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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. We are getting there. Now they are "taught" not "brainwashed" They are "taught" mythology not to join terrorist groups.
  2. Finally you post a fact. Well done. Having said that, 15 is only a child in law. Young woman or teenager would be more accurate in theory.
  3. Not at all. It's you saying things like "she's a Muslim, they get fed this BS from birth" at the same time as talking about brainwashing and joining ISIS. In the context you used, "they" refers to Muslims as a whole. With your ideology, I could never be your "Buddy".
  4. It's the BS posted/printed by the right that ignites the left. If people would just post the facts instead of fantasy, there'd be no comebacks.
  5. Only Islam? Does every Catholic in Ireland get brainwashed and join IRA? By your ideology, all Muslims join ISIS. Take a look at how many Muslims there are in the world and how many members there are of ISIS and all the splinter groups. Who brainwashed her from birth? Parents? Are they members of ISIS? Your posts smack of the "all Muslims are terrorists and all terrorists are Muslims" ideology".
  6. Brain washed from birth? I haven't seen that report. Do you have a link?
  7. It's a shame the media only seem to print the pictures of the "men only" boats. It certainly sways people's opinions. They seem to miss the "drowning deaths including children" or "women missing in the channel" stories.
  8. Universities rely on foreign students. Without them, fees would need to increase for home grown students. The government would then likely need to subsidise, costing the tax payer. Immigration is needed to bridge the gap between workforce and job vacancies. With out immigration, many places, namely most NHS facilities and health care establishments would not be able to operate. I doubt very much "most British people are opposed to immigration", especially when they have a foreign national treating/caring for them or their family members in a hospital or care home.
  9. You have that the wrong way round. The OP posts as if his experiences always occur. My post was to show they don't. Had you not cropped my post to suit your agenda, you would have noticed as such. As it is, your reply is inane.
  10. It depends how you approach it. Do you ask the questions yourself? Do you speak Thai? If not, do you ask your wife to ask?( Thais generally don't like to question officialdom). Throughout my daughter's time at school, she always attended Thai government schools, there were a few instances where I had to question the process. I went in by myself, spoke Thai and was firm but polite. I always got a result. The way to do it is to question, give alternative ideas and then proceed to turn the tables and convince the teacher/official your idea was their idea all along. Job done.
  11. Not facts. Mostly opinions. However, one point that most definitely is made up by you, she cannot apply for Bangladeshi passport. She lost that right when she became 21. BTW, she didn't join ISIS.
  12. She's never been accused, let alone charged, with terrorism. I don't recall her being accused of abusing babies, she can't go to Bangladesh right now, not sure why you think she wears curtains, prove she'd become a 2nd or third wife and spend the rest of her life cooking, cleaning and breeding. Does Allah knows best after all.? Just for a start.
  13. Those are not facts. Don't get me wrong, I believe the UK rulings are correct, but your arguments are not facts.
  14. You let yourself down, and open yourself up for criticism, by making disparaging, untrue, Islamophobia comments. Stick to the facts. You'll get by much better.
  15. I believe the so called rule change was 2006. However, our daughter was born in March 2002. I and her mother were not married. We married 31st May 2006. Daughter's passport application was not an issue. No extra documents, no Home Office involvement. You'll find, if parents subsequently married, thus legitimising the birth, citizenship will be issued so long as all other criteria is met. We are going off topic. I'll send you a PM.
  16. I've seen this before. What dates are you talking about? I was not married to my wife when our daughter was born. No problems. I was informed citizenship passes from father, if father is natural born UK citizen born in UK. Our daughter has dual citizenship.
  17. Good to see you didn't call it "Thai massage". Deliberately or accidentally, you have made a correct distinction.
  18. Rubbish. By the way, why won't your daughter not be issued British citizenship?
  19. No, I'm not. On the contrary, twas not I who lost a substantial amount on a property deal.
  20. You cost yourself 100k. You didn't have to sell. Sunak is not a billionaire. His wife's family are, he is not.
  21. She is Bangladeshi by descent. The Bangladeshi government obviously deny this as they don't want her either. She is entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship. Therefore, the UK government and courts have done nothing unlawful.
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