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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. So, because it's not easy, they don't want to do it. Ahhhhhh didums. Imagine how many expats would be leaving Thailand if they felt the same. As for preventing cash in hand payments, people tend not to shout about them from the rooftops.
  2. Exactly. A bit more scrutiny and tax an NI payments required when working. It works for many Non EU citizens. Why does it put EU citizens off?
  3. I work with many people who have settlement. They can chop and change all they want. They are very happy here and don't understand why anyone would have left if was not for inability to provide tax payment records. Now also working with many new immigrants on their visit year here. Also very happy to be here.
  4. Whataboutary, as one might say. I'll explain once again. I posted a reply to a post you made. You suggested I refer it, your post, to the government. I doubt they'd be interested. They'd probably place you on their ignore list.
  5. You made a post on a forum for expats in Thailand and you want me to take it up with the government? I know you think you have some clout but that takes tge biscuit.
  6. It was quite easy for those that were here prior to Brexit to stay. Just needed to apply for settlement. Of vourse there were requirements such as having paid tax and NI of salaries received. That's why may left. Every EU worker that I've met, that stayed, have told me how easy it was to stay so long as they were legit. It's not that difficult to come now but there are rules some don't wish to adhere too. Never mind.
  7. That comment is straight out of the book of Captain Hindsight Starmer. Let's critisise without offering up an alternative or how we're going to pay for it. Talk about whataboutary. You are the class captain.????????????
  8. Speed 3 closed and was demolished sometime ago. I'm guessing 2020/21.
  9. Out of date. Speed 3 is no longer.
  10. Thanks for the laugh. Generally speaking, remote in the middle of nowhere places don't appear on the rail network, on major bus routes or an easy drive from a domestic airport. Neither would they boast two immigration offices. Surin might be quieter than what you are used to, most likely as a large place like Khon Kaen is what you describe as "boring", but it most certainly is not remote.
  11. My comment about every village was actually tongue in cheek as it was from the same source that says there's nothing in Surin. Major towns, even main town areas of smaller districts, I agree.
  12. I wouldn't say Surin was a " remote place". It's grown and developed a lot since I was first there in 1998. Besides, where there are randy Thai males, there are ladies prepared to take care of them. In fact, going out with a few Thai guys, as I used to in my single days, is the best policy. They know the places that expats are totally unaware of, as I found out a few times. We used to visit places that were not all lit up with welcome signs or girls outside. Behind closed doors places that expats alone likely wouldn't be let into.
  13. No apology needed until you provide a link to the evidence you claims you have regarding the build quality and the cause of the accident. Also that the passengers had no knowledge of the levels of risk. Strange that you post whataboutary and unsubstantiated evidence. Two of your pet hates.
  14. Your suggestion of me hurling accusations is wide of the mark. As is you making a claim. You did mention it in the topic so I questioned why.
  15. So you don't have evidence to back your claim of corporate manslaughter. As expected.
  16. News articles are evidence? Every legal and civil law process in the world would disagree with that. Links to reports by professionals showing real evidence would be great. I believe personal anecdotes don't count. At least that is what you like to tell people.
  17. How do you know they didn't? I guess you have a link to their search history on the internet? You have a link to all conversations they had with experts about sub explorations and testing? You tapped their phones? You were in attendance at the pre event meetings between all parties? You must also have been present at all the training sessions. You also seem to know a lot about the construction of the sub in question. More so than many experts. How incredible. Not much evidence though. Until you do have evidence, i suggest you wait for the official reports.
  18. You can find what you are looking for in Surin. In fact, I remember a self confessed expert on such matters posting here once something on the lines of " there is a karaoke bar with short time girls in every village". You will, however, need to go Thai style. That is to say, you will need to step away from the main entertainment area of Tawandeang., although you mentioned freelancers and there will be some there but you will have to hope they approach you rather than you asking. The places you will find will likely have no English speaking girls or staff so language could be an issue. You'll be looking for smaller outlets with Christmas style lights flickering outside. A bit out of town in most directions would be the best bet.
  19. It was you that suggested corporate manslaughter. A link to the evidence is still required. Thanks. For balance in reporting, you could have read more than the report you like. There are many reports showing evidence favour as well as interviews by ex staff. Let's take a report on BBC as an example. Yes, it does quote the ex employee and his concerns. It also says a court case for wrongful dismissal was brought against the company, the results of which are unknown. Here are a couple of sections of the report that you should be interested in before hurling "corporate manslaughter" accusations. "A December 2018 statement from OceanGate said the Titan had completed a 4,000 meter dive which "completely validates OceanGate's innovative engineering and the construction of Titan's carbon fiber and titanium hull"." "In a May 2021 court filing, the company said Titan had undergone more than 50 test dives, including to the equivalent depth of the Titanic, in deep waters off the Bahamas and in a pressure chamber." Also, with regards to the waiver signed by the passengers. Here is a section of that; "A CBS reporter who went on the Titan in 2022 quoted a waiver people signed before boarding as stating it was "an experimental submersible vessel that has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body which could result in physical injury, emotional trauma or death."" They knew what they were getting into. It seems there are a lot of things that need investigating. From interviews with ex employees, evidence of prior testing plus other information that will be discovered when test on the remains of the sub have been completed. A report can then be written and published. Much better than assumptions by unknowledgeable onlookers.
  20. Please provide a link to the full accident report. If you can't you are making assumptions. Last time I looked, people cannot be accused or charged with corporate manslaughter on the grounds of assumptions.
  21. A passenger on a previous trip was interviewed on TV. Can't remember which channel. He explained the disclaimer that has to be signed prior to boarding tge sub. The word " death" is mentioned 3 times on the first page alone. As previously mentioned by another poster. The victims knew exactly how risky their trip was.
  22. It's best, when posters are asking for advice, to keep travel time estimates within the realms of possibility. 166kms on that road is not possible in 1 to 1.5 hours. It's not likely on many roads in many countries.
  23. No, he won't. That is not how it works. You are talking rubbish.
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