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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I have no links as to why you only comprehend what you want to and ignore what you don't. There are many psychology citations I could quote but none specific to you.
  2. Selective reading and memory from you, as per.
  3. You know the answers. This has been discussed many times. I'm not going to get into listening to your broken records
  4. Agreed. The current "they" were the ones who constantly derailed the Rwanda project. Finally cancelling it without putting any other project in its place.
  5. How long would that take? The problem building things like prisons, also things like nuclear power stations and social housing, is everyone is up for the idea until they realise it's going to be in their back yard. Then the protests start snd planning and building gets delayed.
  6. Not quite. An adult, over 18, could receive the death sentence. Under 18s xann9t be executed.
  7. My head is not buried in the sand. It's quite simple. Everyone, including the government's of the world, stop taking sides. Intervene and sort it out. You are guilty of taking sides. Your post only mentioned wrongs by Isreal. By doing that, you are fueling the situation. You blame Isreal then someone else blames Hamas. All the arguing and p%$sing in the wind that follows, certainly isn’t going to sort anything out.
  8. Blaming one side for atrocities worse that the other or comparing atrocities by one side or the other is inane and just fuels the conflict. It's just like 2 little kids fighting. " oh, he hit me first". "Yes, but then he hit me harder". " but he kicked me".....and on and on. It's a conflict. There are two sides involved. They are both wrong and both need to be stopped.
  9. None of that happened. Not in real life.
  10. I've lost count of how many times you've posted this. You are yet to actually back you claim with any evidence.
  11. It's your own view. You believe I'm right wing because I don't agree with all your views. I repeat, I'm not right wing.
  12. I'm not right wing. Your suggestion I am, speaks volumes.
  13. You actually just discriminate against people with right wing views.
  14. I've got nothing to get over. Discrimination of any kind is wrong. Having been a victim of such, I know how it feels. The fact people chose to discriminate, as you do, is something I've learned to expect.
  15. It's still discrimination to suggest she cannot work in a particular career because of her right wing beliefs, however extreme you feel they are.
  16. Banning people from having jobs because of their right wing political beliefs? That's discrimination. Something you are against. That's double standards
  17. "We", and "don't want you back (In UK)"would suggest he's speaking for a lot more people, such as the British public as a whole. Besides, he didn't know your opinion when he commented.
  18. The simple answer is a self determination vote. Let the people of Chagos Islands decide for themselves.
  19. Not at all. I read the article. It's all there. Why don't you try to read it?
  20. You make a list of Taliban run community centres in UK and I'll let you know which is closest to me.
  21. Oh dear. All that because a charity wants to set up a centre for the community.
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