? Double standards.
  18. That is a link to the prediction. Not a link to how they came up with the figures.
  19. Finally you talk sense. So, in the long term there is no knowing Brexit will be/ is/ gas been a disaster for UK. Thanks so much for finally realizing Brexit cannot, as has been by you and many others on here, deemed a disaster
  20. I predict the UK will not be one of the worst performing economies this year.
  21. Thanks for the accolade. I love it that you deem me horrible for speaking the truth. You've even confirmed what I've said a few times.
  22. People is not the same as everybody. I did not say "all people". Example: Pattaya has gone down hill lately. Why do people still go there when BangSaray is only just down the road? Not a generalisation. Just a comment and question.
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