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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Yep. So I was right. Not sure what your rant is all about. Being split for a short time and in that time your girlfriend got pregnant, well ............
  2. Yes, I did. In the second part of my sentence. After I'd already used the word "many". Hence, I did not suggests all topics have generalisations. Hence, once again, not a generalisation. Had I said " all people" or " everyone" then it could be construed as a generalisation. I didn't so it isn't.
  3. No. If I was generalising I would not have used the word "many". It would have been "all" or "every" or no adjective at all.
  4. There are, of course, exceptions. Usually errors on the part of the district office. The given rule is foreigners cannot be in blue book unless the have PR. .
  5. I don't understand. Who has to leave and from where? Once again, you are talking in riddles.
  6. Is it really that bad? Look at the comparison with the rigmorole of Thai extensions. My wife's English is average. She sails through the English tests. The life in UK test is more difficult but there is now so much help online. Her and couple of friends of her's have been averaging 20 out of 25. I believe leave to remain is in excess of £2000. Not excessive when you consider, unlike in Thailand, one can work legally on a spouse visa. My wife works in Healthcare too so she can apply for IHS payment refunds every 6 months.
  7. Especially as the maths doesn't add up. On another thread the OP wrote he had been on the "piss" in the village with another expat for "a few years". That ended "a couple of years ago". That would suggest he has been in the house for well over 5 years. The child is not his. Something going on.
  8. What has Brexit got to do with UKVI rules which, incidentally, have not changed since Brexit? Applications are not tedious at all. Takes all of 30 minutes to complete the application and a further 30 minutes to upload the documents. Once you have the visa there are no 90 day reports, no immigration visits, no TM30. Easy living.
  9. Changed your tune. That wasn't the first question a moment ago. 555. Anyway, yes. It has been answered.
  10. Chanote and "registration book", as the OP called it, are different entities. You have a lease. A right to live on/in the property. The OP is simply trying to register his address.
  11. That was your question. His question, the subject of this thread, has been answered. Your question has not as it was inane.
  12. Help has already been given by those that understand the question. Maybe you can explain what answers he could have given to your question "Why?" that would help you answer his original question, which was " We returned to the register office after a month to be told that I must supply my mother and father's details. Is this a requirement to be registered in the book or is it just stalling?"
  13. I did. I pointed out in my first post. At the end of the day, unless the OP has PR (which I also mentioned) his application is for a yellow book. As you well know from your replies to previous topics about yellow book applications.
  14. Well, he posted sufficient information to get the answers he needed. So far, you are the only one to seem to think he missed off some needed information to get his answer, which he has actually received.
  15. Add to that the figures for arrivals in November 2022, announced in March 2023, were 2% up on November 2019.
  16. My point proved once again.
  17. The OP was asking about the application process. Nothing about the need to have one. He gave the full "SP".
  18. Unless you have PR you cannot do that. You need to apply for a yellow book.
  19. My point proved. Thank you
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