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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. WTF has it got to do with Replublic. The reports are in no way connected to them. If there are charges to be made, leave it to the police and courts.
  2. I have never paid to open a bank account. Only requirement has been the 100 baht for ATM.
  3. I know. I was pointing out he doesn't need both, as he was suggesting in his post.
  4. If you pass the income requirements, you don't need 800k in the bank.
  5. You speak for everyone? Wow. You have such a high opinion of yourself. BTW, I did get an answer.
  6. Try harder at what? All I did was ask a question. You might want to try harder at giving straight answers.
  7. You didn't. That's why I asked. You were the one pointing to a possible presidential candidate being on a private jet being an issue. I was wondering why that was an issue.
  8. How about BBC Studios Japan Ltd. Offices in Tokyo. A news source in Asia. Perfect
  9. Your questions don't refer to the headlines. Your posts have far more assumptions and instances of you reading into things that aren't there, than relevant questions.
  10. No need to research anything. The headline does not match the article. Simple as. Nothing to do with statistics. All to do with sensationalist journalism.
  11. Inaccurate headlines. No. I have not accepted it. As I pointed out in my very first post questioning the headline.
  12. Isn't the worse ever air disaster, by way of lives lost, still the PanAm and KLM collision on the runway in Tennerife?
  13. Are you suggesting BBC don't have journalists in Asia? Are you suggesting the don't have offices in Asia? Are you suggesting BBC don't have partners within Asian media?
  14. Please provide evidence from those running the poll of the location, age, background of those polled. Thanks.
  15. Exactly my point. Assumptions from you about what you think I'm implying. Thanks for admitting that. As for posting anything positive about " Remain" or "EU", I don't recall posting anything negative. Once again, I've only questioned the wording of the headline in relation to the poll. That is it.
  16. I have never stated my leanings towards Brexit. You are making that up. You have agreed with my comments regarding the headline. Had you done that after my first post instead of twisting and turning, it would have saved a lot of time. You say I "imply". That's a lot different to " say". Now we know all of your wriggling was down to something you "think I implied".
  17. There are no flaws in my comments. 2132 people in no way resembles the UK electorate or " majority of British voters". The Guardian reported this because it fits their agenda. Just the same as you did.
  18. Throughout this thread I have made my views clear. You must be suffering from selective reading.
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