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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Why not? Reports "investigation finds no evidence of........." are seen often in the media. Chomper says he's not seen any. Why are there not lots if others posting the same, with evidence?
  2. I don't understand. "Anti Israeli and anti Jew are separate, 1 should be tried for war crimes and the other should be condemned by all right minded people" How can "anti" something or other be tried for war crimes?
  3. No, he doesn't. I've never met him, spoken to him or received anything from him.
  4. Personal observations from you. In your own words, you need evidence to back them up. Link please.
  5. Other's personal observations mean nothing to you. You insist on links. Practice what you preach.
  6. Please provide a link to prove there is no mob rule. We all know you don't accept personal opinion. Link please.
  7. Thailand is multi cultural. Which culture is it you feel has been preserved?
  8. It is you disagreeing with the title if this thread. It's down to you to show evidence. Not me.
  9. The Labour candidate was not withdrawn. He still stood in the election, under the Labour banner. He got over 2000 votes. Had he won, he would have become an MP. I imagine Labour would gave immediately sacked him as a Labour MP and he would have become an independent.
  10. Learn to speak Thai.
  11. Having read the first page of comments, it seems the OP is showing off his own, perceived, knowledge rather than seeking advice. Nothing to see here.
  12. If that's what you believe. If you read an article with an open mind, the figures mean nothing.
  13. Google. I use it all the time. Bias is in the mind. Keep an open mind and you'll find lots of interesting reports and articles.
  14. An article of an assessment by a ratings group that noticed their ratings were making other articles appear biased Hardly "doing some reading". Try again.
  15. The weather? Syria is a lot warmer than Weston-super-mare. Especially at this time of year.
  16. I don't know that. I've never seen any proof or facts. I've seen suggestions, I have my own theories but I don't know any facts that it's mythology.
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