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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. It didn't have to be. Remaining in the union kept the monarch as head of state of Scotland by default.
  2. "We?" I believe it's up to he next generation. The process in 2014 was a " once in a generation" opportunity.
  3. I didn't ask you to. I've read what you wrote. I've asked what it means.
  4. Why is this even news? I worked in a school 7 years ago that allowed teachers to dress according to gender identity. As for students, they were lenient towards hair style and make up but not uniforms.
  5. Indeed they can. However, there us a post on here confirming those responsible were non blacks. I'm interested to know how they know. That us relevant to this discussion. I'll await the response from said poster.
  6. I'm just trying to get proof from someone who has already confirmed it. Maybe you can confirm it's " likely", or is that just a personal assumption?
  7. Or your lack of proof to back your statement that non blacks are responsible.
  8. When my wife applied we were asked for proof of living at same address. Utility bills, bank statements, council tax statements....... She did apply in UK, as she was stuck here on a visitor visa and applied under temporary rules due to Covid19 travel restrictions. Maybe that made a difference, I don't know.
  9. Are they lying? Surely that's to be discovered with the law suit. I was replying to a post that suggested colour had been confirmed. I cannot see that. I was hoping for confirmation.
  10. I can't see any reference with regards to colour of those causing the problems.
  11. Sorry. You seem to be getting confused. Your previous post, the one to which I referred, suggested 3 people should be banged up. I asked you to elaborate. You have offered dome drivel but no actual facts regarding laws broken which result in a custodial sentence. I then suggested you should defend those who have not been charged, as you are with Sturgeon. You have failed on both counts. That's it. In a nutshell. No need for further discussion.
  12. You tell me where it is. You are the one who suggested people should be banged up. Please give us a link to the charge sheets.
  13. In Scotland, those arrested can only be held for up to 12 hours. They must then be released. They can be rearrested for the same matter at anytime.
  14. Did I suggest that? No. I just said " let them go" By the way, no deals, no money, no promises. Nothing. As you say, Scotland is wealthy enough to go alone. Go on then. Just leave. Tell Westminster now you don't need any more from them. Go on. It's going to be so easy.
  15. I believe there have been investigations. Some are still ongoing. Just as you defend Sturgeon, rightly so, for not having been charged, neither have the other 3 you mentioned and you should therefore not be suggesting they should be banged up. It appears you were exaggerating for effect.
  16. Provide a list. Those criminal offenses you said 3 people should "already be banged up" for.. So, we are looking for criminal offenses that under the law of UK carry a custodial sentence.
  17. Get online and start the application. Upload the documents yourself. Find out the nearest place for your wife to have a TB test and English test. That's the start. You'll need to book an appointment at VFS too. If memory serves me well you can upload documents even after you have completed and paid for the application. Therefore, if Bangkok is where the TB and English test need to be taken, you could do these at the same time, make it a 3 day trip, as you are in Bangkok to visit VFS. Note, if you use an agent you still have to go through the same process. All the agent will do is check you have the correct documents. You can do that yourself by downloading the UKVI checklist.
  18. There is no " running back and forth from BKK". One visit to VFS is all it takes. You'll need to find out where to take the English test and TB test. The UKVI website is very straight forward. Proof of marriage, living together for past 2 years and proof of finances is about it. No need for an agent.
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