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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. This thread is about Christianity and Islam. Which one of those is a race?
  2. It's a grade 2 listed building that has clearly seen better days and is in need of restoration. If a charity are prepared to take it on and spend money on it, as the article suggests, why not?
  3. Which one of Christianity and Islam is a race?
  4. I didn't ask any questions. My wife has had 2 visitor visa applications accepted at first attempt. Also a settlement visa application and FLR application accepted at first attempt. That's how I know your comments were full of errors.
  5. UKVI state several times during the application not to send any documentation they don't ask for. No interviews are involved.
  6. You don't know much about UK visa applications, do you?
  7. Use a base sauce and change it to get variety. Example, I'll make a sauce from pork mince. Add some onions, tomatoes, thinly diced carrots and celery. Salt and pepper. I'll eat it with potatoes and green vegetables. Next day I'll add a tin of tomatoes, or blended fresh ones, a bit of garlic and some oregano. That makes a nice sauce for spaghetti. Next day I'll add some kidney beans and chilli and eat with rice.
  8. She's applying for a visitor visa, as pointed out in the post you quoted. It appears she is returning to Thailand. To the OP. Tell her not to quit. At least not until her visa has been approved. A letter from her boss, in the visa application, saying she has a job to go back to will be a big help.
  9. Why is it strange they are spouses or family members of those already in UK? You, yourself, said there was a migrant community. As there is a local migrant community it would seem recruitment has been made locally. You also didn't mention their age in your initial post. That would have negated your impression that the aquired their work visas with fake credentials straight away. I don't know why you think they'd be paying to work. How do you know they all don't speak good Engish? How do you know so much about them in general?
  10. You are showing your ignorance of immigration. Migrants cannot get a visa for working in Gregg's. The chances are they are in UK on spouse or family visa. As they are not entitled to any benefits, they work. Legally. If they are working cash in gand and not paying tax, and get caught, their visa status is at risk. A risk I doubt they'd be willing to take. It's also very unlikely a Gregg's franchise eould get away with it.
  11. Your childhood antics add nothing to the conversation.
  12. Rights of legal immigrants, illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are clearly defined on the website I directed you to. Exactly. If you don't know, you'll never understand.
  13. That's funny. So far off your original agenda. An apology for your error would have been more fitting. Still, it all fits with your narrative.
  14. This post clearly defines your lack of understanding. You need to go away and have a read about migration. Gov.UK eould be a good start.
  15. You don't seem to be able to differentiate what each group does. I can read the title. I was replying to your inaccuracies.
  16. Then why mention working unskilled jobs? Why talk about then being "brought" in? Why suggest they are Doctors and nurses?
  17. You've done it again. Before spouting off, try to understand the difference between legal and illegal migration. That will enable you to stop posting the rubbish you sometimes post.
  18. That's just doesn't happen. If you stopped lying your posts would have more credibility. Legal immigrants need a visa. They need background checks. They need to earn a certain level of salary. They are not unskilled and they don't do unskilled jobs. They don't have criminal backgrounds. There have been over 1 million unemployed since I can remember. Most of them don't want to work. They, British citizens, cost the system millions more than migrants do.
  19. You keep making the same mistake. Unskilled workers are not being brought in. They have skills and they are not entitled to benefits.
  20. That's it. In a nutshell. Exactly what is already happening. The shortage is not top end. Not the kind if jobs graduates go for. Graduates compete against other graduates. Not immigrants.
  21. I didn't say that. I questioned the relevance of the post and missing information.
  22. What do any of those have to do with " likely be on some kind of public assistance for life"? Which is what you wrote in your comment.
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