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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. There is a paragraph in the marriage laws here in Thailand that goes something like " the husband must support his wife to his best abilities". It goes on to mention this includes physical assistance in general household matters. Basically, that covers all of the jobs around the house and garden that have been mentioned on this topic.
  2. Your post is confusing. You are using the wrong terminology. If you are on an O visa based on marriage you can stay until your permission to stay expires. If you are on an extension of stay, issued by immigration, your permission to stay expires the day your divorce is finalised.
  3. I totally agree. Bread, butter, milk, plus whatever herbs and spices you wish to add Packet mixes always come in a very very bad second.
  4. If you are looking for answers, it's always better to ask the right questions with correct explanations.
  5. First things first, you are not going to get a 5 year teaching visa. A Non B visa is required. That will have a validity of 90 days. You then need to extend your permission to stay prior to the 90 days expiry. The extension will be issued to the end of your contract, usually a year. You will also need to apply for a work permit. If Khurusapa do accept your qualification you may be able to apply for a teaching licence. That will be valid for 5 years.
  6. There is a splattering of rain at this time of year most years. Known locally as the "mango showers". The mango blossom is out and needs rain to help pollination. We have many mango tress around the garden. I recall having to use the hose one year to water the blossom as it hadn't rained at all by the start of February. The real rain is still a few months off.
  7. I sincerely hope the comments about not having a work permit, when linked to foraging, are sarcasm. Either that or it's just started snowing in Isaan.
  8. There are many fresh markets in Kalasin. There is also a great wholesale place on the road to Somdet, they sell seafood and beef. Makro is there too. Lots of choice there. You just need to open your eyes.
  9. You must have lived in Isaan for a very long time. So long that you know "most" of the expat residents and how they feel.
  10. I've lived in Thailand 21 years. Can't say our area has smoke problems. The heat can be excessive in the summer months, I agree. Not a deal breaker but does sometimes become a burden.
  11. I guess this is a troll post. The OP wrote this, on another post, less than 3 weeks ago and then went on to put down those who disagreed. " No other expats in site. For ME, I don't miss being around them at all. I have a few former colleagues/friends online, that I have known my whole life and can always catch up if any intelligent stimulus is needed. However, I enjoy the peaceful easy living of being out in the country. Doing what ever I want. For some, it might be boring, however, we do have the means to travel if we ever feel the need to hit the beaches in the south or the mountains up north or any other place. Our part of Isaan is pretty darn boring for most folks and that is just the way I like it!"
  12. I think you should include yourself in the group that needs to educate themselves.
  13. We've never had a problem. Only count the money ourselves once. Any errors could be from either side.????????
  14. Makro will accept your coins. No need to bag them up either. Drop them off at the counter where the free items are picked up, usually the same place where the cashiers go to get cigarettes, before you start shopping. By the time you have finished shopping they should have been counted. The staff will give you a credit note you can then use when paying the bill.
  15. No need for lawyers. You and your partner need to go through what documents you have. If none are available go to the land registry and ask them. That is what they are there for. My wife gas a 10 rai plot that is currently undocumented, as is much of the surrounding area. Land office come by every now and then and register a few plots. So long as land tax hs been paid and receipts are on hand there are no issues.
  16. Not a bad company. Pay is on the low side. You only get paid for speaking time and not waiting time. After a short period you will be offered priority hours. During these hours you will be paid 25% of the hourly rate even if no one contacts you for a chat. It can be arduous to start with but, if you get yourself a good reputation and get some regular callers, you can earn reasonable money for doing something that is not too difficult. Lots of students from the Middle East and Turkey. Also Japan. Those would be the best bet if you are in Thailand. There are also some South American students, Brazilian mainly, but the times may not suit.
  17. My point proved. Thank you.
  18. Good come back but an unlikely story. I wonder if you would ever consider walking into a bar and shouting that out to a bunch of guys you had never met??? Highly unlikely.
  19. I've been accused of being grammar police before do here goes again. The above should read " none of my women have left a rich upperclass Thai man for me". You know nothing about me or my wife. You have no clue about our relationship or what it is based on that has given us the strength, understanding and love to stay together for as long as we have. Kindly drop the "we" and "us" as I am certainly not included in your opinionated drivel of an outlook.
  20. If that is how you wish to guage your relationships, so be it. I can tell you now, the 22 year relationship I have with my wife goes far deeper and means far more then finance and sex. If it didn't, I doubt we would still be together.
  21. Who said anything about grammar? I'm talking about culture. You know, what you were attempting to teach us in your first post, but failing miserably.
  22. We are not good buddies. Hence, the name calling is derogatory. Please try to keep up.
  23. Read my original post again. I did mention that. I got real but you missed it. Rant wasted I'm afraid. ????????
  24. Giving a nickname such as that is an older person calling a younger person in jest. For Laos speakers to refer to young kids with the word "ham" is a term of indearment. To call someone unknown, who could be the same age or older is not good and would be deemed an insult. I would have thought you and your buddies that are so well versed in "Isaan" would have been aware of that. ????????????????
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