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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. So, the area of London where you live is, in your opinion, a s$#t hole? I can assure you, the whole country certainly is not. You are exaggerating for effect. Didn't work.
  2. That's the biggest twist you've ever written. Well done. Chubby Checker would be proud of you.
  3. I can deal with the truth. The truth in what I wrote. Your post suggests you believe the media and political circles are one sided. That is clear by your post. "those in the media and political sphere who seek to stoke division for their own purposes are acting to deliberately foster this one way view." That is what my post suggested.
  4. I quoted the part where you said To show that you too only recognuse one side of the issue. Were you not being one sided you have said "one way view, either way".
  5. Incorrect. I guess you have not been following the protest marches in London. I repeat, if a Muslim was walking around areas of Golders Green, he/she would be in danger.
  6. You are doing the same by only acknowledging one side. There is as much criticism of Israel in the media as there is of Hamas. There are two sides to every conflict, won't call it a war for fear of upsetting one particular poster, they are both to blame.
  7. It works both ways. Those that think the issues are only one way are the route cause of the problem.
  8. Low income tax? Incorrect. Teachers don't have a preferential tax rate Free health care and pension? I agree. They are attractive perks.
  9. Incorrect. Teacher loan payments are taken at source. Long term loans can also be borrowed using the lump sum payment teachers receive at retirement as collateral.
  10. No nonsense. If a Muslim walked in to the Golders Green area, especially with the Gaza crisis going on, there would be issues. Likewise if orthodox Jews walked into Tower Hamlets, there would be issues. There are generally no reactions towards expats from Thais as there are no wars, religious beliefs or history to create tension. Your comparison is nonsense.
  11. More drivel after having read half the comment quoted I thought the villagers in your village couldn't afford to buy meat?
  12. Says the man who lives 2 hours drive from Makro. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. Once again, you appear to be letting your assumed superiority cloud your judgement of other posters and their comments. I've not asked you to prove anything. You posted what you felt Isaan's places of interest amounted to. I pointed out you'd missed quite a few. As one of the more traveled persons, your words, you do appear to have missed a lot. 22 years I've been in Thsiland and I'm still visiting places I didn't know were there. Some I've found on the internet, others by word of mouth. Some people are happy to be interested in and learn by others knowledge. Some, it seems, are not.
  14. Not a pissing contest. I was just enlightening you on the many places you seem to have driven passed.
  15. It seems I for one, 22 years in NE, could tell you much. You say you like history and point out 2 Khmer ruins. Unrestored. Yet you miss the myriad of other Khmer temples stretching from the far south of Isaan all the way north to Sakon Nakhon. You like history yet you neglect to mention the archeological sites of mid Isaan around Kalasin and Khon Kaen. You say you like to relax yet miss out the plethora of lakes and the facilities that have been built on and around them. Many housing some of the best restaurants to be found. Sounds like you need to get out of the car sometimes, during your "exploring".
  16. You clearly only explored your stoop. You missed the dinosaur museum, for starters.
  17. Why blame me for something you wrote? Show me where I said UK was perfectly safe? That's what you wrote.
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