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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Keep them. Get your kid to read them. In Thai schools, subject matter learned in one grade is never revisited. Once they have tested at year end, that's it. Forget and move on. Keeping old books will ensure your kid will not fall into the trap of learn, test, forget. Rinse and repeat.
  2. It's cost saving. Savings that can be passed onto customers. In the UK, Lidl and Aldi stock up during the day. Look at their prices. Always lower than other supermarkets. The stores are always busy. It obviously is a business plan that works.
  3. You have time in your life to read every post on this forum, judge them, evaluate them and then put them in some kind of order. And you say others are dumb.
  4. Since 2019 there have been just over 15000 new recruits in the police force. Each year they receive pay rises and move up a level on the salary scale. At best, if we take all recruits since 2019, one in ten, of those on the salary figure you quoted, would be circa 1500. Salaries of the remaining, at least 4500, unknown. As I said.
  5. No. It says: "A survey of over 6,000 serving officers revealed that one in five officers is forced to skip meals to cope with financial strains, with nearly 10 percent resorting to food banks in the past year alone."
  6. You don't know me so can't possibly justify that comment. Same goes for the comment about "most" police
  7. Indeed. However, please link to the salaries of those surveyed and those that admitted to using food bank.
  8. If you can confirm the salaries of all 6000 police officers surveyed, we can then discuss your accusation.
  9. Your losing your touch. Maybe time for some fresh troll blood on here.
  10. Starting salaries were mentioned. The rank, length of service and salary levels of the 6000 surveyed were not.
  11. Interesting. So, you sympathise with police officers, salary unspecified, who use food banks but those on a higher salary have a sense of entitlement. I wonder what side of the divide a police officer on a 100k salary, that uses food banks, lays.
  12. No. It's all related to salary and expenditure. I know a few police who are parents. Not sure if they were surveyed.
  13. Neither do I have experience of makebelief. Actually I did watch Alice in Wonderland when I was a kid.
  14. Exactly. Glad to see you've changed your stance. Reading what he actually said us more accurate than reading what you said. Thanks for proving yourself wrong.
  15. True, none the less. Just goes to show even those on higher salaries can be accused of over stretching themselves, thus finding things difficult.
  16. You must spend your life talking to the police, or not. You must be either a criminal or you are exaggerating.
  17. Actually, the figures quoted on a previous thread about salaries and poverty show that police officers salaries are outside of those parameters. Seems it could be their spending habits rather than their income.
  18. The headline is extremely misleading. There are 2.4million UK citizens with passports that are more than 10 years old. How many have already applied for a new one? How many have less than 6 months vadility so can travel anyway? How many are actually considering travelling to an EU country? How many have kept up with the rules and actually know they can't travel to an EU country until they get a new passport. There is no chaos.
  19. Not forgetting the drop, higher percentage, in the pound between 2006 and Brexit. That coincided with 13 new members being admitted to EU. 12 of which became the bottom 12 on the table of GDP and economic balance. Also the 12 lowest donors.
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