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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I've just had a nice stay in a hotel on the south coast of England. Double room with bathroom, £101 for two nights. If that's a price rise, it must be a real bargain in real time.
  2. You've been taken in, haven't you? You do realise the hotels are taken over by the government? You do realise 4 star accommodation offers no luxury in the case of asylum hotels? Asylum being the clue here. Only asylum seekers. Some of your other ideas just made me laugh. Not worth talking about.
  3. Linguistic gymnastics? I take that as a compliment. Especially as, in my opinion, I've been using quite basic English to explain views on simple subjects. Not my fault if some find it difficult to keep up. As I said, in simple terms, opinions cannot be deemed errors. They can be disagreed with but cannot be wrong. Simple once more.
  4. You have consistently picked and picked without actually pointing out accurately what I've said. You always add little bits to tweak my posts to your liking. I have not made any errors. You disagree with what you perceive I've said and then call the errors. Opinions cannot be called errors. You can disagree with them but that doesn't make them wrong.
  5. ??? The OP was hired directly by the school. The other posters are speaking about agents. Not agencies. They were not teachers. What's your point??
  6. Visas can't be cancelled. Do you mean the permission to stay based on your employment?
  7. As I've already said. I don't know if I have any Muslim friends. I don't ask people's religion. The same goes for sexuality.
  8. Now, your hatred of an entire faith, assuming everyone of that faith is evil, leads you to insults and putting words in people's mouths. How strange.
  9. Follow your own advice. It would save you needing to post half of what you do.
  10. You've clearly never been to the seedy parts of Bangkok or Pattaya. Your hatred for an entire faith clearly clouds your judgement.
  11. This thread isn't about people being invited. I believe there needs to be a system whereby checks need to be made that those that come to UK can take care of themselves. Taking investments and property ownership into account would help some, not make them feel hard done by. There is not much of a negative impact on us. I might need to work 2 days a week for 6 months.
  12. That is about the refunds for those on other visas who work withing health care and have paid the surcharge. My wife works in health care in the private sector, paid the NHS surcharge as part of he visa process and now applies every 6 months for a partial refund.
  13. You are clearly not reading my comments correctly. I have shown how it would be done. Home ownership and investments being two. If I own a house in London or Cumbria it makes no difference. My mortgage/rent is still ZERO. You are just being picky.
  14. Applications are already addressed on their own individual circumstances. UK couples are almost always subjected to income and outgoings scrutiny when applying for many things. Whether it's a loan from a bank, a mortgage,HP on a car.... Government agencies also take this into consideration, along with assets, when accessing benefits applications, universal credit, tax credits, health care when elderly, disability payments......... It would be very simple, and fair, to do the same with family settlement applications. In our case we easily qualify for the government requirement that we can financially take care of ourselves.
  15. By percentage, how much of your NI payments do you think went directly to NHS? My wife, if she passes the ludicrous Lif in UK test, will be able to apply for ILR in December next year. She will be exempt from paying NHS surcharge. However, since being in the UK, her payments have been in excess of £2500 across 5 years. That is £2500 directly to NHS. She also pays NI and Tax on her salary. New applicants will be paying £5000 in 5 years. Again, this figure is money directly to the NHS. I'm not sure on the figures but, I would doubt many people pay that much directly into NHS in many many more years of paying NI.
  16. As pointed out by JohnnyF, salary and living costs vary depending on financial status. We own our property and therefore have low outgoings. The government statement was something like " the new figures are to ensure sponsors can take care of their family members". My wife and I can easily live on the previous figure because of our financial situation, one that is not taken into account by the current requirements.
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