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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. It is difficult to agree with you when you move the goal posts so often. First the Albanians have been sent back and now only 500. Never mind. I have sufficient critical thinking skills, un affected by disdain for a particular political party, to see the real issues. Same all on here can't do the same.
  2. Excellent. So we are in agreement. The government's immigration policy is not a total failure. Why didn't you mention that before? Actually, most of us know why.
  3. So, a success for the government. Why did you not mention that when suggesting the immigration policy was a total failure?
  4. I posted this link a few pages back. You must have conveniently missed it. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/factsheet-small-boat-crossings-since-july-2022/factsheet-small-boat-crossings-since-july-2022 42% from Albania. Who are they at war with?
  5. More than 150k in some cases. Being married and having children helps. As does having life insurance. I seem to remember I could earn 210k before paying tax.
  6. I would have to question, if this story is true, why did she not turn around and walk out of the door there and then? Why continue with 6 sessions?
  7. The sovereign grant is usually 15% of the profits from the Crown estate, which are handed to the treasury. This can raise to 25% some years if there are extra expences, such as this year's coronation. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainer/royal-finances The split is therefor 15/85% or 25/75% in favour of the treasury. I'd say that's a net profit.
  8. I work with a 74 year old woman whose husband is 51. They've been married over 30 years. Is she a pervert?
  9. Head against a wall.????????????????. I guess it has been a long standing issue. That is what your doubters are saying. I would suggest the issue likely goes way past 13 years ago. No one has posted a link to show the issue started exactly at that time. The issues probably started when the previous government was in power. Why didn't they sort it?
  10. Mine too. Hence my post about what obstacles the UK's immigration policies are facing.
  11. I would have thought Redbottles would be more your thing.
  12. I've just pictured a beach scene with Corby in his speedos and Abbot in a slinky 2 piece. That's an image I need to get out of my head very quickly. ????????????
  13. Exactly right. I'm glad you agree that there are outside influences getting in the way of the UK governments attempts to control immigration. I'm happy to agree with you on that. It's a shame the laws appear to be a blanket law covering all arrivals and not just those seeking legitimate refuge. Seems the next government will also have the same issues. I'll look forward to your comments on that at a later date.
  14. None whatsoever? I think you should read up on UNHCR and ECHR.
  15. That's so funny I just spat my coffee out. Nothing to do with human rights groups, UN, the High Court? I'm off to get another coffee.
  16. They have failed in attempts to halt illegal immigration because of opposition to their plans. If, those opposing would simply say "Ok. Those arriving are not from war torn countries can be sent straight back", that would immediately reduce illegal immigration by 42%. As per the figures quoted and substantiated by the link.
  17. The problem with that is, currently 42% of those arriving by boat are not fleeing war or persecution. In addition, 95% of Albanians arriving are male. I didn't know females are immune to war and persecution. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/factsheet-small-boat-crossings-since-july-2022/factsheet-small-boat-crossings-since-july-2022
  18. Was Germany not Nazi in the 1930s? I seem to remember something significant happening in that decade.
  19. Incorrect. You need a tax return to renew work permit too, so there's no avoiding it.
  20. Then she is misled. There is a vast difference between attempting to defend one's own borders and save lives and attempting to cross borders and invade other countries. Is there a direct correlation between the UKs immigration policies and Putin's current regime? No. I didn't think so.
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